
Eight Starred Trouble (Wonder)

Every witch and every wizard is born under a number of stars varying from one to another, the number going as low as one or as high as ten stars. However, the majority of the magical population hadgenerally a number from three to six, which were also the safest choices. Anything below three represented an anomaly from the magical phenomena, the wearer of two or just one star usually unable to perform magical tasks, spells, charms or potions while those after six were harder to control and might turn dangerous, if not properly educated or supervised.

Thankfully, there were not many in the latest case, a few hundreds with seven, a few dozens with eight, perhaps a dozen with nine and as many as one may count on the fingers of one hand with ten.

Unfortunately for Park Jimin, a proud owner of five stars and a degree in the “Administration and Control of Magic”, on his first week of work at the Ministry he was given the dire task to take under supervision a young owner of eight stars. The young wizard seemed to have a few troubles with the control of his magic, which usually backfired or made more of a hassle than anything else. Jimin had been preparing for a job like this, knowing that his five stars and patient and gentle behaviour would, at some point, land him such a job as it was common knowledge that five stars owner were the best candidates when dealing with magic users with little control over their own powers.

No matter how much Jimin could have studied and prepared in the Academy for the job, nothing could ever begin to come close to his experience with Jeon Jungkook, an eight stars born and more importantly, a brat.


It was not like Jungkook had chosen to be born with eight stars.He didn’t like his stars, there were too many and made a simple task like heating up the water for his ramen (a task that even a three stars born could do) way too complicated for him, usually ending up with the water evaporating or getting to a boil in one second flat, if he wasn’t paying enough attention to what he was doing. His best friend,Taehyung, always said that he was blessed being born with so many stars, that in his life he could get to do wonderful things, try charms and potions which were not available to people with a lower number of stars.

But Jungkook, to this point in the Academy, didn’t feel like turning stone into precious jewels or flying on a broom.He just felt like heating up his damn water for instant noodles and having his backpack levitate at him without coming full speed and smacking him in the face. He didn’t want this and every time someone told him how blessed he was, it only served to make him more and more annoyed and frustrated at his own person. He was so blessed, he couldn’t do anything right.

And now this.

Namjoon had mentioned at some point that, considering how things were going, he might wake up one day with an agent for control from the Ministry on his back.But he didn’t believe the elder, only having heard of such agents intervening when the witch or wizard was in so little control of their powers that they ended up hurting those around them, which was something he had never done. Okay, he might have hit Taehyung once with a teapot in their potions class, but it’s not like someone had seen. The teapot was already on the shelf when Mrs. Kwon had turned to them. (Perhaps the bruise on Taehyung’s arm told a different story but still, he wasn’t incompetent.)

One Monday morning, as he was preparing to go to his classes, he received an email from the Academy’s managerial board, informing him that he was moved in one of the double rooms on the campus and that he was to be excused for attending the classes that day. Not one to say no to “no classes for an entire day in order for you to move the 3 boxes of belongings from the fourth to the second floor”, Jungkook did just that, wondering,however, what was the reason for this change. Taehyung, whom he had called for help, as the elder had his classes later in the afternoon since he was now learning about night charms and creatures, proposed that perhaps they wanted to fill up the double and three person rooms. Those were normally the ones which were not requested upon entrance, everyone preferring their privacy. Though the explanation was quite sound, he still didn’t feel too well about that decision, knowing that his magic was somehow...rogue. But, maybe the committee deciding the movements just couldn’t care less about the actual tenants of the rooms.

All in all, he simply hoped that his new roommate was nice.

He soon found out that the double rooms were just single rooms, but doubled, with the exact same arrangement mirroring on the other side of the room, so he had no problem with repositioning his belongings inside of the new space, the one left available since, apparently, his new roommate had already moved inside. What struck Jungkook as odd was the fact that apparently this guy only moved clothes and other miscellaneous objects, but there was no book in sight. Maybe he was one of those guys that just had a quantity silly bag and just carried all their school material around with them. But still...to have absolutely nothing left in the room struck him as odd.

It was just the first day; he shouldn’t dwell too much on the oddities. As someone wise once said (Yoongihyung, after a bit too many bottles of Tranqui-beer) ‘You’re all in’ weird here anyway’. Jungkook was not one to judge a book by it’s cover, or the lack of covers in this case. He’ll wait to see and meet that guy.

Problem was,there wasno guy.

No guy appeared until the habitual end of all classes at about 10 p.m (for those studying night charms and creatures) and Jungkook began to worry. Maybe the guy didn’t want to live in the same room with him, maybe he knew that Jungkook sometimes had his objects flying around the room just because he was too focused playing on his (smuggled inside) video console and his thoughts just went astray, maybe he would have to move again and he will-

A click of a door being opened and the rickety sound of the heavy door being pushed open filled the room. Jungkook was fully prepared to make a good impression, to try to seem cool and totally in control of everything around him when he just- he just froze because holy Merlin on a toothbrush the guy was- was more beautiful than any guy from the glossy covers of the ‘Witches of Today’ could have ever been. And that said a lot, because until Jungkook had come in terms with the fact that he preferred men over women, he had browsed quite frequently the said magazine.

But this guy, this guy was beyond anything Jungkook had imagined. He looked short, but well proportioned, obvious muscles visible through the material of his shirt and his face- it was so,so beautiful, pretty eyes and generous lips, looking soft to the touch just like his hair, which was a golden shade, artfully tousled for effect. And when he smiled,Jungkook’s heart did a horrible somersault, which he didn’t think it was possible for a heart to do.

“I see you already made yourself home here, that’s great!” the guy cheerily observed, his eyes on Jungkook,making the other nod dumbly, at a loss of words. “Oh I didn’t introduce myself.” He took a few steps forward and Jungkook’s heart raced, offering his hand for a handshake. “My name is Park Jimin, five star, member of the ‘Administration and Control of Magic’ and here as your new supervisor.”

Jungkook took his hand, shook it. “Jeon Jungkook, eight star…” And then he understood;Jimin’s words making sense to him, the fact that the guy was a five star, the sudden move. The reaction was immediate, a wave of pure offense passing through Jungkook’s entire being and focusing on his palm, making his flesh burn from the inside out.

“AH!” He heard the ‘supervisor’ scream out in pain as his palm was burning, but he didn’t really care anymore. He stood up, weirdly betrayed even though he had only met the guy five minutes ago. He needed no help, he didn’t need a supervisor, his magic was perfectly under control and that gorgeous guy was only as a proof that everyone thought that there was something wrong with him--

“I don’t need no supervisor! You return from wherever you came from because you have no business here!” He screamed from the top of his lungs, frustrated and annoyed beyond seeing reason or the older man’s shocked expression, but however still trying to stop him from a quickly approaching anger breakdown. Thankfully for them both, that didn’t happen as in the next moment Jungkook was exiting the room in a hurry, the door snapping closed behind him and leaving Jimin to wonder if perhaps he should have hidden the truth away from the boy.


“I might have went overboard yesterday.” Jungkook admitted, eyes trained on the floor and... Since when did he start wearing mismatched socks ?Taehyung’s ‘fashion sense’ must have rubbed a bit on him as well. Oh well, at least they weren’t neon.


Jungkook wouldn’t have wanted to glare like a petulant child, but still, he was. He just admitted being wrong (which was a rare thing for him to do), why wasn’t the guy just taking it like it was and moving on. He wasn’t going to play by anyone’s wishes, after all he was still feeling somewhat betrayed over what happened the day before-

“Maybe a bit more.” He gave in, his eyes lifting from the floor to look at the male across from him and darn, he had almost forgotten just how beautiful he found the offending stranger. This weakness couldn’t be good news, surely not. “But I was surprised, okay? No one told me why I had to move.” He continued to counter. “No one told me, I will be given a supervisor. I don’t need one either.”

“You burned my hand when you got mad.” Jimin told him, his beautiful lips pulled into a thin line, one eyebrow raised and Jungkook felt judged. He hated the feeling of it so ing much.

“Maybe I wanted to do that.”

“You didn’t.” Jimin cut it easily. “The actual thing would have only the palms of your hand heating up, while you looked like a cooked lobster when you did that. It was an involuntary release of power which you couldn’t control”.

It wasn’t like Jimin wasn’t right; he just didn’t like the fact that the supervisor was right. He hadn’t meant to burn his hand the night before and maybe, just maybe, they weren’t all that completely wrong.

After he had stormed off the night before, he found himself in Taehyung and Hoseok’s shared room, ranting to them a mile a minute about how everyone was an that had something against him, especially the school and Jimin himself (he might have also mentioned the fact that he found Jimin extremely attractive) which caused his two best friends (read: traitors) to stage an intervention, calling Namjoon and Yoongi into the room to talk some sense into the youngest boy. Despite the fact that he wasn't too pleased with this outcome,Jungkook was still forced to sit his down and listen to the other males scold him and drill into his head that no matter what he thought, a professional supervisor was still good news for him as his powers started to awake more and more with the pass of time and getting older. Jungkook, initially disagreeing and pushing every reason away from him, did in the end reluctantly agree, not able to say the sudden flying objects around the room were not his fault at all.

With his lesson learnt and a promise to Namjoon that he will try to be understanding, he returned during the early morning inside the room only to find the young, handsome supervisor very much awake and waiting for him. While he had expected for the guy to watch him with distaste for his childish behaviour that was not with what he was greetedat all. Instead,Jimin smiled brightly to him, his eyes turning into the same half-moons like they had the day before (leaving Jungkook weak on knees) and greeted the younger warmly, motioning him to sit down on the bed across from him. “We need to have a short talk okay? Please don’t run away, I ain’t here to make you uncomfortable.” He said.

Despite the nagging brat in his brain that wanted to say ‘but you already do that’ Jungkook did as he was told, quite proud of himself for not making more of a fool of himself that he had already done.

“Let’s talk.”

And there was where they were now, Jimin calmly explaining Jungkook just what his job entailed and what he wanted to do in the time he will be Jungkook’s supervisor. He told the younger man that that was his first real job after finishing the preparatory stages and really wanted to improve his knowledge in the field. The younger didn’t really understand what there was to learn or how a supervisor could help him, seeing as he was born with eight stars and had always struggled with them.

“But it has been worse in the recent period no?”

Jungkook nodded, remembering times when simply being annoyed with homework did not mean having all the furniture flying around. He didn't want to admit his situation worsening. But even the marks - the stars themselves- seemed to have their own mind. He told that to the older male who let out a loud sigh, rubbing (small) hands over his face and eyes.

“If not even the stars stay as you place them, I guess we have more work to do that I have expected.”

“What do you mean by that? Why more than usual?”

Jimin crosses his legs elegantly, one over the other, rolling the sleeve up his arm in order to reveal the stars on his wrist, all five of them. The child inside of Jungkook immediately considered the design in which the elder has his stars as very boring. Only old and boring people have them on their wrists, even his own mother had her four stars placed around her neck in a fashionable manner. He guessed when you worked in the domain one had to be as straightforward as possible. But still-

“You see Jungkook, the stars represent how we use our magic and even the magic itself. Once we lose control over the stars, it is quite obvious that the respective magic user had lost control due to an internal reason, mostly something regarding to how they perceive themselves or emotional distress. Depression, anxiety, grief and so on can cause enough turbulence in the magic to have the user lose control over it.” The supervisor explained, a serious look on his face, somewhere caught between professional seriousness and a personal concern for the younger man, expecting the boy's reaction, perhaps even understanding.

Instead, Jungkook, even though he found all that Jimin said more than perfectly logical, couldn't understand how he could be in such a situation. From all he knew about himself, he was not suffering from any of those so why--

“I think there must be a mistake.” He toldJimin, catching the other by surprise. “I have none of those. I am just a normal guy, close family, good friends. I have no dramatic incident in my life, so I don’t think you’re on the right track.” Jungkook rose from the bed, going to the counter in order to pour himself a glass of water. He was hot, hotter than normal, and he didn’t want Jimin noticing this, though, by the look in the elder’s eyes, he probably did. He was beginning to grow upset over the whole deal.

Those goddamn stars-- he’d be much better off without them to begin with. What did Jimin know anyway?He only learnt about how it feels to have that many stars while all his life he lived with the perfect number, the most manageable and equilibrated one. How could he act like he knew exactly what happened?

He didn’t ask for this, didn’t want this. And now, being repeatedly toldthat he needed help did not sit well with him.

“Jungkook-ah… the pillows…”

He heard Jimin’s voice, but he couldn’t understand what he was being told, his eyes closing as he didn’t realize that he was falling. The last thing he had heard was Jimin’s voice shouting something that was probably a spell and then, the world went black and quiet.


With the scary and fast visit to the hospital, Jungkook agreed to let the supervisor help to the best of his abilities, unable to let himself upset his friends like that anymore. He never wanted to have to see Taehyung crying out of sheer distress, as it happened when he had finally come back into his senses and awoke from his almost two days slumber.

‘Magical exhaustion’, the doctor had called it, not uncommon for those who used large quantities of magic daily, like those who are working in the field, but quite rare for students with no classes during the day and who have not performed, theoretically, any charm during that day. However, Jimin explained, that it happened to those with little control, as their magic was in permanent movement and burning, which might have caused said exertion.

And then he allowed it, allowed Jimin into his life and constantly checking his classes, even going as far as having their friends common and having him as part of his life.

Though initially quite frustrated with the supervisor’s presence, nowadays he was hardly seeing it as an obstacle in his daily life, as he went beyond the guy’s job to understand the man himself, allowing them to know each other. He needed to admit that that was in a  way just as dangerous. Jimin was, through and through, Jungkook’s type. Not that he had a type, he just liked kind, amusing and intelligent men who knew how to hold a conversation, how to joke and how to be serious. And Jimin was all of that, beside the nearly heart-wrenching beauty and grace which he possessed. Jungkook honestly didn’t think it was fair for him to be sent such a supervisor. Couldn’t he be sent a nice, quaint little lady that he could only see as a helper rather than like a friend or more than just a friend?

What was his life anymore- he didn’t even know, he just wanted to understand.

A soft hand pinching his cheek, pulled him away from his reverie and questioning of existence (he was actually becoming a drunk Min Yoongi) and had him focus on the angelic smiling face before his eyes. He smiled, even without wanting to, but that usually happened lately when Jimin and his pretty eyes and soft lips were in the equation.

“What?” He asked, lifting from his comfortable laying position. Jimin never liked when he spoke while laying down flat on the bed, so he took up always showing that he was giving the elder man his entire attention (sometimes it was hard to remember that Jimin was a few good years his senior by the way in which he was acting, often too childish. But not childish in the way in which it would make him seem stupid or puerile, but instead, extremely adorable and sweet, and Jungkook still thought that was unfair treatment to his poor heart, which had to stand all of that).

“I thought that we could do something together.” He proposed, a wide grin on his face, seating himself beside the younger on the bed. “We never really got to go anywhere together since I moved here, and from checking your classes you have nothing this afternoon. And it’s Friday after all!”

So, perhaps,Jungkook’s heart was already racing like hell and, perhaps, his body temperature raised to a few degrees, but was he dreaming or did Jimin just invite him to an ‘alone trip’ which could very well be a date? A date.With Park Jimin. Cute, sweet and kind Park Jimin. Park Jimin, who was way too good and too patient for a brat like him (he realized that himself, taking from his friend Namjoon the art of self-reflexion), was asking him out of on a date. And then, his brain decided that it was about that time of the day, when he needed to make a fool of himself and decided to be a smartass about the gracious invitation.

“Weren’t you supposed to be the responsible adult that is against Friday nights out?”

A snort.

“I am your magical supervisor, not your actual mom. Plus, I am not taking you out drinking, I am taking you down to Broom’s Deals.” Jimin responded, his arms already crossed over his chest and looking mildly offended and very cute while doing all of that. Though, Jungkook supposed, he really wasn’t going for the cute look. “You said you’ve never been there, so I am taking you.”

Broom’s Deals was kind of a big thing in the wizarding world and quite an attraction in itself. Full of all kinds of shops and taverns, wizards and witches of all kinds, the magical neighbourhood was known to be one of the most magic lathered places in the entire country, alongside the Academy and the Ministry. However, you were disallowed to go in the vast majority of the locations, unless you were at least as old as 18 years old, the age of entrance for the Academy. Jungkook, now 19 years old, didn’t get to go yet. Therefore, the prospect of going was honestly quite exciting and he made that very clear by the way in which he begun to jump around the room, gathering out comfortable clothes and his good shoes and, at Jimin’s careful and amused directions, his magical currency.

Though the young man didn’t have much to spend, using mostly non-magical money, the supervisor still assured him that there is no problem and that he will enjoy the trip anyway.

“Are you sure hyung?” He still questioned, placing his quite slim wallet into his backpack.

With a nod, Jimin offered him a sweet smile. “I am sure, Jungkook-ah.”


Broom’s Deals was every bit the way in which Jungkook had imagined it, if not better. Such a colorful and pleasurably aromatic mess like he couldn’t have imagined. Hundreds, maybe thousand people roaming around the neighbourhood sized magical market, all too focused on their business to observe two young wizards walking aimlessly around the streets, one of them wide-eyed and bouncy alike a kid at a candy store. Jungkook was, quite literally, bewitched, loving every little aspect of the trip, never knowing that the magic that sometimes terrified him could be so amusing, so fun and so colorful, could do such amazing things. While being able to change water into wine was interesting, changing plain water into sparkling Coke was much more relevant for someone his age.

That word did not cover just how excited he had been over flavour changing sweets and, his absolute favourite, the little chocolates which had the eater’s ears turn a random shade. Jimin had laughed at him when he tried catching a random lollipop with his hands, when one actually has to let it set on their own tongue, the winged lollipops apparently being attracted to tongues. It was indeed a bit overwhelming, but when he settled down together with his supervisor at one of the little taverns for some refreshments, Jungkook was beat, his legs and soles of his feet hurting from walking and jumping so much around.

With the refreshing and sweet beverage in front of him, his feet sore and Jimin smiling at him from the other side of the table, the young wizard could really tell that he was content with his life at the moment. Never in his life had he had so much fun or seen such amazing magic and the presence of the ever-so-patient Jimin only made it better. The older male gave him all his attention and time throughout the trip, and Jungkook was more than grateful for everything.

“Did you have fun?” the elder asked, taking a sip of his own drink. Something foamy that smelled like citrus and berries.

“Of course I have hyung!” the younger joyfully replied, lips stretched into a wide grin which had him looking younger than he was and somehow resembling a bunny. “Can we come again some other time, but with Taehyung and Namjoonhyung. And Yoongihyung, if he wants?”

Jimin chuckled, finding the boy adorable beyond words. “We can come again during winter time, it’s really pretty.”

Jungkook’s eyes widened because wow, he didn’t think it could be more amazing than it already was but then again, everything looked better during the winter months than during the other seasons. He approved, excited despite the fact he still needed to wait a few good months until he could actually come back. But it was still good, because he was going to revisit Broom’s Deals with all his friends. And Jimin.

Thinking back at it, for a moment lost in his own mind, Jungkookrealised that he didn’t really mind anymore the idea of Jimin looking after him and conducting his own work alongside him and ‘on’ him. Maybe because Jimin wasn’t making it obvious that, indeed, he was there to conduct research, or that he was even a day older than Jungkook. He felt more and more like a friend that Jungkook had known all his life. And, maybe, even more than just like a friend, the younger wished, as his initial impression of Jimin didn’t fade, only grew with time, thinking more and more about the older man each day and even sometimes when he was completely alone...his mind steered and sometimes it got to…

“Are you okay there Kookie?” Jimin questioned, his eyes bearing the same soft, concerned look with which Jungkook had become accustomed to. It was just so...caring, not pitiful, and it made his heart beat a bit faster. That, and the surprise of being suddenly pulled out of his thoughts about Jimin by the man himself. That’s why he tried so hard to keep everything buried deep inside of his mind, as he was now sure that his cheeks turned a bright, cherry red.

“All good hyung, I was thinking of…” for a moment he thought of lying. “I was thinking about you, hyung.” he decided instead.

Jimin’s eyes widened for a moment and Jungkook momentarily regretted saying that. Why did he think it was going to be a good idea? But then- but then the elder’s lips stretched into a beautiful, wide smile, the type of smile that turned his eyes into perfect crescents. He looked like an angel and Jungkook was so, so screwed.

“What about me? Hopefully, only good things.”

Jungkook approved with a smile of his own. “I was thinking that you’re not- I mean you are, but...you don’t really feel like someone brought here only to supervise me...you feel like a friend.” With a gulp, his eyes followed an imaginary line down from the man’s eyes to his hand, which was resting innocently on the table and he wanted it. He wanted to tell Jimin how he felt, he wanted to hold his hand then, so, he inched his own hand closer and Jimin, he probably knew because pushed his own closer. “Maybe…”

“Maybe ...maybe what, Jungkook?”Jimin whispered.

“Maybe even mo-”

A loud thudding noise, a vicious laugh and Jungkook was stopped, unable to continue his confession, his breath catching into his throat. That laugh, he would recognize it anywhere. It still haunted his nights.

He turned, terrified, not wanting to believe that could happen to him. His eyes met the man’s. And it was him. Why did it have to be now, with Jimin there?  A smirk crossed the man's lips, not approaching but his voice booking enough to reach the corner table where the two of them were sat.

“If that isn't 8 star idiot Jeon?!” His laugh made Jungkook’s stomach churn. “Didn't think they'd let the coo-coo roam around for this long. I guess the magic world is falling apart.” The man said spitefully, gaining hearty laughs for his peers.

He felt Jimin tensing up beside him, not even able to react when the older man caught his hand in his, almost like telling him that he should calm down, that it doesn't matter, but to no avail. Jungkook knew his skin was starting to heat up, magic bubbling inside of him like molten lava and threatening to spill over in his anger. Now, from all the times he could have met that giant idiot. How dare he, how dare he appear before his eyes?

“Too scared Jeon? No longer frying little flowers?” The man mockingly asked his facial expression cruel and disgusting from all viewpoints.

That was it. That was enough, Jungkook standing up at his full height, ready to fight if that was what it came to, unaware of the ruckus he was producing inside of the tavern. “You haven't in’ grown up haven't you Jisung?” Jungkook bellowed, his hand tightly held in Jimin’s and burning like no other time. He was unable to control himself at that moment.

“Can say the same about you Jeon.”

That little son of a -

“It’s not worth it Jungkook. He's an idiot.”

And he stopped. Even in the fires of his fury he stopped when he heard Jimin's voice, suddenly aware of what was going on and even more aware of the fact that his burning skin was hurting Jimin, and that was one thing he never ever wanted to do. It took an insane amount of concentration and energy to have his body temperature came back to normal, but when he did, he heard Jimin breathing in a sigh of relief.

“You’re right.” He breathed out, shaking his head and then turning fully towards the elder man. “Let’s get out of here.”

It was incredibly hard to just hold Jimin’s hand and walk out without any other comment, passing right in front of Jisung’s face, but it gave him a fair amount of pride once they were out, realizing that he could do that. He could focus enough to keep himself in check and not give in into his most destructive feelings and desires and keep his head up high.

And if anything, just for the sight ofJimin’s faceproud smile, it had been worth it.


“I’m sorry, for that, for getting angry, I ruined the evening.” He apologized to Jimin later, as they were walking back to the dorms, his eyes downcast, but his hand still tightly holding the man’s smaller one.

A soft laugh and a light squeeze on his hand, and Jungkook’s heart stopped for a moment because Jimin didn’t look upset over it at all. His expression was open and even relaxed, eyes turning into small crescents as his entire face was illuminated by a sweet smile.

“You didn’t.” He replied simply. “If anything, what you did back there, though I didn’t fully understand, proved to me that what we do, that what I do, is not for nothing. You have done great Jungkook.” He could feel yet another squeeze around his hand, this time tighter. “I am proud of you.”

He felt his chest tightening, badly wanting to say something, but then again, he stopped. It wasn’t the time or the place to be telling Jimin about how he felt. For now, he pulled the other closer to his side as they walked home together. Perhaps it wasn’t what he had planned, but it was a step ahead anyway. In more than just one direction.The feeling of achievement was still resting comfortably inside of him, only to be swayed slightly by the uncomfortable memory of Jisung.


Jungkook found the time during the following few days to recount the tale of Jisung’s existence in his life to Jimin. However, opening up turned out to be more complicated than previously thought, telling his experiences having him reach deep down into the most well hidden memories and forgotten emotions.

He had told Jimin about when he first met Jisung, in the magical neighbourhood he had grown up, the two of them initially getting along, their interest common and ages close, spending more time with each other than in their own houses, considering one another best friends. But, that was before kids actually learnt more about the stars on their bodies and what they meant, what they helped the wizards with and the hierarchy the stars brought within them.

“It all crumbled to dust when it was time to go to school.” Jungkook told his supervisor, his hands in his lap clenched into tight fists. “I knew already that he had a proud attitude, his father was like that too, but I have never expected it to be like that.”

It didn’t take long for Jisung to realize that despite the fact that he only had six stars, he was doing better in school that the eight-starred kid, though they have been told that the more stars one had, the better he or she was bound to be. Jungkook, even though he was trying hard, his spells and potions sometimes turned a bit too powerful and, sometimes, it took him a while to perfect them, getting there at one point or another.

And so, the bullying started, just jabs in the beginning and taunting words as they grew older, to actually swear words and pushing. It didn’t help at all the fact that Jungkook wasn’t getting any better at controlling his magic, rather it got worse year by year, backfiring and making his life harder, feeding Jisung all the reasons to keepup with his behavior. Other kids soon joined, baffled that the eight-starred kid couldn’t even do complete simple tasks without ing up.

“That was that spell they taught us, I think in the first year of Pre-Academy preparatory school, to help grow a plant in a pot.” Jimin nodded, having done the same exercise as well, a classical one at that point. “Everyone. Every student in my class mananged it, some in 1 minute, some in 30, but they still got it.” Jungkook spoke, fidgeting with the ring on his thumb. “It took me 30 seconds to grow and kill that flower. Since then I- ...I started thinking more seriously about the words Jisung threw my way, started thinking that maybe...maybe he has a point after all, and I am just unfit for my stars.”

“That’s not true-”

“Might not be. But it started all of this.” The younger pointed out between them. “This is how I got to this point. And I have no idea how to turn back.” He confessed in the end, his eyes finding Jimin’s.

“When I asked you, in the beginning, if you could remember something that would have had an influence on you, why did you say it was nothing?” Jimin questioned, standing up from his bed, so he can move to take a sit next to the younger on the couch.

The younger breathed in, shaking his head as he placed a more confident than usual hand on the other man's knee. “I didn't realize... I remembered, of course, the arguments and teasing, but I didn't think that was the reason.”

“The reason for what?” Jimin wanted to clarify.

“The reason for which I started to hate my stars.To hate who i am.” He took a deep breath. “Since then, I badly wished to be like everyone from my class, to have a usual number of stars. I didn’t think anything good could come of this ‘advantage’. After all, until now, they didn’t help with anything other than making me look like a fool in front of everyone that has ever met me.”

“You’re not a fool Jungkook…” Jimin tried, placing his palm over the younger male’s and squeezing gently.

Jungkook wouldn't have any of it though. “I was foolish enough to let him rile me up, and almost hurt you, that's bad enough.”

“But you stopped.” the supervisor argued, thinking back at the moment inside of the tavern where, despite having initially lost control over himself,Jungkook still managed to stop himself even though he was still angry and the threat wasn't goneyet. In Jimin's eyes that seemed to be a vast improvement.

“Yeah, I don't know how I did that either.” Jungkook murmured with his eyes trained on their overlapped hands. He craved turning his palm.

Jimin was silent for a moment, but tapped the back of his palm and the younger, though unsure, flipped his hand so his hand faced upwards, flush against the other male's.

“You simply could Jungkook. You can make so many amazing things. You just have to believe that you can. Magic has a way with its users, it's alive and sometimes a . But it can be tamed if you put your mind to.”

“I-....I hope so too.”


With the new knowledge and the development in their relationship Jimin could do so much more for the younger male. It was clear for him that what Jungkook needed was to prove to himself that he didn’t have his stars by mistake and that he was very much able to control his powers and make wonderful things using them. He had seen during their trip to Broom’s Deals that Jungkook was interested in magic which was beyond the level of what they were generally studying in the Academy. He had seen him being interested in potions, charms and even in flying, even though he had initially stated he wasn’t.

It took some scheming together with Jungkook’s friends and classmates to manage to pull the next step of his plan in action, but nothing really compared with the young man’s expression when he came into his room to find on his bed a shiny, professional, athletic broomstick. Jungkook’s immediate reaction was to ask Jimin if he could fly, only to be shocked at being told that it was actually a present for him.

“But I cannot use it.” He argued, taking it gingerly in his hands and ing towards Jimin. “You can bring it back.”

“You can though. No one was born knowing everything, you’ll learn to use it.”

“I’ll fall and break my neck!”

“You won’t.”

“You don’t care about my neck!”

“I am very fond of your neck, but I am still sure you’ll manage. At least give it a try and if you can’t, I will just return it.”  Jimin reasoned with him, looking at the younger with his softest, sweetest smile and Jungkook was more than sure that at this point,Jimin knew what kind of powers he held over him.  

“Be it...as you want… for now…” he mumbled and Jimin knew that he won. Jungkook cursed how weak he was for Jimin and for everything the surpervisor asked of him.

The one condition that Jungkookput, was that none of their other friends could see him when he would try to fly, it would be just Jimin and him on the field in the early morning. It was not like he thought that Taehyung would make fun of him for not succeeding on the first try, as it was impossible to do so, but both his closest friends, Taehyung and Namjoon, could use a broom to fly, even though Namjoon’s clumsiness sometimes intervened against his skills.

Jimin agreed with the proposition immediately, not having considered bringing anyone else into the attempt either. Until now, he knew better than to let Jungkook's self-perception be influenced by what the others thought of him, even if those were his closest friends. This was only about Jungkook himself, and he had told the younger that, much to the younger boy's relief. There was nothing else much to do, other than wait for one pleasant sunny morning.


In hindsight,Jimin should have known it would not be an easy task to get Jungkook to actually climb onto the broom and take flight. The boy was sure that he wasn’t going to manage which stopped any improvement from happening, even though Jimin kept reminding him that he had all the necessary qualities to be able to do it and that no one just hopped on a broom and started flying from the very beginning. That just like every skill, one had to learn it.

Two hours into the experiment and Jungkook still couldn’t lift himself from the ground more than a couple of centimeters, and thus growing more and more frustrated with the lack of results, rather than focusing on managing to complete the task at hand, snappy and too rushed in all of his approaches.

“You just have to focus,Jungkook. And slowly push against the ground with your feet.” Jimin explained for perhaps the 20th time that day, quite tired himself of explaining, but unwilling to give up so soon. After all, he had a job to do with this young man, not to say his personal opinions and feelings towards the young man were pushing him even more into helping him to be able to fly. It had been hard for Jimin himself, he confessed to the younger, as his 5 stars were equilibrated, but not always sufficient for flying. He had made it in the end, even though it was tiring for him.

"I am focusing!" the young man snapped, his palms fisted around the broom. He was tense all over, his cheeks already flushed scarlet and knuckles white. That was no good, and in no way the shape in which one needed to be for their first flying lessons.

It was obvious to both of them that, if he remained in thatpredictment, they would be making no progresses.

It was sudden, when Jimin when just randomly sprinted away, seeming to be invigorated by a new energy, leaving Jungkook to just stare dumbly after him. He has only returned a couple of minutes after, carrying one of the Academy's old brooms in his hands, a wide grin lighting up his features. He seemed excited, like he had figured out the entire work of the universe in the span of a few minutes.

"Going for the practical approach, hyung?" Jungkook wondered, one eyebrow raised in question. It didn't strike him in any way odd, that Jimin would show him how to do that, instead of just telling him. (Even if Jungkook clearly knew, that Jiminknew, that he had seen beginner fliers before and knew the basics to how he should be approaching this sport.)

He could see Jimin smirking. And Jimin smirking couldn’t mean too many good things. (Or all the good things, because damn isn't he hot, but that's surely not what was in the discussion there.) Also , Jimin approaching him while smirking with his broom firmly grasped in his hands was vaguely threatening, and Jungkook considered taking a few steps back, not really understanding where this is going but then--

"Hyung...mhm--" His breath and lips were suddenly so very caught and so unable to utter words as the older man presses the tiniest and softest of pecks on his lips, pulling back after just a second, and, until Jungkookwas able to pull his wits together, Jimin was already in the air, a triumphant grin on his face. "Hyung!"

Jimin was laughing, high in the air and as graceful as ever, and Jungkook had to make another double take, because Jimin was probably the most beautiful and magnificent being he had ever seen in his life.  "If I have stolen your kiss, you are welcome to come up here and take it back." The older man invited cheerfully and oh-so teasingly, knowing way too well what he was doing to Jungkook.

"You know I can't hyung!" he shot back, keeping the whine in his voice at bay. That was incredibly unfair, why did Jiminneed to be one of those very few 5 stars wizards that could fly on brooms?(Not that Jungkook was not proud of him that he could.But it was inconvenient in the whole stolen kisses business).

Jimin instead snorted at that. "I know very well you can actually." And with that a sigh left him, too dramatic to be real. "I just think that you don't actually want the kiss back. And poor me, so ready to way it back to you.With interest even." Jiminbemoaned, one hand off the broom and pressing against his forehead. Jungkook chuckled at that, finding his hyung’s antics amusing.

But Jungkook wasn't the one to give up the chance of a kiss, so he hopped back on the broom, not thinking too much about it, the only clear goal in his mind being to have Jimin's lips on his as soon as possible. He had done what he knew he had to, holding tightly on the handle of the broom and pushing with his legs lightly into the ground and there he was.

He was flying. He was in the air. And he couldn't believe it at all that he could do that, it seemed surreal. But there he was, slowly inching away from the ground, his eyes snapping down for a moment, before Jimin's light laughter brought his attention back on the older man. Of course, he was wearing a proud look on his face, more than pleased with himself that his plan had worked. And,Jungkook had to give it to him; it had been a genius plan.


"Can I still have...- that kiss back, now that I am in the air?" Jungkook wondered, holding still on his broom in the air, scared that it had only been a means of getting him to fly and not thatJimin had genuinely wanted to do for his own pleasure. He was laughing, he was laughing again and Jungkook knew by the heat around his cheeks and ears, that he was blushing.

"Of course you can..." He spoke, smiling fondly. "But you have to come here first."

And, with his heart soaring in happiness, Jungkook thought that it was a challenge that he would surely overcome.

It took him a few tries and a few mistakes, but everything mattered very little when at the end of the day he had had his second kiss while in the air, kinda scared for their safety, but overwhelmingly happy. And it was truly a dream.


Jimin had a thing for spending their evenings in the astronomy observatory and Jungkook loved indulging him, especially since when there were no classes in the building, there was no one there, but them. Jungkook was not so good at stars, but he knew some things from Namjoon and Taehyung, and he was super glad that, from time to time, he really took the time to carefully listen to the two of them. It was just the sparkle in Jimin's eyes and the gentle pecks on his cheeks when he said something interesting that made the years of hearing rants so, so worth it.

Jungkook thought that this really was the best life, with his arms around Jimin's small waist as the older man was looking through one of the telescopes, from time to time letting out a little gasp or an amazed little sound, which had Jungkook wanting to hold him even tighter and never have him out from his arms. The younger pressed his nose against Jimin's neck, nuzzling him slightly and enjoying the giggle he heard. It was not like he had done that especially to hear the sound, not at all. Plus, Jimin had always smelt really good to him, fresh and masculine without being overwhelming. Just perfect and matching Jimin's whole being to the t.

"Are you sleepy Kook-ah?" He asked gently, turning his head slightly as he pulled back from looking through the telescope.

Jungkook shook his head, ending up pressing himself closer to his older lover. "No, no, not sleepy. Relaxed...happy." A breath. He feeltJimin shuddering underneath his fingertips. "Are you,hyung?"


"No, happy."

He could tell that Jimin was smiling then, that private little thing he was doing when he thought Jungkook couldn't see him. "I am." He chuckled, shaking his head. "We always speak about stars, about how they affect our lives. But, honestly, I have always wanted a star. Just one, but for it to be bright and vibrant. Like those in the sky."

"A star hyung?"

"Yeah, a star." Jimin laughed at himself. "I imagine how silly it sounds, to want a star. But I've always wanted one. Ever since I was a little kid." He recounted. "My mom used to tell me that I was her star, but that's silly, no? But ever since then,it got in my head."

Jungkook wanted to tell him that he was a star, and that he agreed with Jimin's mother, but caught his tongue. Instead he said: "I don't think that's silly hyung, I think you deserve one."


Jungkook wasn’t that slow to believe that Jimin had just left the plant pot on the table out of an accident. In the few months since he had known the older man, he had come to realize just how smart he was and how sophisticated his methods were without him making it obvious that they were like that.

And Jungkook loved that about him, and he really wanted to have the other man be proud of him. In the time passed, he had come to be sure that there was hope for him toimprove, he had already done so, but there were some other elements to be added. The happiness and the mind peace had surely helped, seeing results after a long period of time more than just satisfying. It was all him, Jimin had said, no one could work a wizard’s magic other than themselves. The younger had believed it, but still insisted that Jimin helped more than he realized.

And not by teaching him magic or telling him that his stars were in number enough to make him a powerful wizard. No, nothing like that.Jimin had just made him happy and had him reconsider his ongoing hatred for his own magic. He had everything to owe to him for this happiness. Even if it wasn't the way in which he was supposed to be helping Jungkook, none of them were too worried, some things just happened because they were bound to.

No one knew, but Jungkook believed in fate, and he believed that he was fated to meet Park Jimin at some point in time and make everything  catch contour and color.

Just like with the broom, he didn't think much about it, he just placed the little plant pot on the table before him and had his palm extended over it.  And he envisioned it. He saw a pretty yellow flower, so delicate and soft. He thought of Jimin’s blonde hair. Then back at the flower. Jungkook closed and murmured the words, only opening his eyes again when he felt tender petals caressing the palm of his hand.

Jungkook stood there, watching the bloom for a little while. He strangely didn’t feel surprised by the fact that he had managed the spell. He had been confident that he could do it, he didn’t doubt himself or remembered hurtful words heard before. It came natural to him, the words and the bolt of energy which felt like a gentle breeze through his veins. He knew it wasn't anything too special and it didn't take a great amount of power, but it still felt good to see it take form in front of his eyes.

He took the pot from his table and set it on the windowsill in front of Jimin's desk, smiling to himself as he was doing so. It was pretty, he thought, wondering if the coloring of the plant had anything to do with the one who was growing the plant or it was just the seed. He made a note to himself to ask Taehyung about it, he'd surely know.


Jungkook knew what he had to do. He had had the idea since the second time they have visited Broom's Deals and caught Jimin staring at one of the magical installations in one of the shops there. It was made out of little stars, which were giving a gentle light without being overbearing. It was clear to him that this is what Jimin wanted, like he had been told before, the only remaining question being how he could do such a type of magic, cursing his many years of not caring about any type of advanced spells and creations.

Since it would be too odd to just go at one of his teachers to ask for advice, he chose to ask Yoongi, his fellow 8 starred friend, if he knew what that magic could be. He had trust in his hyung's knowledge, seeing as the older man always had a knack for impressive magic, Jungkook secretly being aware of the fact that Yoongi loved all things pretty and aesthetically pleasing even though he had never said so. (It wasn't Jungkook's fault that at one point Yoongi had forgotten to lock his closet and that the glittering inside had attracted Jungkook's attention).

"It's a sort of fire magic.” The older man explained. "Hard as a to do also. It initially comes up as fire. It’s like shaping fire, and fire doesn't really like being shaped."

"But I have to shape it." Jungkook argued. "I have to get this star by his birthday somehow."

Yoongi sighed, seeming already tried from this discussion alone. Jungkook always found the way in which his hyung didn't seem to really care for his magic he possessed somehow refreshing.Yoongihad never made a show of what he could do with his powers, and actually barely using them from anything else, but the minimum necessary to get the best possible marks in class. However, he trusted his friend’s skills and experience, despite his appearance of not really caring.  

“I will teach you…” he finally accepted, rubbing his eyes to wake himself up completely, raising slowly from where he was seated on the bed to take one of the books off the shelf, returning in a moment and sitting beside Jungkook on the other bed in the room. “I will teach you only by showing you, but you will have to do the sphere yourself. These little ers of energy have a thing for taking the print off the maker. Energy print.”Yoomgi explained as he started searching through his book, humming to himself.

Even though he was stressed about the time limit, Jungkook was not afraid that he would not be able to complete the task. If there was one thing he had learnt from Jimin, it was that he was not to doubt himself or his abilities. 'Confidence is key.' he had said, and Jungkook knew that was true.

"Let's do this hyung!" He replied enthusiastically.


He clutched the box in his hands, begging his nerves to not let him down then and drop in on the floor. Even if probably nothing would happen to the insides if he was to drop it. But still, he didn't want to be that guy. He had managed until then, he could continue for the rest of the day.

(Though he really hoped he would be able to give the present to Jimin that day.)

The elder had been busy all day, the Academy having found a case of a 7 starred student who had some issues with his control over defense spells and asked for Jimin's view on it. And with that, and Jungkook's classes, they haven't been able to see each other at all that day. Jungkook had hoped he would be able to take Jimin to the astronomy observation building and offer the present there for the perfect fit, but now he wouldn't be so cruel to drag the man over there for only a present. Especially since Jimin would probably return being tired as hell. Their room would have to suffice.

But it was already so late, just one more hour until the end of Jimin's birthday and the only thing he had managed was a hurried greeting in the early morning. He sighed. He was nervous anyway, of what would Jimin think, but this was horrible. He felt like the worst possible boyfriend, even if technically it wasn't be his fault if he didn't manage to deliver the present in the same day.

Thinking that, he had heard the door opening, a tired looking Jimin making his way inside of their shared room. He looked good, so good, even though he was obviously exhausted, pushing his blonde hair away from his forehead before he turned to offer Jungkook his sweetest smile.

"Hello baby." He greeted in a soft voice, walking in front of his younger boyfriend, completely disregarding the white box beside of him and leaning to press his lips to Jungkook's in a brief hello kiss. "I'm sorry I couldn't spend today with you. I'll make it up to you this weekend. We'll go to Broom's Deals together.” Jimin immediately said, holding Jungook’s hands in his. “Is that okay for you-- we can do something else if you…”


“Jimin!”Jungkook interrupted, standing up from the bed so he could make himself taller and slightly more domineering over his shorter lover to get his attention and take him out of his own mind. “Babe…” He started, softer than before, squeezing the man’s hands. “We will go to Broom’s Deals, but it is me who will take you out, as it is your birthday.” He toldJimin, his voice confident and sounding like he wouldn’t accept any kind of protest. “But today, when it is still your birthday, I want to give you your birthday gift.”


Jungkook could read Jimin well enough to tell that Jimin had something to say at that, but again he spoke over. “I didn’t buy you anything. It is something I made for you. Because you make me happy Jimin-hyung, happier than I ever thought it was possible for me to be.” He took a deep breath. “It is a present that represents my gratitude towards you for helping me, for being patient and supportive. It represents my loyalty to you for being the best friend anyone could ever ask for and…” He stopped for a moment in order to take the white box from the bed and holding it out for the older man to take. “I also hope that this present can mean… ‘I am falling in love with you.’.”  


The play of emotions on Jimin’s face was fascinating to watch, first going from surprised to something akin to fond amusement than shock and lastly, something really strange and warm that Jungkook couldn’t name, but understood nonetheless. He wondered if he looked at Jimin in the same way.


“Jungkook...you still didn’t have too…” he still tried despite taking the box.


“Just open it hyung.” Jungkookencouraged him and, with a smile and a soft sigh, Jimin finally did what he was told and pulled the lid off the box.


The expression he had then, Jungkook thought, was worth all the failed attempts, the tiredness and some more, it was that precious. Jimin looked like he couldn’t believe his own eyes, his view shifting from the star spilling its gentle rays outside of the two boxes in which it was contained, to Jungkook and then back to it. He swallowed and placed the box on the nearby table like he was afraid that he would drop it. “You’re really a crazy, amazing man Jungkook-ah.” Jimin breathed out, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. “But mostly crazy, the craziest.”


Jungkook opened his mouth to reproach on the fact that he wasn’t at all crazy (he was just a little bit (more) in love), but the words were stolen from him as Jimin’s lips descended on his in a searing kiss.


He thought he might have been cheesy when his mind conjured up the thought that he had never felt more powerful in his entire life.




He didn’t really understand Jimin’s fascination with stars honestly. Sure, they were pretty and their shine was something otherworldly. But there were tangible things in one’s life just as beautiful, maybe even more than stars.


The sphere was giving a warm light in the room from its glass box, and it was warm and so comfortable, but Jungkook still couldn’t fall asleep, the excitement still coursing in his veins. He could stay awake for a little more, it didn’t bother him.


He breathed in. Jimin.So much Jimin, so precious and in his arms. He looked like he belonged there, just like he was, pressed against Jungkook’s side, his head resting on the younger man’s chest, his breath even and expression relaxed in restful sleep.


Jungkook didn’t really understand the whole issue with stars but he guessed that now, when he had one for himself beside the 8 scattered on his body, he could give it a shot. And in complete honesty, he loved this bright star of a man the most.

Fun facts about this au:
- Wizards/Witches are not perfectly determined by their number of stars, can go beyond but they also could go down
- Jimin is one of the rare 5 starred that can fly
- there is professional Sportive Flying. think of it like Moto Speed Racing
- there are also magical animals in this au (and someone has something to do with them cough follow-up story cough)
- Wizard/Witches are born with a certain placement of the stars on their body
- However as they grow older and in more control they can move them around, making them bigger or smaller or placing them anywhere else they want
- Wizards working in Non-Magic fields have their stars as small as moles sometimes
- Jimin has all his five stars on the back of forearm, as do most officials of the Ministry , though he was born with them scattered across his back
- Jungkook has two stars on each of his collarbones and two on each of his shoulders
- He'll move them on his V-lines and guess who will almost die when he sees them

I hope you liked this lil au and story of mine. It's an au I'd like continuing with some follow up stories, so please support this.
Also, if anyone would like writing in this au I'd be really happy, just tell me and tag me.

Talk to me on my accounts about jikook honestly I don't speak nearly enough about them (be my friend cries ) : tumblr & twitter 

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jikookdefinesme #1
Chapter 1: COOL