My Pouty Boyfriend


Kihyun wants to shower his precious Kkungie with attention 24/7, he really does… But, he just can’t bring himself to when his boyfriend is just so adorable when he’s so pouty.


Requested by anon as part of the MONSTA X Fic Request Forum, run by myself and Druekee~!

Request: Changki + Changkyun wants Kihyun’s attention but Kihyun tries to ignore him because he likes to tease Changkyun too much when he gets so clingy/cute + adorable boyfriends

Come by our page to leave a request of your own! And, if you're a writer yourself, feel free to check out our requests and write something to submit to the page, if you'd like~


The warm spring sun shines brightly through the window. The little plant box on the windowsill is filled with colorful flowers, and the birds outside are singing. It’s a beautiful day, perfect for a walk to a coffee shop or ice cream parlor. Changkyun gazes around the room, his lips contorting into a cute little pout when he sights his boyfriend… still on his damned laptop. He’d left the man there on the couch, typing away, almost two hours ago.  

He’s had it. It’s a great day, dammit, and he wants to spend it with Kihyun.  


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Chapter 1: cute story!