Chapter Twenty Four

You & Me


"Miss Na", Taehyung greeted calmly, but there was certain amount of disinterest in his voice.

"Oh don't you 'Miss Na' me! After all we've done for you, this is what you give us back?"

Na Seo Hee's hair was tied in ponytail that loosened, probably because she ran through hospital all day. She and her husband weren't just owners of the building, but also the lead surgeons in neurology and cardiology. Jinwoo, their son, was following his parents' steps by studying on Harvard with top grades and majoring nine months earlier.

She was a hard-working woman, demanding boss and dedicated mother and wife. With Jiwoo being her only daughter, Na Seo Hee was very sensitive to anything related to her.

"We granted your wish to have Jiwoo for your wife, believing that you'll take out the best of her, that you will always stick by her side! Instead of that, you leave her alone in the middle of unknown not only country but continent!", she yelled at him, not caring about stares other people in restaurant gave her. "Do you have any idea how stressful that is for woman's body and mental health? I don't want to have my daughter face sterility in early 20's!"

Her son-in-law looked up at her without bothering to move one muscle of his face to show a sign that what she said got to him or touched where it should've. At that moment, it probably didn't. Jeon Jiwoo was the first and the last thing on his mind all the time.

"You should info"rm yourself from better and more qualified sources", he started after what seemed to be the end of her critique, "before going around preaching your daughter's innocence."

"Can those sources tell me where's my daughter at this moment?"

Taehyung couldn't help but notice she looked just like Jiwoo when she crossed her arms defensively, but he shook that thought off quickly and smirked.

"I have absolutely no idea. For all I know, she could be anywhere from Canada to Chile, maybe even New Zealand! Who knows what she's... capable of", he looked at his mother-in-law significantly while saying the last sentence. Na Seo Hee pouted her lips a little, obviously getting the metaphor.

"This is not going to end so soon, Kim Tae-hyung! I'll sue you if I have to, but I won't stop until my daughter gets back for everything you wronged her for. And don't you dare talk about her innocence because she's the last person to blame for your family's greed."

"Remember there's no lawsuit in this world that can't be taken down with money and powerful name. And you have none of those", he said, not even looking at her at this point but cutting Somin's meal instead.

She snickered. "Are you threatening me right now?"

"Read it as you wish, it's really none of my business. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a guest to take care of."

All he heard was door opening and closing when Na Seo Hee walked away. Only then he picked up his head to look at Somin, who seemed worried with what just happened.

"Don't worry, she won't be coming back so we can enjoy our meal in peace."

Somin turned around just in moment to see something that shocked her even more. For good five seconds she sat frozen, with her eyes wide open.

"What? I'm telling you, take it easy, she's just a very stressed mother!"

Brunette shook her head vigorously. "Mr Kim... Tae-hyung... you're actually eating?"

And really, Taehyung was chewing the meat he supposedly cut up for her like it was completely normal thing. It actually was, for everyone but him and grumpy five-year-olds. For a month he suffered severe food fright, but now he managed to chew without feeling common symptoms like nausea and headspin. He was just... eating.

"I guess I am", he shrugged his shoulders indifferently, when he was also surprised. Taehyung took a good look at the woman in front of him; there was just something about her that made him at ease - he was even certain that his suddenly normal eating had something to do with her presence.


"I'm really sorry you had to witness that scene at the restaurant..."

They were standing on the rooftop, Somin covered with his jacket, holding plastic cup of tea with both hands. It was almost 6 in the morning, yet the Sun was nowhere to be found on the horizon.

Cold breeze passed by, making Somin's curls brush her cheeks and nose. She exhaled deeply.

"I never imagined it this way... You know, meeting someone who actually cares about my feelings and about me in general..."

Taehyung said nothing, partly because he didn't know how to reply and partly because he felt she wasn't done saying what she had.

"My whole life, I was looked down at, starting from my father, all the way to my male friends..."

"I don't see the reason why anyone would look down on you, Seola. You're communicative, friendly, confident, you like to know what's topical. In my world, those are all qualities worth not only one lady of class, but also an ambitious leader!"

He spoke with such excitement that Seola couldn't help but smile sadly.

"See, that's the main problem. Those are highly respected qualities in your world. Where I come from, those advantages are disadvantageous and punishable. Woman is expected to be cook, clean, watch over kids, talk only when asked and never state opinion opposite to men's."

If the situation allowed him, Taehyung would've even laughed. In his household, his mother has ask in pretty much anything that includes her family and he always considered her equal to his father. The two of them obviously isolated him and his older sister from bitter bites of this world.

"At that time we were very poor and I tried to help my family as much as possible. Because of that, pushing my interests and true personality to side didn't look like much of a problem...

But there were times when we had to decide whether we're going to eat in the morning or early evening. Whether we wanted to sleep with full stomach or walk through the day deceiving our brains that we ate enough..."

The air between them ten filled with tension and uncomfortable silence. And he was rarely silent.

"Don't worry", she said after noticing the blank stare Taehyung gave her. "I don't expect you to be able to say anything in return. It's hard to relate when you've never slept on a mattress that makes your back ache in the morning."

Taehyung quietly wrapped arm around her shoulder, as Somin's story left him deeply moved.

"Miss Jung... No, Seola. Firstly, I am terribly sorry that you had to go through such rough period in your life that lasted so long. But also allow me to say that I'm very glad you are alive and stronger than ever after that same period. I have a propose to make to you, although I'm pretty sure you're going to refuse but it's worth trying."

When his arm left her side, Somin froze and opened in shock. If this was what she thought it was, she still wasn't sure what to do and how to answer.

"You and I... I believe we have something. Think about how great influence we could have on each other; I can give you everything you've ever dreamed of and more. All I ask in return is support and true opinion that's not based on plain nodding to my ideas."

"I don't know..."

Noticing the way her shoulders hung low and how she suddenly looked away, Taehyung took her small palms in his and gripped them carefully.

"Please, Seola. I'm not going to let real love pass by me again and realize its existence when it's too late!"

At this point, he sounded desperate, but to some point it wasn't strange. His already shattered heart can't afford losing another piece. He believed his venom was his only cure - the only way to move on from failed romance with his wife was to fall in love with someone else.

"Real love...", Somin repeated softly. Almost every little girl's wish that not many find in this life. For two years she was assured her special one was Matthew. But here she was, right in front of rich Prince Charming who almost proposed her.

Is she able to do it the right way? To meet his expectations and stay undercover at the same time? If she accepts now, there will be even more risk included in already risky plan. But if she  refuses, she's never getting 2nd chance and will be able to leave instantly, failing the whole plan.

Somin kept reminding herself that this was all for her and Matthew. That's the thought that kept her away from falling for Kim Taehyung. Or so she thought.

"Okay. I suppose we can try."

She sent him a charming smile.

New York, USA

Jiwoo didn't remember doing anything else but crying all day. As soon as she got home, she went to take a shower and stood there for good forty-five minutes, like the water would wash away the truth along with dirt and sweat. She didn't even bother taking off her makeup and the only witnesses of her tears were black stains under dark eyes.

When she finally turned off the shower, Jiwoo stood on cold tiles wrapped in a towel, staring at the mirror. She touched her face only using fingertips and strange thought ran through her head: Am I paler than usually?

Fear ran down her spine. Were the symptoms showing off earlier than expected?

She reached for the top of her head in panic, but no hairs fell out.

Depending on the size of tumor, illness could proceed from two months to many years, she recalled the doctor's words clearly.

On the bright side, you came to us at the right time, when it was only in first phase...

Is there a bad side? - she asked. The doctor hesitated for a bit before replying.

The location of your tumor is what concerns us the most. Its position is unreachable, or at very least extremely risky to touch into. You could end up either blind or dead.

In other words, the surgery is near to impossible. After hearing that, Jiwoo lost all hope. She was about to die in the slowest way possible. How did she deserve that destiny?

She lost all track of time and by the time she woke up it was dark outside. She was thirsty and was about to go to kitchen and grab a glass of water when two voices on the other side of the door stopped her in track.

She recognized one as Matthew's and the other one belonged to his guest. They were half-shouting at each other.

"I don't owe anything to you or your group of slaves so leave me alone, Kevin!", Matthew said.

"Do you not really? Really, M? You thought I won't find out about you leaving the continent for whole 24 hours without asking for permission and also making Jack do your delivery? Or about keeping a random street girl in your house? What happened with the brunette, Somin, was it?", Kevin replied sarcastically.

"That's none of your business! I told you what you needed to know, so I would like if you'd leave this instant!"

Matthew's tone was sharp and cold. Jiwoo only saw him like that once, and that was when he gave her a ride to Seoul.

"Oh you're very wrong, my friend. That is not only mine, but the whole Family's business! Does that girl know about your previous life? Or your murders count? Pretty sure she would run away if she heard about it..."

"Is that all? Because I'm tired."

"What about your failed deliveries?"

Jiwoo's muscles tensed up in expectation of Matthew's reply. As much as she knew, he was in some kind of dealing business or maybe even black market.

"I told you I'm going to pay for those."

"Yes, you are. With your life!"

Jiwoo had to restrain from screaming when she heard something on the other side falling with a loud thud. Seconds later, someone was choking and she was pretty sure it was Matthew.

There wasn't much time and she needed to react fast, ignoring the fear that spread through her body.

She quickly turned over all drawers, looking for something firm. This was Matthew's ex working room and she was pretty sure he had some kind of weapon in there, if her dealer movie ideas didn't betray her.

And there,in one drawer, was a Swiss knife. Jiwoo grabbed it without thinking and opened the door as quietly as possible.

As she thought, Matthew and Kevin were wrestling on the ground. Unfortunately, Matthew was the one on the ground, trying hard to resist his enemy's grip.

Without thinking twice, Jiwoo ran through the room with knife pointed in front of her, and jumped on unknown man, wrapping arm with which she held the knife around his neck tightly.

Caught without guard, Kevin quickly let go of Matthew and focused on sudden appearance on his back.


It happened too quick for anyone to stop it.

Matthew getting up.

Kevin trying to push her off.

Jiwoo slipping off his back so quickly that the knife went directly over his throat.

She fell on the floor, still holding the knife tightly. It was stained with blood, along with her hand.

Kevin's body fell without resisting and remained immovable. Matthew was the only one on his feet in that moment and the first to see morbid sight.

"Ji-jinseok...", Jiwoo called out, staring at her fingers and the knife. Matthew stopped her with one hand movement.

"Just don't touch him...", he said, his throat stiffening at what he was looking at.

And for the second time that day, Jiwoo was facing cruel reality.

She killed a person. This time definitely.

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Aichandesu #2
Chapter 17: I had Cibophobia when I was a kid. The only thing I could eat were chicken nuggets and french fries- I couldn't even eat my own mothers cooking. My mom would make dinner for everyone and then she would prepare a separate dish of nugget and fries just for me. It is a very stressful thing to deal with, not just for the person suffering from it but for their family as well and I feel so bad for Taehyung :( I hope he can forgive Jiwoo and move on from this.
Chapter 14: I'm only on chapter 13 and this story is so fascinating^^ I love the way you brought the two pairs together and how their lives keep crossing paths but I feel so bad for Jiwoo :( And I wonder what Matthew is planning against her. Well I will keep reading to find out :D
This is to good to be undiscovered :(