Chapter 10: Just a game

Beauty and the Beast

            Chansung carries Hailey back to the Mansion. Taecyeon comes running fast from the left side of the mansion. His heart is as ease seeing Hailey safe in Chansungs’ arms.

            “Hailey.” Taecyeon called in a worried tone.

            “She’s okay. No injuries.” Said Chansung. Hailey still cling onto Chansung as she looks at Taecyeon. “Seung won was here. He hid in the forest.”

            “He escaped?”

            Chansung nod. “I’m sorry.”

            “That’s not important. What’s important is Hailey’s safety.” Said Taecyeon. He notices how clingy Hailey is to Chansung. She was not crying anymore. She’s resting on her head on his shoulder. “Chansung.”


            “I want you to be Hailey’s personal guard.” Said Taecyeon.

            Chansung was slightly shocked by Taecyeon words.

            “You are second in command and Hailey’s personal guard. Protect her till the day she is strong enough to inherit Sunye’ s seat as one of the five elders.”

            Chansung nod. “It will take a while for her to be normal again. We need to find someone who shares the same trait as Lady Sunye. Someone loving and good with kid.”

            Taecyeon thought of Yoona.

            “I know who can. Take her to her room.” Taecyeon ordered the maid.

The maid walks over to Chansung and reaches her arms to carry Hailey away, but she refuses to let go to Chansung.

            “I’ll take her.” Said Chansung. The maid bow and step aside. Chansung continues to carry Hailey into the mansion. The maid follows from behind.

            Taecyeon watches them for short moment then face the elite guard. They stand in rows and column of 5 by 5 and salute to him.

            “Search the area. I want not stranger within 100 miles from here.” Taecyeon ordered.

            “Yes, sir.” The salute before scattered away.

            Taecyeon stand at the front of the mansion, looking at the open land and forest. He takes a sniff in the air. His eyes change, eyebrows narrow in a disturbing yet fills with anger as she glares at the darkest of the forest.

* * * * *

[The night comes…..]

            Yoona rest her head back against the chair. She looks at the ceiling of her office of the IM enterprise. “I’ll be back soon.” His words cross inside her head again. She has not been herself at all today. Her mind keeps wondering restlessly. She tries to focus in work, but the image keeps appearing inside her head. The doors open, Seung-gi enter with two cups of tea in his hands. Yoona startle when she looks at the doors to her office. For a second, she thought it was him.

            “What are you thinking about?” Seung-gi asked as he places a cup in front of her on the table.

            Yoona let out a soft smile. “Just about my father.” She said.

            “I heard he’s awake.” Said Seung-gi, seating on the chair opposite from her.

            “He is.”

            “That’s good. Were they able to find out what the cause was?”

            “No.” Yoona shook her head lightly. She picks up the cup and takes a sip. “Thank you for helping Yuri these past couple days.”

            “It’s my duties as a member of the company. I get paid to work.”

            “You’ve exceeded more than the description listed when posted for hired.”

            Seung-gi let out a lighthearted laugh. “Are we going to sit here all-night listening to you complimenting me?”

            Yoona smiles as she put the glass down on the table. “We can, but it’s getting late. You need to go home and rest.”

            “What about you?” Seung-gi asked.

            “I have one more file to go through then I will go.” Said Yoona.

            “Do you need my help?”

            Yoona shook her head lightly, ‘no’. “Not tonight but tomorrow. Yuri and I still need your help bringing the company back to its feet.”

            Seung-gi inhale and exhale softly. “Okay. Don’t stay too late.” He said.

            Yoona nod lightly. Seung-gi give her another smile before he stand and walks to the door. He turns and look at Yoona, who now have her focus on the monitor. She continues to work diligently. He leaves the room, closing the door and walks down the hall to the elevator.

            The night continues to drag for another two hours. Yoona was done with work. She encrypted the files before shutting down the computer. She grab her purse and leave the her office. A ding. The elevator stop and doors slide open. She enter the elevator and press the ‘M’ button. The elevator moves—sliding down to the main floor of the IM Enterprise. Walking to the exit of the building, Yoona stop and looks around her. She felt a present watching. Her heart beating nervously fast. Thump.Thump.Thump.

            Yoona grab of the chain of her purse and hurries out of the building to her car. A white smoke cloud whisk around her as if a body imprison her from moving… it suffocates her.

            The sound of hunger animals growling close by. The white smoke disappeared as the presence of black with cloudy deep blue oval eyes in the dark from the side of the building.

            Yoona quickly gets into her car—start the engine and step on the gas pedal.

            “As agreed, you do not harm her.” Said Hyun-Joong, hidden in the dark behind the tree.

            A smirk flash across another man face. “She is very pretty… she makes a perfect member of the clan. If not, a perfect meal for my boys.”

            “Woo Bin.” Hyun Joong shot a fierce look at him.

            “I thought you wanted the company for yourself?”

            “I do…but…”

            “Don’t worry. My boys are just going to scare her a little. Just a little fun. No harm done.” Said Woo Bin with an evil smirk. “After all, I just want to know what role she will play in in the game.  She might be an important piece to bring the Jin victory… to eliminate the Daegun once and for all.” He raises his left hand up and signal his men to pursue her.

            Driving in the road then merge to an empty highway. She glances to the side and sees a pair of eyes glaring at her. She looks at the back through the rear mirror and sees a human-animal figures chasing after her by monstrous foot. A Lycan crash its’ body to the car, making the car slant to the right.

“Ah.” Yoona shriek by a hit from the Lycan. She looks at the rear mirror again and sees the Lycans very close to her car. She steps harder onto the gas pedal—the car pick up the speed.

            Two Lycan join the chase, forcing her to exit the highway on to another road. The sound of Lycan growling frightened her. Lycans surround her from behind. They continue to chase her. Pushes her vehicle to the right. Yoona takes a right turn to the mountain road. The chase continues up the mountain road to a fair plain. A Lycan jump onto her vehicle. Another leap onto the front of the car and stop it with its’ body. Yoona is petrify by the looks of the Lycan in front of her. Theirs eyes were full of darkness and hunger. Their deadly sharp teeth ready to devour. She looks to the side and sees claws pin to the car. The sound of terrifying growls continues to echo around her. The driver ripped apart from the car. Its’ right claw reaches for her.

            “Ah!” Yoona scream. 

            Suddenly, a body slam onto the Lycan that stand in front of her. A strong hand pulls the seatbelt off her then drag her out of the car. She stands behind the tall body…. a familiar figure.


            Taecyeon is livid. His blue-platinum eyes glaring at his enemy. He body shifts—the tops tears in half and falls to the ground. He shifts to a half-lycan half-human, a beast in front of her eyes. He growls loudly at the enemy. They were frightened but it did not scare them away. Yoona witnesses everything from behind. She sees the frightened look of the enemy backing away slowly.  All Lycans looks at each other, waiting for one to make a daring move to attack him. One after another attacks him. Taecyeon grabs him by the wrist and throws him in the air. Distract by the numbers of enemies, one Lycan quietly went to Yoona. Taecyeon sees it from the corner of his left eyes. He hurries over to her and tackles it away from her. Three Lycan charging at him from different direction. He leap. And stomp on one. Chansung leaps from the sky down to the ground. He grabs the other Lycan by the left arm and tears it apart from the body. The Daegun guards rush to aid Taecyeon and Chansung, fighting off the enemy. Taecyeon, still in his beast transformation, walks up to her. Yoona takes a frightened step back. Taecyeon shifts back into his human.  

            “Yoona.” He called her in a deep tone.

            “What—what are you?”

            There were no words. Just quietness from him.  

            Chansung walks up to Taecyeon, “You should head back.” He said.

            Taecyeon is still looking at her.

            “Taecyeon.” Chansung called.

            “Burn the bodies. Double the guards. Search for others.” Said Taecyeon in deep harsh tone. He grab and hold her hand. “You are coming with me.” He said. Before Yoona could speak or resist him. He carries in bridal way and leap in the air. They disappear.

            About a half a mile away from the scene, Woo Bin and Hyung-Joon stand watching in the dark. Woo-Bin had a clear sight of everything that happens, while Hyung-Joon remains hidden well enough that others will not see him if they were caught.

            “Interesting.” Woo Bin smirked. “It seems like the leader of the Daegun Clan have finally open his heart.” He said with sharp and evil stares. “This game keeps getting better and better.”

            Chansung glances at the dead body on the ground,  “Get rid of the bodies. Search the perimeters.” Chansung ordered. The guards bow before they do as commanded.

            The dead Lycans burns into ashes. Chansung looks up around the place. He takes a deep breath before he watches the remaining enemies burnt on the plain.


[The Ok Mansion….. ]

            Taecyeon land on the ground, in front of his mansion. The pair of metal gates open. He walks to the front door with her still in his arms. The guards bow as Taecyeon walk pass them.

            “Put me down.” Yoona struggles free herself from him.

            Taecyeon stop and looks at her, “Stop moving.” He said. “Unless you want to end up out there with them.”

            His last sentence frightened her. The image of the monsters still inside her head. The pair of front doors parted and the maids bow to greet Taecyeon and Yoona. He carries her into the mansion through the living room to the grand library room. He put her down on the couch and take three step back, giving her some room to breath and collect herself. She was still in state of terror and shock from what she saw earlier and now. He was two different person, two different species in front her. One second, he was like one of them. Another second, he was just like her, a human.

            “You’re safe.” Said Taecyeon.

            “What are you?”

            Taecyeon did not answer. She waits for an answer. He did not where to start or what to say to her.

            “Those monster…and your eyes.”

            “I’m different.” He finally spoke.


            Yoona stays quiet, waiting for him to say more than just two words. Min-jun enters the room with Chansung.  

            “What happens out there?” Min-jun questioned.

            “We were under attack.” Said Chansung.


            “The Jin.”

            Min-jun glance at Chansung then switch his attention to Yoona, who is still frighten. He looks at Taecyeon. “And you brought her back? A witness?”            

            “They chased her here.” Said Taecyeon in a deep tone.

            “You know her?” Min-jun asked.

            “She’s the daughter of Mr. Im. A partner of mine.”

            Min-jun takes another look at Yoona. Taecyeon was still standing in front of her, in a very protective way. “They were just using her.” He said.

            “We shall talk about this in private.” Said Taecyeon, stopping Min-jun from spilling out the truth.

            “Okay. I will wait in the study room.” Said Min-jun.

            Taecyeon nod. Min-jun leaves the room. 

            “Go prepare her a room.” Taecyeon ordered Chansung.

            Chansung bow before he leaves the room.

            Taecyeon looks at Yoona again. “How did you end up there? Where were you going? How did you know the road?”

            With questions thrown at her, Yoona does not know where to start or what to answer first. A part of her still terrified from what she saw tonight. Another part of her felt safe.

“How did you know the road?” Taecyeon repeats. He’s getting impatient waiting for her to answer.


“I didn’t.” She finally spoke. “I was on my way home. Suddenly I couldn’t move. The smoke was suffocating me… but then it disappeared. I hurry to the car and head leave the company, heading home until I saw a pair of eyes… it was not human. It was like those monsters you killed. They chase after me. They slam into car. I was scare. All I thought of was getting away, getting far as I could away from the monsters…but it did not stop chasing after me. It led me up the mountain road… before they…” Yoona stop when the image of his monstrous self in front of her.

            Taecyeon stand calmly in front of her—still half . “That’s enough.” He said. “You won’t be going home tonight.” He said in a deep tone.

            “What about my father and Yuri?” Her voice filled with worries and fears.

            “They are safe.” Said Taecyeon deep husky. “You’re the one they are after, not them.”

            “How do you know?”

            “If they want your father life, they would have end him at the hospital. Your sister would have hunt and kill as well. They would not wait until tonight and make a move.”

            His answered surprises her. Unknowingly, she agreed with him…. She trusts him not knowing he is truly is. Everything that happen tonight has change her life.

            She stands and face him closely. “What are you?” She asked once again. “The woman inside my dream… she mentioned you. And then tonight, those monsters… they were after me… What are you hiding from me?”

            Taecyeon hesitate to give her an answer. Only a pair of fierce and cold eyes looking at her as if it craves… but all he wants is to erase her memories. Erase everything she saw tonight …and him as well, but it’s all too late. He can’t defy what fate.

            The room was quiet…so quiet that the sound of wood crackles in the fires are heard crystal clear. They stand looking into each other eyes. One wait for an answer. The other refuse to say a word. The quietness continues grow. Yoona couldn’t handle the quietness anymore. She wants to know the truth. She wants to know is he. Yet, a wave of heat brushing against her. It was very warm, warmer than a normal human body temperature. She was unaware of how close they are to each other. So close that she can heart his heart beating.

            Her hand unknowingly rests at the center of his chest where his heart lies. She feels his heart beating from a steady pace to a very fast pace. Her touch makes his nervous. Her lips part as her eyes glide down to where her hand is.

            “What are you?”

            Taecyeon gulp nervously. He grabs her hand and moves it away from him. “It’s better you don’t know.”

            “It’s too late for that. What I saw tonight… the monsters and you. It can be a dream or illusion. So, whatever you are trying to do, what you are trying to hide from me can’t change my mind.” Said Yoona, stubbornly wanting to find out the truth. “Are you…?”

            “Am I a blood thirst monster? A flesh-eating monster? Am I not a human being? Is that what you want to know? Is that what you’ve been waiting to hear?” Said Taecyeon, still holding onto her hand. “The woman in your dream… she is not an ordinary woman, nor is she one of my kind. What you saw tonight are real. The creature that I killed was my own kind. A monster, a beast hungry for flesh. They so no mercy when killing human.” He hissed lightly. “If you wish your family to be safe… if you wish to stay alive then you to listen to everything I say. Make a choice.”

            His eyes were fierce. It makes her shivered in fear…but she does not fear him.

            “What choice do I have? Survive or die?” Yoona whispered inside her head. She thinks quietly for a moment, debating…questioning herself.  “How long do you intend to keep me here?” She said. She trusts him.

            “Until I find out who was in behind tonight.” Said Taecyeon. “Don’t worry, I won’t imprison you. You can sees this as part of the deal between us.”

            A maid knocks before she enters the room. “Master Ok, the guest is ready.” Said the maid.

            “Take Miss Im to the guest room.” He said, letting go of her hand.

            The maid mildly bows her head before she walks over. “Miss Im, please follow me.” She said.

            Yoona glances at him one last time before she follows the maid to the guest room. Taecyeon takes a deep breath with his eyes close for a second. Suddenly, he moves and rest his right hand at his heart. “Why her?”


To be continued…………………

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light_love #1
Chapter 14: waiting your update author??
Warsonic9620 #2
Chapter 14: Please update this story soon. Thank you so much. It is interesting.
light_love #3
Chapter 14: finally...update again...thank you author?
raffy0086 #4
Chapter 12: more chapters..???
light_love #5
Chapter 11: ❤❤❤
Chapter 10: I am curious about what will happen next....
ToeNeeSha #7
Chapter 10: ooo this is getting good. I really enjoy reading this story keep it up authornim
light_love #8
Chapter 10: Thank you...very interesting story...please keep update...soon please
aocy89 #9
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: I enjoy reading your story. Keep it up!