[ドキ] Doki Confessions; let your heart shout。+ [ i miss the old days ]


dokiconfessions, an anon confession thread. founded on 220218 by dokihoon. get it off your chest. this is meant as an anonymous way to share your thoughts about roleplay and roleplaying. anything from shade, that good tea, rants & complaints to reviews, letters & suggestions.
in no way is the founder attacking your roleplay's or an individual's image. your identity as an anonymous submitter will never be revealed.
overly malicious confessions will NOT be posted. dokihoon will fix grammatical and spelling errors but will not edit your words into something else. avoid spamming hate towards individuals and roleplays. all confessions and rants are accepted. cursing is allowed, but excessive cursing will be marked as [M]
by submitting anonymous confessions to this thread, you agree to refrain from offensive language and to conduct yourself in a sensible manner.
submissions are currently only taken through dokihoon's pm AND SARAHAH


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