Coffee with Tardy Psychics


Waiting an hour for a love agency date Seokjin encouraged him to join, was not in Jimin’s books as an enjoyable night – chatting to a guy with a blinding smile and blueberry muffins, however, Jimin could like.
aka. Jimin and Jungkook sign up as blind dates and Jimin makes a mental reminder to buy Jin all the food he wants when he gets home.


Just a fluffy Jikook oneshot for no other reason than Jikook exists. I hope you like it!

I love comments and if you have any suggestions for future fic ideas just leave a comment below.
Also, if you could vote and/or subscribe I'll love you forever xxx





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Stina77 #1
Chapter 1: That stroy was so lovely and cute and ahhhh!
I really really liked it! (*ฅ́ ˘ฅ̀*)♡