Chapter One

˜”*°•.˜”*°• Petos (Betrayal) •°*”˜.•°*”˜
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢  
❝ Petos ❞

Yugyeom slipped down the long hallway as he glanced around, He had to be careful. The sensitive information that he was carrying couldn’t be discovered by anyone around him. He was far too deep behind enemy lines for his cover to be blown now. He had been doing great for the six months that he had been living with the vampire clan, so he couldn't afford a compromise. His father had given him a location to meet in his last letter, which he had burned after setting a reminder in his phone. Of course, now that it had been another month it was time for a rendezvous with one of his fellow SOSD coworkers.


He had to make it out of the clan’s main house first. With Jungkook around it was going to be a little harder than it normally would have been if the young vampire was at a lesson or out on the town, So Yugyeom was taking a risk with heading out during the middle of the night. Over the 6 months that he had lived here he spent every waking moment trying to convince the vampires that he wanted to be one of them. The simple thought of becoming a vampire though.. That made his skin crawl with disgust. He despised vampire kind, they were an abomination that needed to be eliminated from the world completely.


“Where are you going at this time of night dear?”

Yugyeom whipped his head around and put on a fake, yet sweet smile once he saw the woman standing in front of him. “Just out for a walk ma’am, I’ll be back before sunrise so please don't worry.” He assured her as he continued to smile. “I needed to get some air, I have been studying so much lately that I haven't been able to head out to town very often.” Though part of that was a lie, He hasn't really been studying per say. He had been more so mooching. It was something that needed to be done in order to get more information out of the older vampires who were more cautious around newcomers, especially those that haven't gone through their transformations.


The woman nodded and smiled softly as she reached up to pinch Yugyeom’s cheek for a moment before walking off to continue whatever she was doing. Yugyeom sighed heavily as he made his way down the hall and through the back door, There was a broken section on the wall around the back that he always used to leave the property without being detected. Though now that the old woman knew he was leaving it was even riskier. The path behind the house led into the woods, he knew the path better than he knew himself now. So it was a lot harder for him to get lost, He knew that the path would take him directly into the heart of Daegu, so then he would only have to walk a few more block to reach the meeting point.


He wasn’t exactly sure of how long it took him, but he knew he only had a few hours before sunrise, which would give him enough time to make it back into the compound before his presence was really missing. The meeting point was a small cafe that was owned by another SOSD that was left open for this very purpose. Rounding the back of the building, Yugyeom found the back entrance and made his way in, the door unlocked. The cafe was dark, though it wasn’t that much of an issue for him. His eyes were mostly adjusted to seeing in the dark anymore since studies and anything else usually happened during the night hours. While they weren’t the traditional “Hollywood” vampires, this clan wasn’t that active during the day. If anything they did more planning for hunts and things during the daylight hours while night time was either spent hunting or conducting studies and research. What kind of research, well that was still something Yugyeom wasn’t privileged to know about, but he was sure with a little more coaxing from Jungkook, he would eventually find out. And with any luck, he probably would be able to enter the room that had all the research documents in it.


“Anyone follow you?”


Yugyeom stilled for a split second before snorting, turning towards the voice. He could make out the outline of the person standing there, watching as he moved slowly, though he couldn’t be sure who it was yet. His eyesight wasn’t that good yet. “Of course not,” he said. The man finally stepped out of the shadows and he wasn’t sure if he was relieved to see Jinyoung standing there or not. Out of all the hunters in SOSD, Jinyoung was the strictest and closet with his father. If he wasn’t absolutely sure that his father would make him the next leader of the hunters, Yugyeom was sure that Jinyoung would be given that title. He was a hunter that was highly admired and respected and Yugyeom respected him as well, it was just sometimes he was rather blunt and downright mean. “Stupid question don’t you think?” he asked.


“Not at all. Considering how long you’ve been gone, we can’t be too careful.” Jinyoung said, eyes roaming over Yugyeom’s form before looking back to his face and raised a brow some, a snarky smirk on his face.


“You have no right to even insinuate what you just did.” Yugyeom scoffed.


“Oh no? Not a vampire lover yet?” Jinyoung asked and snorted.


“Absolutely not. Nor will I ever be.” Yugyeom sneered and rolled his eyes. “Of all the people for my father to send to meet me.” he muttered to himself, though he didn’t bother to try and keep his voice down so Jinyoung wouldn’t hear him. He wanted the other to hear him; to hear the disdain he had for him.


“You little shi-”


“Do you want the information or not?” Yugyeom cut him off and cocked his head.


“If it weren’t for that I would show you just exactly who’s boss.” Jinyoung growled.


“Certainly not you. You weren’t the one picked for this mission after all.” Yugyeom smirked and hummed. Opening his jacket, he reached into the inside pocket where the documents he had gathered for the past few weeks were safely stored. Pulling them out, he held them out to Jinyoung.


“This is all?” Jinyoung asked.


“Want me to bring the library next time? Of course this is all. I got only the important things from what I was allowed to see.” Yugyeom scowled.


“Six months and you still haven’t gotten anything better than random,” Jinyoung looked down at the papers, flipping through them, “lore and about this clan? We know this! We need something better!” He said as he waved the papers in the air. “This is bull Yugyeom. We need to know their secrets. How do they get into the towns without being seen. Where do they take the people they kidnap. How do they turn people. We need to know every dark secret they have and we need to know now.”


“I’m doing my best!” Yugyeom snapped. “Maybe with a little more prying from Jungkook-”


“Jungkook?” Jinyoung asked.


“He’s a high ranking vampire. I think one or two ranks below the elders that run the clan. He’s been my source of information until now. Maybe if I pry more he’ll give me more information.” he huffed and shook his head.


“Well you better figure it out. The next blood moon is in three months and we know they do something every blood moon. That’s your time limit.”


“Look, I’m doing my best, but they don’t easily trust-”


“Then make them.” Jinyoung growled out. “We’re done here.” he said. He pocketed the papers before slipping back into the shadows to make his leave. Yugyeom stood there and shook his head, seething with frustration. God he honestly hated Jinyoung. The other just didn’t get it.


“Damn it.” he cursed and kicked the nearest object next to him. The last thing he really wanted to do was actually use Jungkook to his advantage. He had worked so hard to get the other to trust him and now he could risk it all just because Jinyoung was getting impatient. The er. But might as well try.


Three months. He could get substantial information in three months. It couldn’t be that hard.



Once back at the house Yugyeom flopped down onto his bed face first, the meeting with Jinyoung still had his blood boiling with frustration. Though the sun was slowly rising he still hadn’t seen Jungkook at all. It was a strange occurrence for Jungkook to go missing for a little while. It had happened just a few times in the past six months, he was sure he was just out with the elders or with a girl maybe. He wasn't too sure, Jungkook hadn't told him much about himself, only how he was raised and how he was trained. It was an interesting story to say the least.


He was exhausted, the long trek back and forth from town had taken quite a bit out of him but it wasn’t even dinner time. It would be breakfast for him but dinner for the vampires. They tried to keep him well taken care of during the day, some of the day walkers would stay with him and help him study and travel with him. Normally the day walkers would have arrived at his room by now so something had to be going on.


Yugyeom slowly dragged himself out of bed and made his way back down the hall, keeping his eyes moving for any sign of movement in any of the rooms. After turning the corner towards the kitchen he heard voices, some hushed but some booming in volume, there must be a meeting that he wasn't aware of. He stepped closer to the door which was cracked open, leaning closer to try and hear clearer. He needed to know what they were saying. Though before he could eavesdrop successfully a hand feel onto his shoulder from behind, causing his body to tense up slightly. He turned his head a little but then sighed as his eyes met Jungkooks.


“What’s going on?” He asked curiously as he eyed the vampire, glancing to the hand on his shoulder. He was thankful that it was only Jungkook, but he also knew that Jungkook was an elite ranked vampire, a highly trained assassin built to kill.


Jungkook stared at Yugyeom for a moment, assessing what he had come across. It honestly wasn’t that strange to see Yugyeom trying to eavesdrop onto meetings within the mansion. The other was trying to be one of them and was very eager to learn all he needed to know about the clan to be one of them. This was just another one of those moments where he was curious to know about things going on. Smiling softly, he looked back at the door for a moment. “A meeting.” he said. “Though why they picked the kitchen, I’ll never understand.” he chuckled softly, removing his hand slowly from Yugyeom’s shoulder. It’s not like he wanted to, but he should.


“You should go back to your room and rest. I heard you were out earlier.” he chuckled softly. “If it’s anything that concerns you, I’ll let you know.” he said. With that, he grabbed the handle and turned it. Slipping into the room, he closed the door behind him so he could join in on the meeting and at least find out what the urgent call had been about.

Yugyeom frowned as he looked Jungkook over for a moment and nodded slightly, not like he could tell the vampire no. He would rather go back to his room than be killed by Jungkook. It was strange, how Jungkook treated him. The vampire treated him as if he were a closely regarded friend or even a sibling, but at the same time he kept him at an arms length. It was a confusing situation that he was in because of Jungkook. He didn’t like him, not one bit. But he was nice to have around since he was around his age in human years. The 200 year old vampire had a lot of knowledge he was sure of that. He just needed to get him alone and relaxed.


He sighed as he started walking back to his room, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket. He hated having to listen to the vampires orders, he was used to giving orders and only taking them from his father. It was rare that he was ordered around because of his position in the SOSD. Once in his room he grabbed his notebook and started thumbing through it slowly, rereading all of his notes that he had taken over the past six months. There was information on the highest ranked vampires of the clan, including Jungkook.


He paused at a particular page that had regained his interest, it was something written by jungkook himself. He hadn't seen it till now but this is something that could be groundbreaking. He didn't know how Jungkook had found his journal but if he had then the had probably read everything had written… But then again Jungkook had just seen him and not said anything about his journal. Was he trying to protect him? Whatever it was he needed to go to the address given, maybe it would lead him to the secrets he needed,


But that would be for another day. Yugyeom was too tired to snoop any further, between spying on the vampire clan and fake spying on hunters he was just exhausted. He needed to get some sleep before he did anything else. He just hoped that Jungkook would come to inform him about the meeting that was going on. Even if the vampire had to wake him up he wouldn't mind.

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