Page 10

Be With Me

It's been a week since the get together are Ajumma Taeng's and I don't know how to approach her... How do I get her attention? Namjoon Hyung said it was pretty simple and the outcome...well...


"So have you got her attention yet?" Namjoon stated as he picks up another chopstick full of ramen.

"Huh?! A-A-Atten..tion?" Jimin stuttered.

"Wow, are you really that bad at this now Chim? You know.... go talk to her. You show up where she's at, walk over and greet her and then start a conversation. Get to know her like people do every day when they are passing each other by."

*Conversation....Yeah a conversation, that's a good one! The only conversation I'll be having will be in my head as I'm staring in the back room again looking at her... again. *

Jimin leans in hoping the conversation sticks between him and Namjoon. "Hyung, you talk like.. like it's such an easy thing to do. Everyone doesn't work out that way y-you know. She's just not someone you can... I-I-I can just go up and talk to-"

"Who?!" Jungkook asks.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook! Don't do that!" Jimin replied back with a startled look. *where did he pop out from?*

"Who?!" Jungkook repeated once again. With a blank stare on his face again as he sips from his banana milk.

"You know who Jungkook!" A bewildered Jimin responded back.

"I do, I just want to hear you say it Jimin Hyung." Jungkook looked back with grin, "So, who?

Jimin backed his chair up and puffed out a breath while slumping down into it, thinking about her get his mind all over the place. To think about her right now again is making him thinking about everything but nothing at the same time... his mind going all over the place once again.

"I-I...A-A-Ahh...Yah Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin exclaimed in the surrounding group of boys who has now gathered interest around the situation from his outburst.

Everyone but Jimin bursted out in laughter to his expression. Jimin was absolutely speechless, and by how his face was probably as red as a tomato. 

"Yah--*laughs* Jungkook, don't *laughs* oh gosh....*cough* *cough* wow, that was funny." Laughed Seokjin who was constantly hitting Jungkook over and over again on top of his window wiping laugh that wasn't going to quiet down anytime soon.

Suga thinks up a thought "If you need help just say so Jimin-ah. I can always text her since I'm the only one who's close to her. Ask if she's busy or when she's in the office and free for lunch, you know that kind of stuff."

Taking his seat that was next to Jimin, he was waiting for a response from the quiet younger friend... but didn't get any. "Yah, Jimin-ah" asked Yoongi as he places a hand on his shoulder. 

"Jimin-ah?" he asks once more and slightly shook the non moving boy. "Jimin, are you okay? Ya! Quiet down everyone, gosh you guys are loud." The laughter and side conversation instantly dies down and all eyes peers over at the boy who finally opened up his eyes covering his face with his hands, another habit Park Jimin has when he's stressed out.

Jimin breathes out with a shaky breath "I don't know how I am going to do this..." Jimin whispers quietly but enough for the boys surrounding him to hear his words. HeJiminPark Jimin. Was simply, scared. Very scared. At the fact that One, someone can actually make him feel this kind of way. Two, he doesn't even know if he has any courage left when it comes to her. And Three, he needs major help if he's going to go anywhere along the lines of getting close to her or better yet... talk to her. Park Jimin was very scared at what this feeling he had for her had become.

"Jimin-ah." Namjoon whispered, this friend was very serious about this girl. The room became heavy as they felt Jimin's seriousness over the situation. Each filling their empty cups and bowls from the feast they were having, they became silent as to what they could do to help the poor guy who seems like there was no options left, or if there were options he didn't have any courage to try because all hope was lost.

After the long silence, Taehyung was the once to speak up for once. Being the best of friends with Jimin.  As if the sun was finally shining through the dark clouds, Taehyung finally shined a bright smile. 

"I have a plan."

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Sincerely, P.Peach~


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