Immortality Error


Life has been normal, well, as normal as your life could get at this point. You've lived a 1000 years already, and you enjoyed doing so very much and enjoying having the physique of a 24 year old man even more. You didn't know what was yet to come and you sure as hell didn't expect anything anytime soon since... immortality goes way beyond just a ridiculous thousand years... right?

But when your 1000th birthday arrives and you suddenly wake up with a white hair shining brightly down your forhead, it dawns on you that you may or may not have taken immortality for granted.


This is a prompt taken from the writing.prompts. instagram account. I actually wanted to motivate my friend and sent her a screenshot but this story just sparked so many ideas inside of my head I ended up wanting to write a story myself lol. Soo the both of us exchanged a handfull of ideas together before deciding on writing this story seperetally. I'm pretty sure she'll change a few things here and there along the way so even though we started the same, the outcome will be different. 

I'm really really enjoying writing this so far even though I'm stll not sure which one of the kims of exo I should take (I haven't mentioned a name in the story yet) but I'm thinking about jongin, idk why he fits the role so prolly jongin it is. ayy.

I hope you enjoy reading this! there may be some typos, grammar mistakes, and so on, so if you happen to find mistakes here and there don't judge me too hard. I did proofread this time but it's 1 am already and I don't even know if I actually read anything or just skipped over the lines lol 



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