The Banging from Above


One night, Kihyun gets fed up with his hot neighbor from upstairs banging around. But, what he finds when he goes to complain is most certainly not what he expects…


Done for the MXBingo on AO3 for the 'neighbors' square~ ^^*


Kihyun just about screams in frustration, throwing down his highlighter as he glares up at his ceiling. The banging noises from the dorm above echo throughout his room, accompanied by the sound of blaring EDM music. He swears to god… How can anyone in their right mind have a raging party the night before finals???

He takes a deep breath, burying his face in his hands as he just tries to clear his head. He knows the exam stress is getting to him, so he really shouldn’t try to talk to anyone right now. He’d even managed to scare Changkyun off earlier with his frantic state.


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Spiritwarrior27 #1
Chapter 1: That was nice and cute short chapter
Chapter 1: So cute! I really liked this!
Chapter 1: Ohh so cute ^^