Can You Teach Me About Love?


love /l˄v/ n 1. a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody/something. 2. ual affection or passion. 3. great enjoyment of something.
v 1. to have a strong affection or deep tender feeling for somebody/something. 2. to like sb/sth; to take pleasure in somebody/something.

Seungkwan in English, he also in love. Vernon is more than willing to teach Seungkwan about English and about love.


I'm fan of fluffy story :)

This story will be a slow update...So please bear with me..

THANKS, beautiful readers :*


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esperfraud #1
Chapter 1: Omg... This really sounds so cute!! I squealed at the part where Vernon ruffles his hair and says "Oh my, why are you so cute?" That just seems so adorable to imagine!
Can't wait to