Chapter 9: Roommates

Day or Night
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Wendy, still reeling from her emotions from the songs, wondered if she should go out and meet Joohyun the way she was. The main rapper berated herself inwardly for choosing to perform these two songs which she felt most emotionally connected to and letting her inner feelings surface to the audience, to Joohyun in particular.

Wendy thought she might require some time to settle her mood but she did not want to leave Joohyun out there alone for too long and so she went out. The rapper’s brow arched upwards when she saw a bunch of guys, five of them, surrounding the area where Joohyun once had been or still was at. A surge of fury coursed through Wendy’s body as she edged past the people to get to where Joohyun was.

There was surprise in some of the scums’ faces when Wendy had pushed past them to stand before Joohyun, her body had angled itself naturally to a protective stance.

“Oh yo, isn’t this Wendy?” One of the scums leered, and elicited grunts of amused acknowledgement from the rest of his buddies.

Wendy ignored them and turned her head away, towards Joohyun who looked as if she had been harassed beyond her acceptance level. “Have these scums been bothering you?” Wendy asked.

Joohyun nodded, with one hand clutching Wendy’s arm tensely.

“Mind you, who are you calling scums?” A guy poked at Wendy’s shoulders as he spoke, like a punk.

This irked Wendy more than she could take but she held in her anger for fear of implicating Joohyun.

“All of you. Leave us alone, and everything will be peaceful,” Wendy said, fully prepared to receive a counter response and there it was.

“Or else?” The guy taunted as he poked Wendy’s shoulder again.

Wendy look impassionedly at the obnoxious jerk. “Expect to feel pain.”

The guy roared with laughter and challenged Wendy as he changed into a fighting stance.

“How stupid,” Wendy muttered before she delivered a high knee kick to the man’s crotch and saw him crumple to the floor in a matter of seconds. Wendy was glad that those martial arts lesson she had taken was still useful. Two of them came at Wendy at the same time. Wendy grabbed both their hands without hesitation, catching them completely by surprise and twisted them so hard that two distinct crunch sounds was produced. The guys who acted like hooligans just before became screaming adults all of a sudden. The remaining two, looked at each other hesitantly, and after deciding that it would be unwise for them challenge the girl, then fled. The bartender who had been watching had scuttled off to bring over the bouncer.    

“Don’t even think about taking revenge, I will make sure you will suffer all your lives if you do,” Wendy warned, her eyes glowering menacingly.

Even after the three men have been escorted out of the club by the burly bouncer, Wendy’s emotions had still not calmed down. She felt terrible for having to resort to violence before Joohyun and did not what to know what the girl might have thought about her. If it had been in the past, she would have found it glamorous for whipping these jerks up but after she had matured, she was disgusted with having to deal with people of these sort.

Wendy would have ordered shots if she had not remembered that she had ridden here and had a passenger with her. She could risk her life but not Joohyun’s and so the rapper only ordered a fruit juice to cool herself down. The rapper wished she was able to ignore Joohyun for as long as possible but she felt Joohyun’s hand on her arm and it was so cold. That cool touch made Wendy grab for the girl’s hands immediately.

“Why are they so cold?” Wendy asked impatiently.

Joohyun looked hurt, almost as if she had just been rebuked unfairly and Wendy felt sorry in an instant for sounding so harsh. The rapper sighed as she rubbed Joohyun’s hands to warm them up. Wendy had always disliked the people around her getting cold and that dislike grew stronger after she discovered her sister’s cold body.

“Put your hands in the jacket next time, I didn’t give it to you for nothing,” Wendy said then after a while, she added, “sorry, I lost my temper. I was mad at myself.”

“I-It’s okay, Wendy. I am not scared,” Joohyun said.

Wendy sighed. “Don’t lie, Joohyun. The President may not be afraid, but you are not the President now.”

The rapper then froze amidst her own words, did she just remind Joohyun about her other persona too? Something which she had hated others doing. “Please forget what I just said,” Wendy followed up upon her mistake.

“About what?” Joohyun asked confusedly.

It was then that Wendy realised that Joohyun was not bothered at all and she did not know how to explain it. Luckily, Joohyun later found out herself.

“Oh… you mean about calling me President? I-I am okay with you doing that,” Joohyun admitted shyly.

Wendy’s brow shot up as she clarified, “you don’t mind being reminded of your other self when you are with me?”

Joohyun frowned, like how the President usually did and then Wendy knew she had gotten her answer even before she had said it.

“No, I do not mind. Wendy, I don’t segment my personalities so clearly like you do but just…” Joohyun stopped to organise her thoughts before saying, “Perhaps you think that I do because I behave differently around you when you are either Seungwan or Wendy?” Joohyun asked.

Wendy gave no reply as she stared at a spot on the bar top. Her fruit juice came and the rapper downed it in three large gulps. The rapper pondered over the question and deciding that she still did not feel like answering, she then held Joohyun by her hand as they went back to the backstage room. Her crew members were in there and they were mildly surprised that Wendy had returned with such a sour face.

“I need the room,” she told the other girls briefly and heard Joohyun’s breath hitch.

Usually they would have taunted the main rapper a little or so but the saw the seriousness in their leader’s face and judged that this was not a good time to do it. The girls left in silence, leaving Wendy and Joohyun to themselves.

“Wendy, are you okay?” Joohyun asked concernedly.

“I am not until you answer a few questions of mine,” Wendy said flatly and saw Joohyun nod.

“Are you intentionally behaving differently when I am Seungwan and when I am Wendy?”

“No, i-it just happens,” Joohyun answered honestly.

“What do you mean by that?”

Joohyun’s eyes darted around restlessly as she tried to formulate her response. “What I meant was… I react differently to the different you. I don’t even control it consciously… just… when you are Seungwan, I feel like a senior to you, I feel necessary to lead you, someway or other but when you are Wendy… I just feel like a fangirl of yours, I feel more nervous around you. It happens naturally…”

Wendy looked at the girl in silence for quite some time, before she nodded. “Well, then… do you think I am sick? Like I have some sort

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BTW in case you guys are curious why I named Wendy's hip hop crew Blue Vanguards, it is because it shares the same acronym as Black Velvet (BV). Just a FYI :)


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kiddoatheartu #1
Chapter 7: That was dark 😢 Depression really 😞 hope everyone stay healthy both in mind and body 🥺
kiddoatheartu #2
Chapter 2: It's nice to read the author's note, I do learn a bit about the story and some spoilers too 😂 I don't know but I was drawn more to WenSoo, I don't remember them interacting at all but I find them cute, one bubbly and you know how DO can be aloft and looking very serious most of the times 🙈
kiddoatheartu #3
Chapter 1: Interesting start, I'm still feeling weird out why Rap tho 😅😂 although if it's regular singing then it won't be as surprising so I kinda get it too 😂
Chapter 39: Sudah tamat
Chapter 38: Akhirnya bahagia
Chapter 37: Akhir yang bagus
Chapter 36: Semoga SEUNGWAN selamat
Chapter 35: Wah apakah ada kecelakaan lagi
Chapter 34: Semakin seru
Chapter 33: Ya bagaimana sekarang