Just Talk To Him (One Shot)


What happens one day when Himchan decides to observe a certain barista.


So my second one shot, the ending might be a little rushed because I wrote this while being on an emotionla rollercoaster but what if one day Himchan decides to watch over a certain barista?


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Chapter 1: TOO CUTE.
Chapter 1: Omg this was so cute and I wonder who Himchan bumped into
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD sooo cute ugh my heart would have melted if i got that note from Dae too ajdkdbs! And was that Jongup Himchan bumped into at the end? Is he a ghost too?
yellowrere #4
Chapter 1: the pickup line was so cute it's fit daejae perfectly lol
Chapter 1: awww~~this is so cute ~~~
DaeJaeGyu #6
Chapter 1: that was cute :)))