One letter "U"



-- past --

"still... we can still be friends, right?" 

-- present --

I sighed. I regretted to this day for asking that of him. I guess I was too arrogant to end things completely. I wanted to show him that I wasn't that hurt or affected by the break up. I wanted to ensure him that he didn't mean that much to me. 

He did. 

I am just not sure what is it that I regretted. The fact that I let him go or that I didn't completely let him go. 



I left and never look back. I walked so fast and so far, as if I was running away from him. That couldn't be the case, because it's not like he was chasing me. 

I wanted him to, though, but he didn't. They never did. They always walk away like it was very easy to do so, like it was very easy to say goodbye to me. 



Hair looks... good. Mascara... intact. Lips... oh lip gloss lip gloss, where is it. I grabbed my lip gloss, swiped it across my lips and shoved it back inside my bag. OK. Done.

Once everything is ready, I took one long breath and tucked my hair behind my ears. 

I pressed call and I waited.

I waited... 

and I waited more. 

The video call was hung up by the application because the other person never pick up the call. 


I tried again, but the same result.

I sighed. This is not the first time he missed our call, our scheduled call. We used to be so excited for our call, always early and ready. I wonder if it's the distance, the timing... or is it our heart.  


This is a story about love...

This is a story about U


If you come here thanks to my beautiful poster, it is made by 

-Jester@records graphic shop




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DarelAranovskie #1
i love this <3
Chapter 1: ahh so precious <3