Walking Disaster


Minho was not clumsy and almost a perfectionist. He had planned his proposal to a T. What could have gone wrong?

Well, everything.

Out of all days, Minho found himself to be a walking disaster on the day he decided to propose to Taemin.


We will aim to update this within the next 24 hours :)


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Athira948 #1
Chapter 1: Oh my God. This is so cute. I loved it alot.
The frog on minho's head was so funny. Heehe
Chapter 1: This is really sweet, precious and also funny
Chapter 1: omg i died laughing at that part where minho fell into the pond hahahahahaha
Chapter 1: This was so lovely. Not everything in our lifes is perfect and Minho's cute fails made it more real and sweet. I love it so much! Thanks for making me smile! <3
Chapter 1: This is too fluffy and precious! I can't agree more with Taemin, the 'disaster' Minho has been through all throughout the 'proposal mission' is indeed what made it perfect. I just hope on their next date at 'The Heritage', there won't be anymore troubles and ladyluck would go their way. 6v6
Chapter 1: This was really cute and funny and i loved this a lot more than i expected to when i started it. I especially loved how the breakfast and mall (adult toy shop) scenes were written and i laughed a lot at them! Thanks a lot for making me laugh this hard after such a long time. I loved the proposal too with the fact Taemin had caught on. I love how understanding and sweet their relationship is like how Taemin found everything perfect even when all went wrong in Minho trying to give a perfect proposal. This what is called the hearts are connected <3 Call me a freak but I have read both your works so much and could easily tell which part was by whom lol. Never expected a collab from both of you. Just so you know, it was amazing how two poles apart styles mixed and gave out such a good fic.
Chapter 1: I laughed so hard, tgis wwas really sweet
Chapter 1: Haha.. That was funny, entertaining, yet so lovely..
Mr. Grumpy Minho had to deal with those s!! :D
And in the end, Taemin's reaction was just, like the way he always did.. ^^
Chapter 1: Awww this is so precious~~~ =)
taemilkeuuu #10
Chapter 1: Hahahahah I can’t stop laughing and then feel bad right after
This is really funny and sweet at the same time
And actually I’ve hope that taemin is already know but he keep silent since the part when Minho remembered the ring he placed inside the blazer pocket, because it will be more interesting
And it’s true. Gosh I love this story and luvv the self-loosing minho when rain poured down