7 For 7 Edition Of Got7 Horror Adventure


7 For 7 Edition is based on Got7 album. Basically I made a story that will continue for 7 Volume on what they have been through, out their Journey in the story given. 

Their Journey of 7 most terrifying Horror. There will be death if possible. Self harming, blood and any bothersome scene that could offending some of the readers. 

Warning is already been said. Click on your own risk. This is not your typical love story or pairing that I have done before. This is all about friendship and a test. How strong their bond on 7 deadly horror that will bestow upon them. I won't be gentle with the character. Offending will might be one of your feeling right now through out the reading.

As I already said before, warning is already been said. Click at your own risk. Also if you want to know what it is, this is the only brief of the story. The story will be posted on the right time. Let me see how many of you interest, in this kind of story by commenting your thought. Let me know how many of you Interest in this horror adventure. 

The brief story will be out soon. 


7 For 7 Edition

Volume 1 : Camping night terror ( Werewolves )

Volume 2 : The Dark in-between the forest ( Witch )

Volume 3 : The Devil Incarnate ( Demon ) 

Volume 4 : 6 feet below the earth ( Vampire ) 

Volume 5 : Ancient Tale, Ancient Story ( Mummy ) 

Volume 6 : Beyond The Earth Atmosphere ( Alien ) 

Last but not least 

Volume 7 : Got7 Against The World #Zombie Apocalypse.. ( Zombie) 




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