Chapter 37: Heaven's Gate

Day or Night
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Joohyun could not bear to eat nor sleep. No matter how much effort Joy and Seulgi had put into persuading her to do so, those words merely flew past Joohyun’s ears.


Seungwan could not be certain if she was still living but right now she could be certain that she was not in her physical form because her physical form had hurt like a and this form had not. Besides, her sister was here with her as well.

Jessica was as beautiful as Seungwan had remembered her to be. Beautiful, powerful and nearly flawless. It hurt Seungwan to think that her sister was no longer living. Seungwan took careful steps towards Jessica, like a guilty child.

“You were too careless. Don’t you care for your own life?” Her sister scolded but her tone was gentle.

“Says the one who intentionally took her own life.” Seungwan retorted childishly.

Jessica’s lips had curved into a bitter smile. “Touche, then I guess I am in no position to chastise you on that.”

There was a momentary pause between them and Seungwan bit her lips. She had in fact not minded her sister rebuking her, as long as her sister could continue doing so. Seungwan was about to urge her sister to go on when Jessica did so on her own accord.   

“So well… now my business here would be to remind you that if you’ve got the guts to stand up to our father, then you must be brave enough to fight for your life now.”

Seungwan winced as she remembered the white-hot pain that seared through her body. It had hurt so much that she was afraid to face it. What if she had become disabled, what if she had to live life in constant pain. All of these thoughts scared her.

“Jessica, fighting to live hurts.”

The bitter smile on Jessica’s face had morphed into that of a more painful smile. Of course, Jessica would be able to relate to what Seungwan was saying, be it if the pain was physical or psychological. Seungwan held back the temptation to hug her sister right then, she should not have spoken such thoughtless words, especially when there was no going back for her sister.

“But if the fight is worth it and helps lessen the hurt to the people around you. Then its worth it,” Jessica said in a distant voice.  

Seungwan bit deeply into her lip. It was true and she knew who she had to live for, so many of them. Her thoughts were soon replaced by how much it would hurt Joohyun, her crew members, everyone else if she were gone. For her crew members, they had shared so much laughter and shed so many tears with one another, established a name and identity for themselves, found a family in each other. For Joohyun, she had made her so many promises of love, bared all her scars to her and saw just as many vulnerabilities in her, they fought so hard just to be together. Finally, Seungwan was finally able to see beyond herself and found the will to fight to live.

“I will fight.”

A smile of relief had washed over Jessica’s face. “Good. That is good. Be strong, Seungwan.”

Seungwan nodded and finally hugged her sister.

“I love you, Wendy Son Seungwan. You will forever be my baby sister. I love you and please be happy. I will watch over you, always.”

“I love you Jessica, Sooyeon. We shall see each other at the other side some day, but not today.”  


Seungwan knew she was regaining consciousness because she was starting to feel pain again. Everywhere. Seungwan tried to open her eyelids but it felt as though they had been glued shut. It made her wonder just how long she had been unconscious. Eventually, Seungwan’s eyelids fluttered open yet her vision was still blurry.

After several moments, she was able to make out vague shapes around her. This pain she was experiencing was far more subdued than she had remembered but still, it hurt and Seungwan wondered if she could force herself back to sleep. Perhaps waking up later would reduce the amount of pain. However, soon she started to make out voices and amongst them was Joohyun’s. Perhaps she should stay awake after all. Yet, her body would not pay heed to her wants and she soon fell asleep again, unable to cling onto Joohyun’s voice.


The next time Seungwan woke, her vision came back to her more quickly but she felt no less groggy.

“Seungwan.” Joohyun was by her side immediately. “H-How are you feeling?” Joohyun’s voice was choking and Seungwan felt heartache.

“Oh no… don’t talk. I’m sorry Seungwan… I am just too excited that you are finally awake. You have been asleep for five days.”

Seungwan wanted to nod in reply but felt something holding her neck in place. Besides, she was afraid that it might hurt. True to her expectations, Seungwan tried working and pain crept up the column of it just by doing so. She tried to make a sound which came out sounding like a whimper and saw pain in Joohyun’s eyes. Joohyun looked exhausted, there were bags under her eyes and her cheeks were sunken. This tired-looking Joohyun was imprinted in her mind.

“Let me get the doctor.”

Before Joohyun returned, Seungwan had fallen back asleep again. Seungwan remembered vaguely how she had scolded herself mentally for being unable to stay awake to look at Joohyun longer.

It was another two days later when Seungwan woke up again.


Joohyun was close to being burnt-out and she knew it. However, she could not help herself but be near Seungwan during every single moment of this ordeal. Joohyun had to make sure that Seungwan’s heart was beating and no one could dissuade her from being away from the girl for more than half an hour, not even Mr nor Mrs Son.

Seungwan’s parents must also have resigned from asking Joohyun to get some time away from their daughter in the face of Joohyun’s devotedness. They knew in their hearts that the first person Seungwan would probably want to see is Joohyun and it would be in the best of their daughter’s interest that her girlfriend was by her side.

The first few days were torment for all of them because there were a few times Seungwan’s monitors had went nuts. The Blue Vanguards had also stayed throughout the entire time with Seungwan. Fortunately, despite Seungwan’s injuries being severe, there was none that would be lasting and the doctors assured that she would make full recovery.

Joohyun had delayed the starting date of her internship just to accompany Seungwan and when her girlfriend was finally awake for the first time, she had leapt for joy. That joy only lasted a while before Seungwan slipped back into a state of unconsciousness. This time  round, Seungwan had awaken again and even managed to utter some words. She was even able to breathe on her own already and did not require a full face oxygen mask.


“I’m here.”

“How long…”

“A week.” Joohyun answered immediately.

“… have you not slept?” Seungwan asked instead, wheezing slightly.

Joohyun let out a choke that was in between a sob and laughter. Her girlfriend was still thinking about her well-being at a time like this. Joohyun wanted to scold Seungwan but that also meant that she was regaining her cognitive functions well enough.

“I nodded off just three hours ago.” Joohyun replied shortly after, still holding the tears in her eyes.

“I mean… when did you last get proper sleep?” Seungwan asked again.

Joohyun merely shook her head as long-held tears of joy leaked from her eyes. Mrs Son and Jennie then approached Seungwan.

“Your girlfriend did not get proper sleep at all for the past one week,” Mrs Son said, rather kindly.


Mrs Son was so moved when her daughter had called her that she had immediately burst out into tears.

“I am confiscating your bike,” Mrs Son said reproachfully, her face tear-stained as she her daughter’s hair.

Seungwan smiled up at her mother. There was something different about her mother and Seungwan could not yet figure out what it was.

Seungwan then moved on to address the next occupant in the room. “Jennie…”

Jennie’s lips trembled. “Don’t tell me that it is not my fault. You don’t know anything, Wendy. I’ve landed you in a real mess this time round.”

Seungwan tried to shake her head but her head and neck still ached.

“It’s really not your fault… Jennie… you tried to warn me.”

Jennie sniffed, “you don’t even know what happened… Recover quickly so I can confess my sins,” Jennie added.

Noting the absence of her father, Seungwan wanted to ask but she was once again too tired to do so. She let the ladies in the room explain to her the magnitude of her injuries as well as the events leading up to it. Seungwan knew she had been sabotaged and that someone had cut her brake lines but she never expected Chanyeol to have gotten involved with the peddlers.

Seungwan’s head was beginning to hurt as she thought about all these matters. Fighting to keep her mind clear, Seungwan tried to ask.

“Is Chanyeol…” Seungwan began but her mother interrupted her.

“The elders in the Parks had gotten knowledge about this and will deal with this matter separately. Seungwan, rest, we will fill you in another time.”

Seungwan breathed in steadily as a sign of agreement and shut her eyelids but not before feeling Joohyun’s soft hands entwining with hers.


Another week flew past and Seungwan had recovered markedly. Yet, during the entire time, Mr Son had not appeared before his daughter and Seungwan soon found out the reason why. Mrs Son was contemplating a divorce from her husband after acknowledging how much psychological damage her husband had caused her children. Mrs Son had additionally forbidden Mr Son from visiting Seungwan.

It was a pity but to be truthful, Seungwan thought it could also be better. After all, she was in no state to deal with her father.

“You almost ing died,” Jennie scolded.

“Yes, I know that. I felt like I was dying too.”

“Bobby and his men have all been caught. They were dumb enough to not have noticed that the cctv would capture all of their deeds. Your father, I mean… Mr Son, is going to pursue the harshest punishment for them.”

Seungwan sighed. “He heard me on the phone before I crashed.”

Jennie grimaced at the thought of the incident. Seungwan was told that all of the members of Blue Vanguards had arrived on scene just as she was to be loaded into the ambulance. Jennie was brave enough to hop onto the ambulance with her whilst Jisoo was trying her very best to console a very shaken Rose who had caught sight of Wendy’s bloodied and broken state, all of them did.  

Joohyun had just returned to her ward and continued the story with her own arms wrapped around her torso as she did so. It was all of their worst nightmare. “He was just like any father in that moment. Seungwan, I was with him during that time.”

Seungwan pursed her lips. “I know. I am still angry that you met my father without telling me.”

Joohyun’s eyes fell but she took a seat on Seungwan’s bed. “I’m sorry.”

Seungwan held Joohyun’s hand. “Yes, you should be sorry but just for that. I don’t want you to think that the accident was your fault in any way. You too, Jennie.”

“You almost died.” Joohyun repeated and Jennie echoed after her.

“But I didn’t. I am even better and stronger now.”

“Please, you haven’t even fully recovered yet. Don’t talk big. Just one jab to your ribs and you will crumple like a marionette with its strings cut,” Jennie teased.  

Joohyun immediately positioned herself protectively before Seungwan. “Jennie… please don’t.”

Jennie rolled her eyes. “President, you really think I would do that?”

“My Joohyun won’t take chances,” Seungwan said naughtily.   

“Whatever it is. You survived. Any words of gratitude?”


“How cold. Anyway, I am going out on a date with Jisoo. Take care of yourself. Oh and by the way… Chanyeol… he is a little too guilt-ridden to visit you anytime soon but I guess you don’t care anyway so that’s all,” Jennie said lazily before leaving the ward.

Joohyun’s fists clenched and was met with Seungwan’s warm touch.

“I’m sorry, a lot of things went wrong,” Seungwan said.

“You should not be, you were a victim of all these mess,” Joohyun said, tears lining her eyes again. It made Seungwan wonder just how much Joohyun had cried for her.

“I should have done my pre-ride checks and heeded Jennie’s warning… I was emotional and di

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BTW in case you guys are curious why I named Wendy's hip hop crew Blue Vanguards, it is because it shares the same acronym as Black Velvet (BV). Just a FYI :)


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kiddoatheartu #1
Chapter 7: That was dark 😢 Depression really 😞 hope everyone stay healthy both in mind and body 🥺
kiddoatheartu #2
Chapter 2: It's nice to read the author's note, I do learn a bit about the story and some spoilers too 😂 I don't know but I was drawn more to WenSoo, I don't remember them interacting at all but I find them cute, one bubbly and you know how DO can be aloft and looking very serious most of the times 🙈
kiddoatheartu #3
Chapter 1: Interesting start, I'm still feeling weird out why Rap tho 😅😂 although if it's regular singing then it won't be as surprising so I kinda get it too 😂
Chapter 39: Sudah tamat
Chapter 38: Akhirnya bahagia
Chapter 37: Akhir yang bagus
Chapter 36: Semoga SEUNGWAN selamat
Chapter 35: Wah apakah ada kecelakaan lagi
Chapter 34: Semakin seru
Chapter 33: Ya bagaimana sekarang