The Changbin You Knew Is Gone

Falling For You

"Do you have a lot coming tomorrow?" Jisung asked, sitting on his bed, the top bunk that already had his sheets and blankets spread out on it. We had been unpacking for an hour and I'd finished what I could, the only thing left for me to do was put my own sheets on my bed.

"Not a ton. Only the necessities."

"Good. Your lazy can help me then." He smiled cheekily.

"What makes you think I'm going to help your lazy ?" The curse word sounded strange on my tongue.

"My lazy  has been working hard at unpacking while your lazy  watched, and you know you love me." 

""I just met you."

"It was love at first sight. What can I say, I have a personality that makes me hard to resist." He said, jumping down from his bed and leaving the room, swaying his hips sassily as he went.

"Whatever." I mumbled teasingly under my breath and shaking my head.

"Get out here if you want some." He yelled.

I made my way out to the kitchen and found him opening a box of cheesecake. He pulled two forks out of a drawer in front of him and handed one to me. There was already a large portion of the cheesecake gone so he just stabbed his fork into what remained and motioned for me to do the same.

"You're lucky. This is my special cheesecake. I don't just share it with anyone." He said dramatically around a bite.

"I am extremely honored and humbled that the great Jisung is sharing his cheesecake with me. This is such an amazing opportunity. Thank you." I replied with just as much drama.

"I have a question... Why was Felix glaring at me earlier?"

"He glared?" I asked, taking a bite.

"Yeah, right after you grabbed my wrist and started to pull me away. It was almost like he was jealous." 

"That's impossible. You probably just imagined it."

"Maybe he thinks we're together, you know romantically." Jisung paused and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "We might be able to use that to our advantage to make him jealous if he isn't already."

"But would that do any good? Would he do anything about it?"

"I'm not sure, but let's keep it as a last resort... Honey." Jisung winked, seeming to be over his previous awkwardness.

"The thing I don't understand is out of all schools, why this one? Why won't they leave me alone?"

"Don't think about it too much okay? Nothing good will come of it." He patted me on the shoulder and walked back to our room, leaving me to follow. He went over to the desk and sat down, several things were thrown messily onto it. He picked up a notebook on it and opened it carefully. "This is my lyric book. It's probably the most precious thing I own, yes even more precious than my delicious cheesecake. I bring it with me everywhere and write down things that I see that I think would make good story to put in a song, but lately I've been kind of having problems with inspiration. The things i see don't mean anything to me, but if you'll let me, I'd like to use your story. Would that be okay?"

"I'd be more than happy to be the inspiration you need." I smiled. Before I could say another word he launched himself forward and tackled me so we were both laying down next to each other.

"I'm so tired." He said stretching. "I've been busy all day." He groaned.

"Being away from my mom is hard. I know I'll get used to it soon, but for right now I just want to be back home, before anything happened between me and Ryujin, living comfortabley without having to worry about anything but working at my mom's cafe." 

"Mmm." He mumbled barely awake. I smiled tiredly and we both slipped into sleep.

* * *

A combination of the bright sun coming through the window and Jisung's elbow in my side woke me up. I shoved him over, a groan the only response I got. I crawled carefully out of bed and got dressed quickly.

"Jisung get up. Let's go get some food so we can be back here before my sister gets here." I said shaking him gently. Still nothing. With a sigh I went out to the kitchen and grabbed his precious cheesecake from the fridge. I barely had it open when Jisung stumbled out of our bedroom, hair and mess. 

"What are doing?" He asked.

"Trying to get your up.

"Do you know what time it is?"


"I don''t get up before ten and this is mine." He grumbled yanking the box from my hand and putting it back in the fridge before returning to our room. He came out a few minutes later dressed for the day. "Let's go."

We made our way to the place we ate yesterday, both of us in our own little worlds. When I saw the converse it was too late. My chest ran into someone else and I stumbed backwards, tripping over Jisung's feet. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, steadying me before I fell. I looked up and met Felix's eyes, he looked confused, eyebrows furrowed, forehead wrinkled. I pressed my palms against his chest and pushed until he let me go. I bumped into Jisung then.

"The ." He said glaring at Felix.

"Sorry man. I'm the one that ing ran into him." I said turning Jisung's attention to me.

"You never used to cuss." Ryujin said softly, looking at me with eyes full of concern.

"Yeah well, the Changbin you knew is gone." 

"Would you excuse us for a second?" Jisung asked, but grabbed my wrist and pulled me away before either of them could answer. "Remember the goal here." He hissed. "Be nice... Now go make friends. I'll keep girly over there busy." He walked up to Ryujin and herded her away from the area while I awkwardly approached Felix and took a deep breath.

"Look I'm sorry. I'm just kind of thrown off. I didn't expect you guys to be here. I figured you'd both end up going somewhere different. I know Ryujin didn't want to go here, she threw a fit every time we talked about it."

"Where did he take her?" He asked.

"How would I know?"

"Who is he? What is your relationship with him? He won't hurt her right?" The flurry of questions flew from his mouth giving me no time to answer.

"Relax Felix. Breathe." I smiled. "His name is Jisung, he's my roommate and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't hurt a fly."

Felix nodded, looking at the ground and fidgeting with the sleeve of his leather jacket.

"I want to apologize for everything and I know we never really got close when I was dating Ryujin, but if you'll let me I'd like to now."

"What about Ryu?" 

The nickname echoed in my ears and my mind wandered back to my favorite memory, one I'd ignored since the break up.

"Imagine what Felix would say." Ryujin said, her feet in my lap. We had put in a movie that neither of us were watching.

"I'm sure he kne it'd happen at some point."

"Say it again?" She asked with an innocent smile.

"I love you." I complied, loving the bubbling laughter that followed.


Felix's voice brought me back to reality. "What?"

"What about Ryu?" 

"I'd rather not get into that again." I replied, watching as his eyes darkened, filling with sadness and what looked like guilt. "But I want you to know that I don't blame you or anything. Love is love." I watched him longer, looking for a change in expression, but there was none. He cleared his throat and looked around.

"Can I have your phone number?" I blurted before I could think about it. "So you can contact me if you want to hang out?" I added awkwardly.

"Sure, I guess." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and I did the same with mine, creating a new contact with the number he told me. I told him mine and he slipped his phone back in his pocket.

"I'll call Jisung back this way." I said finding him in my contacts list.

"You done?" Jisung asked, answering on the second ring.

"Yeah. Come back this way."

"Alright. We're still on for breakfast though right?" He asked.

"Of course. I'm starving." 

"Great. On our way."

I pressed end and put my phone away as we waited. Felix stared in the direction Jisung had taken Ryujin until they finally turned the corner. She immediately rushed over to Felix they whispered for a second and then she looked at me. "Changbin can I talk to you for a minute?" 

"Sorry but you lost your chance." Jisung said surprising me. He grabbed my wrist again and dragged me away. "Loot back at Felix." He said through gritted teeth. "And look away." I did as I was told. Felix stared back at me the same look of sadness and guilt crossing his features, making him seem more serious than I'd ever seen him.


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_-_-_2004 #1
Chapter 8: I would love to see more of this
Ohmychicken #2
Chapter 7: Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh this is so cute!!!
I hope you'll be back soon to show us where this story goes!
Chapter 2: Ooooh~! I can't wait for the next chapter, you're doing great!! <3 >.<
LadyXoXo #6
Chapter 1: An interesting beginning! I like it :)