The Ex

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The others could only look at Tzuyu and the girl in front of her. 

Specially Sana, since she knew that Tzuyu is naturally a cold person but right now Tzuyu seems to be more colder than usual. 

“Oh come on, Tzu. Why do you have to be so cold? Didn't you miss me.” the girl asked.

“What do you think?” Tzuyu sternly asked. 

“I bet you did.” The girl said while taking a step closer towards Tzuyu with each word.

“Too bad. Because I didn't.” Tzuyu stated. 

The girl just smirked before claiming Tzuyu's lips all of the sudden. 

This made everyone specially Tzuyu, widen their eyes. 

A lot of people is now looking at them. 

After seeing this, Sana felt a burning sensation on her chest.

 She felt like she wanted to kill that girl for kissing Tzuyu's lips. 

‘How dare she kiss Tzuyu?! Now her lips is full of bacteria! I must clean it later. Ugh why did she kiss her!’ Sana thought while glaring at the girl. 

Momo is just looking at Sana, with amazement on her face.

 She has never seen Sana like this. 

The kiss lasted for some seconds before the girl pulled off. 

She kept her face close to Tzuyu's before she whispered, 

“See? You did miss me. You didn't even pull away from the kiss” the girl said with a smirk. 

Tzuyu was just standing there with an unreadable expression on her face. 

She doesn't know why, but she did miss the girl. And she hate the fact that she let the girl kiss her. 

She really doesn't know what to feel anymore so she decided to not reply to the girl. 

After seeing Tzuyu like this, Mina decided to in. She can't just watch Tzuyu having a hard time. 

“I think that you should talk somewhere more private. Almost everyone is now looking at the both of you” Mina informed the two after letting go Momo's hand. 

Momo was quite entertained with the unfamiliar girl earlier but now she hates her. They were about to get food but Mina had let go of her hands because of her. She blames the girl. 

Because of Mina, Tzuyu was finally able to think straight again. 

“Having a talk isn't that necessary.” Tzuyu said

“It is. Now go.” Mina stated. 

“Mina's right. I think that we should talk somewhere private.” the girl said. 

Tzuyu had no choice but to just talk to the girl already. 

She was about to take a step away from the others to have a talk with her ex but Mina held her arm causing her to look at Mina.

“What is it?” Tzuyu asked Mina 

“I just wanted to say goodluck. I hope you'll have fun.” Mina said teasingly

“Stop teasing me. This isn't fun.” Tzuyu said with a pout. 

“Hey I was just keeping my promise to laugh at you too when you have a talk with your ex. Now go, your beloved ex is waiting for you.” Mina said before smiling at her mockingly. 

“Aish. I was about to go but you held me back. I'll just go now so that you'll have nothing to say anymore.” Tzuyu retorted 

Mina just laughed at her making Tzuyu more irritated. 

She then decided to just leave the others to have a talk with her ex. 

The others could only watch them as they slowly disappear with each step that they take.


Momo then looked at Sana, she looked different from the Sana that Momo knows, she’s not as bubbly as before. She looks sullen. 

“Hey you okay?” Momo whispered to Sana. She doesn't want the others to hear. 

Sana just nodded. 

“No you're not.” Momo stated. 

“I'm okay.” Sana lifelessly said. 

“Your expression says otherwise.” Momo said. 

“I said I'm okay, Momo” Sana said a little loud that caught the others attention then she stood up and walked to somewhere. 

“What happened to her?” Nayeon asked 

“She's just in a bad mood.” Momo answered. 

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 37: please update authornim
MIMOnster #2
Chapter 37: more authornim.
Satzuchaelisajensoo #3
Chapter 37: Please update authornim
heyya im here again :)
Chapter 37: day 2 of me getting emotional bcus of how good this fic is. i hope you come back author-nim
I always come back and reread this fic since i love this so much. I hope you will update again ?
Author-nim we miss you. Will you still update this fic? ?
vnzdeath #8
Chapter 37: Please do make it as long as you want, cause the story is really good. To be honest i don't want this story of yours dear Author to stop, cause you keep on telling good stories i am much expecting to read and probably everyone here will agree on me.

Always be awesome dear Author ?
Chapter 37: Make it to 64 <3 (JK, it's up to you author-nim)

I love this
Nayoung and Jieqiong >< uwu
My fav cp in I.O.I <3
Chapter 37: Can't wait for the next chapter. Fighting!