Eight Starred Trouble (Wonder)


Every wizard is born with a number of stars on their body. But some need help on controlling the great power they were given. That was the case of Jeon Jungkook, but don't misunderstand him, he totally has this under control.


Every witch and every wizard is born under a number of stars varying from one to another, the number going as low as one or as high as ten stars. However, the majority of the magical population had generally a number from three to six, which were also the safest choices. Anything below three represented an anomaly from the magical phenomena, the wearer of two or just one star usually unable to perform magical tasks, spells, charms or potions while those after six were harder to control and might turn dangerous, if not properly educated or supervised.

Unfortunately for Park Jimin, a proud owner of five stars and a degree in the “Administration and Control of Magic”, on his first week of work at the Ministry he was given the dire task to take under supervision a young owner of eight stars.

No matter how much Jimin could have studied and prepared in the Academy for the job, nothing could ever begin to come close to his experience with Jeon Jungkook, an eight stars born and more importantly, a brat.



Enjoy the mess that is JIKOOK. 


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Chapter 1: COOL