Replacement (Baek Ho)

Nu'est One Shot

Concept: FLUFF

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Cho A: Please!!!!!!!! Just do it for me this time!!!!! For your best friend sake, would you help me!!!!

A Ra: Why do I have to be involved?

Cho A: Please, cause you’re my best friend and the only one I have. Just this once! Just pretend to be me and give a bad impression to him. You know I’m bad at that. //Pleading you desperately//

A Ra: Why can’t you just tell him that you already have a boyfriend. And this arrange marriage thing is just your parent’s idea?

Cho A: You know I can’t. I’ll get scolded by them. So, I just need you to ruin this date for me, so he would never agree to marry me.

A Ra: So, you want me to ruin a marriage. Wow.

Cho A: There’s free food. You can eat whatever you want. It’s all on my parent’s. //Trying to convince you. Because she knows that your biggest weakness is food. How could you ever say no to free food?//

A Ra: Fine, just this once. But you owe me big time.

Cho A: YAY! I knew you would help me! I love you!!!! //Hugging you tightly//


*That night*

//You wore an off shoulder tight fitting black dress that accentuate your figure. With a black high heel to pair with your dress. Black choker and diamond ear rings. You thought you should at least dress decent, since it’s respectful to do that. And you’re meeting the so-called guy your friends are a engage to at a michelin star restaurant. You arrived at the destination first, even though you’re 30 minutes late on purpose. The waiter brought you to the table that was pre-reserved. You sat down waiting for the other party to arrive. About 5 minutes in, the same waiter walked back, this time with a guy behind him. With a slick back comb hair. Wearing a black blazer and black under shirt with a black tie and black pants. An outfit that was perfectly fitted on him. Saying he looked gorgeous and stunning was an understatement. He walked up to the table, sitting down infront of you.//

Baek Ho: So, you’re Cho A?

A Ra: No, I’m her friend. //Well, you didn’t want to lie. You didn’t have the need to anyway. Clearly, he was as uninterested as you about this date. Due to the fact that he was late for more than half and hour.

Baek Ho: Great. I’m his friend to. Well, since we clearly know that both parties are not interested, we could just end this here?

A Ra: Fine by me.

Baek Ho: //Getting up ready to leave. But looks at you weirdly, not knowing why you aren’t leaving// Ehmmm? Aren’t you leaving?

A Ra: Nah, since I’m already here. I might as well try the food here before I go. It’s hard to even get a place in here.

Baek Ho: //Sitting back down infront of you//

A Ra: //Looking at him in shocked// Aren’t you about to leave?

Baek Ho: I can’t leave you here alone to eat, can I?

A Ra: I really don’t mind eating alone.

Baek Ho: It’s okay. I was thinking of trying their food as well.

//It was clearly a lie. As you could tell. Because once he took up the menu to look at the food, his face changed. As if he regretted staying with you. Looking at his bewiled face, getting even more ridiculous as he scans down the whole menu. Closing it after that.//

On second thought. I’m not really hungry, I’ll just be sitting here accompanying you.

A Ra: //A small chuckled ran out of your mouth as you clearly know, why was he being like this. The food was ridiculously expensive. That’s why. You would never ever step foot in this restaurant in your entire life time if it wasn’t for your friend. Thankful for that. I guess he is the same as you.//

Don’t worry. The bill is on my friend’s parents. You don’t have to worry about cost.

Baek Ho: //Stunned by your words. But he couldn't let his ego down// Nah, I’m fine. It’s not about the cost. I’m just not hungry.

A Ra: Okay if you say so.

//You couldn't help thinking how cute he was. Trying to keep his pride. Hence, you called the waiter to you. Preparing to order the food//

I’ll like to have a salmon mousse choux pastries, prawn and salmon terrine, 2 French onion soups for the starter. As for the main course, I would like to have the charred steak with reduced brown tarragon sauce, medium well. And a grilled salmon with black beans and piment D’espelette mayonnaise. Lastly for the dessert, I would like to have a paris-brest and floating island. Oh, and could I have a wine paring with all my food. Your recommendation.

//After the waiter left. Baek Ho sat there dumb founded looking at you. As if he got a shocked out of his life.//

Baek Ho: Ehmm, I don’t know what you just said. And clearly do not know more than half of what you had ordered. But isn’t it too much food for you? How are you going to finish it?

A Ra: You’ll see.

//It was quiet, and no one was talking. Until your starter came, food was place on the table as it looks like it’s too much food for a normal person. And it was only the starter. It didn’t affect you because you’re the one who ordered it. But as for Baek Ho, you could tell he was clearly shocked and anticipating how you’re going to finish all that by yourself. But what he didn’t know was that, you clearly ordered food for 2. Knowing him from the few line you guys had exchange, you know he wouldn’t let his pride down and order what he want. Hence, you decided to order for him instead.//

A Ra: Eat up.

Baek Ho: Huh?

A Ra: You asked me about, how I was going to finish all this food. Well, with your help of cause. So, eat up.

Baek Ho: //Clearly shocked. But was thankful that you thought of him. He didn’t know you would be so considerate of his pride. And your gesture for ordering for him surprised him. He was definitely impressed by you. But, clearly didn’t want to admit it. And was far from letting his pride go//

Well, if you say so.

//Because of your gesture, he was openly talking and striking a conversation with you. Making the dinner an enjoyable time. And clearly, both of you were getting more comfortable with each other. Surprisingly, you were having a good time with him. But as they all say; good time always end fast. And it clearly true, because both of you were done eating in a matter of time. And it was time to bid each other and go your own ways. Both of you were standing outside the restaurant. Kind of disappointed how fast time has passed.//

Baek Ho: Well, I had fun. I guess, this is the first and last time we get to see each other?

A Ra: I did as well. I guess so.

Baek Ho: So, we’ll part our ways now.

A Ra: Ya. Bye.

Baek Ho: Bye.


*The next day*

Cho A: So? How was it?

A Ra: Clearly, your so-called fiancé is not interested. He called his friend to take his place as well.

Cho A: Ahh.. //Not really shocked at what you were saying//

A Ra: Wait! Why aren’t you shocked? //Glaring at her suspiciously//

Cho A: What? I’m so shocked. What do you mean I wasn’t? //Trying hard to tell you how shocked she is. But clearly failing so miserably//

A Ra: KIM CHO A! //Clearly not falling for her poor acting and want to know what was up//

Cho A: Fine. Remember I keep telling you that I wanted to introduce you to my boyfriend’s friend. But you keep rejecting the offer. So, I had to do this to you. Knowing you for so long, I know you would never go if I told you about it. It was the same as his’s friend. Hence, both of us planned this. Hey, it costed us a boom okay. Be grateful that we feed you.

A Ra: You would have to pay a boom if you didn't do this.

Cho A: I know what you’re doing. Trying to avoid the question. So, how was he?

A Ra: Fine.

Cho A: A Ra?!

A Ra: Fine. You’re right. He’s stunning, cute and amazing. Happy?

Cho A: Very. So, when do you want to meet him again?

A Ra: What? No, thank you.

Cho A: Why? Didn’t you just hear yourself out? You like him.

A Ra: After knowing this was a set up. No thank you. It’ll be awkward.

Cho A: Why not? He likes you too.

A Ra: Really?! //Looking shocked//

Cho A: Yes //Laughing at how you react. Clearly you come to have a liking to him//

A Ra: //Clearly your throat, you try to compose yourself// Ehm. Nah. It’s be more awkward.

Cho A: A Ra?

A Ra: No more dates, Cho A!

Cho A: Fine.


*1 week later*

//After pestering you and begging you for the whole day. You finally give in to her. That’s why you’re now sitting at the table top in a club in downtown. Clearly, not enjoying yourself here. Loud music blasting through your ears. Crowd of drunk people on the dance floor, drowning themselves in the music. You shot down the gin that was in your hand. Wanting you have a good time, since you’re already here. But only with the help of some alcohol in your system could help you loosen up. After downing your second shot of gin, you left Cho A at the bar top to join the dance floor. As you were dancing and trying to enjoy the music that was playing. You felt a hand snaking around your waist from behind. Shocked from the sudden unwanted touch, you turn around facing a unknown guy.//

Aron: Hey. I’m Aron.

A Ra: Hey. I’m not interested. //Trying to get out from his grip, that was around your waist. But you couldn’t because he was holding on to you tightly//

Aron: Hahhaa, you’re interesting. Miss not interested.

A Ra: Thanks. But you’re not. //Clearly telling him you are not interested. But he clearly doesn’t take a hint. Or as you can say, ignoring the fact that you’re not interested//

Aron: Hahaha, well actually I am. I can show you. 

A Ra: //You had enough of him, and just wanted to get out of the dance floor. As you were thinking of how to get out of this grip. You felt another pair of hand, taking away the hand that was on your waist. And replacing it with his, pulling you to him. You looked up, seeing who your saviour was.//

Baek Ho: She is clearly not interested in you dude. Go get someone else.

Aron: Well, what makes you think she is interested in you.

Baek Ho: Well, for the start. She isn’t trying to get out of my grip. Right?

//Smiling at you. But all you could do was look at him, staring in to his captivating eyes. Not saying a word.//

Baek Ho: So, what were you saying before? //Raising his eyebrow to the guy infront of you. As if challenging him and showing off that he got you.//

Aron: //Rolling his eyes. Walking away deeper in to the crowd of people on the dance floor. Finding someone else//

Baek Ho: Fancy meeting you here? //Raising his eyebrow to you, which made you snap back to reality//

A Ra: //You looked back at the bar top, seeing Cho A and her boyfriend (Ren) sitting there. Both giving you a grin. Looking back at the guy beside you, you spoke// Well, not so fancy you mean?

Baek Ho: //Chuckled// Well, wanna get out of here?

A Ra: //Glad that he knows you aren’t enjoying your time here// Gladly.

//Both of you sneak out of the club by yourself without both of your friends. Knowing both of them, they will surely follow the both of you. Wanting to know what you guys are up to. Hence, deciding to sneak out when they aren’t noticing. Going to the river bank near the club, sitting on the stairs of it. Enjoying the night view and the stars above both of you. It was quiet but a comfortable type of silence//

Baek Ho: It’s nice out here huh.

A Ra: Yup.

Baek Ho: So, you know that date was a set up already?

A Ra: Yup. Well, Cho A is not the best at lying anyway.

Baek Ho: Hahahha, Ren too. But I did enjoy it.

A Ra: Me too.

Baek Ho: So….. Want to go for another round? //Biting his lips, looking up. Trying to play it cool and casual. Clearly, he was not the best at it//

A Ra: Another round? //Looking at him, raising your eyebrow, challenging him. Pretending as though you didn’t understand what he meant//

Baek Ho: Argh. I know you get what I meant! //Refusing to put his ego down. But you didn’t want to back down and give in to him either//

A Ra: What do you mean? I don’t get it? //Looking at him with your innocent eyes. But with a smirk coming up to your lips//

Baek Ho: //Rolling his eyes at you. Giving up// Fine. Would you like to go on another date with me? //Looking away from you, trying to hide his blushing face. You’re kind of surprise he let his ego down so fast and find it kind of cute that he is acting shy//

A Ra: I would love you. //Giving him a sincere smile//

//Both of you exchanged numbers at the end of it. And parted your ways back home//


*Next day*

Cho A: I can’t believe sneak out of the club with him without us knowing.

A Ra: Well, I can’t believe that you set me up again.

Cho A: What? I didn’t. It was just a coincident.

 A Ra: Ya, right. As if I would believe in that awful lie.

Cho A: How did it go?

A Ra: Why should I tell you?

Cho A: A Ra!!!

A Ra: Fine. We exchanged numbers. And agree to meet up again.

Cho A: OMG! Finally! I knew you would like him.

A Ra: Well, thank you then.

Cho A: So, when is your next date?

A Ra: As if I would tell you. I know you’re going to stalk us with Ren if you knew.

Cho A: Hahaha! Well, I’ll find my way to it.


*1 week later*

//You met up with Baek Ho for your date. Which was heart pounding to you. Not knowing why you’re so nervous about it. You guys went to the movie first, deciding to watch the latest action movie there is. “Jumanji”. He was sweet, taking off his jacket for you to wear. Taking care of you, and making sure you were having fun as well. After the movie, both of you were sitting at the café drinking coffee//

Baek Ho: So, when do you think those 2 would leave us alone?

A Ra: Clearly, never. But how did they find out?

Baek Ho: Well, I’m at fault. I guess Ren took my phone without me noticing and found out.

A Ra: Hahaha, it okay. It’s fun to see those 2 there, making themselves a fool. As they try not to make their presence known to us. But they are clearly so bad at it. //Looking at both of your 2 friends, hiding in the corner of the café spying at both of you//

Baek Ho: Let’s just casually, get out of this café. Making them think that we didn’t notice them. But we run away once we step out of it.

A Ra: Sounds fun. Let’s go.

//Causally getting up from your seat. You walked beside Baek Ho, out of the café. Pretending to not notice the 2 fools that was hiding themselves. As you step out of the café, Baek Ho slips his hands to your tightly.//

Baek Ho: Run!

//Both of you run as fast as you could away from the café, knowing you would escape your friend’s supervision. As they were clearly not aware that both of you would pull this trick. And they were not prepared to go for a run with their unfinished coffee in their hands. Failing to catch up with both of you. After you lost them. Both of you stop on your feet and found out that both of you were at a park now. Still holding your hand, he leads both of you to an open field in the park. Lying down on the soft grass. Offering his shoulder to you to lie on. Which you gratefully did. Both of you were trying to catch your breath back while lying down. Turning to each other after you did. Looking deeply at each other’s eyes. Admiring the view infront of you instead of the sky. Smiling at each other//

Baek Ho: It was fun.

A Ra: It was.

Baek Ho: Let’s go on another date without them.

A Ra: Sure. //Smiling at each other//


//Time passed by fast and it has been a month since have met Baek Ho. And you have already lost count on how may dates you had gone with him. You feel so comfortable being with him and you never knew you needed anyone by your side until you met him. Clearly, it was the same case for him. Just another typical day, that Baek Ho is asking you out again. You didn’t feel like getting out of your house. Hence, you asked him to come over instead. Which he gladly agreed to. You set up cushion and sleep bags on the floor, in your living room. Infront of your couch, so both of you camp out there comfortably. You ask him to dress comfortably as well, since you weren’t planning to go out to eat as well. You order delivery and set down all the food on the sleeping bags. And pre-download a movie for both of you to watch “Dear John”. After that was done, your doorbell rang just in time. You open up your door to greet your guest. Looking at him, wearing a plain hoodie and short shorts. Looking as good as usual. He came up to you, giving you a hug before heading in.

Both of you sitting close to each other, side by side on the floor. And were already done with eating your food even before the movie was half way through. You were getting a food coma form all the delicious food you had inhaled. You comfortably reposition yourself and lie your head on his shoulder. Which made him wrap his arms around you and resting his head on top of yours. About ¾ way in to the movie, he turned to you looking at you. Which made you raise your head that was still on this shoulder to look at him. He lowered his face to yours slowly, and you know he was going to kiss you. Hence, you closed your eyes waiting for his lips to touch yours. Which did, it was soft and sweet. He broke the kiss after giving you a soft kiss. It was silent, even though the movie was playing. Both of you stared into each other’s eyes loving. Knowing that nothing could be more right than this. Him with you and you with him. It was such as perfect atmosphere. As if both of you were the lead character of a movie.//

Baek Ho: A Ra….. Would you like to be my girlfriend? //As if it was a line from a script in a movie//

A Ra: Yes.

Baek Ho: //Chucked// I love you. //Placing another kiss in your lips//

A Ra: I love you too. //Both of you were blushing but, still didn’t want to look away from each other//

Baek Ho: I guess we have our friends to thank, for this.

A Ra: I guess so. //Placing a kiss on his cheek, which made him kiss you back lovingly on your lips//


Meeting you was fate, Loving you was by choice.

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NeenaKang #1
Chapter 78: Awww this is so lovely *.*

Thanks for the update, and for this new series <3
Chapter 78: Yasssss finally you are back~~ I love your stories. Keep it up! 😘💞
NeenaKang #3
Chapter 76: Awwww I missed a lot your beautiful stories <3 Thanks for uploading this *.*
Chapter 76: Sweeeeeet!! :) Beautiful story as always author-nim! I love it! :)))
Chapter 18: I love this. TT It was a misunderstanding. Glad they got back together. <3
lejardin #6
Chapter 75: Aww love it
Chapter 75: It was so cute. <3
NeenaKang #8
Chapter 75: Thanks for uploading this beautiful story.... I'm looking forward for next chapter *.*
Chapter 74: Thank you, Author-nim for another nice serie. I'm looking for the next member. Fighting! :)
NeenaKang #10
Chapter 74: Omggggg! I love it *.*
Thanks for writing authornim <3
Looking forward for the next guy :3