I only have you... (Aron)

Nu'est One Shot

Concept: FLUFF

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//Term break is finally over, and I’m starting my second year in this school.//

A Ra: Aron, I’m nervous!

Aron: Relax, it’s the first day of school. You should be enjoying yourself instead.

A Ra: Well, we’ll be having new classmates. How can I not?

Aron: It’s not like you ever talk to anyone.

A Ra: True! I’m glad at least we are in the same class. If not, I’ll be alone for the whole year without you.

Aron: Awww… Are you confessing to me now? But I’m sorry I’m not interested.

A Ra: Like hell I was Aron. Not even in your dreams.

//We walked into class and sat at the only available empty seat in class.//

Heri: Hey, my name is Heri! What’s yours?

A Ra: Ahhh… Ehmm…. A Ra

Min Hyun: Heri! Stop scaring her. I’m sorry. She is just a little too friendly. My name is Min Hyun. Nice to meet you. Hmm, What about you?

Aron: My name’s Aron. Nice you meet you guys too. Don’t be sorry, she is just really shy around strangers. Kind of anti-social.

Heri: Ahhh.. It’s okay, I understand. I still want to be your friend!!!

A Ra: Ehmmm… okay?

Heri: Seriously, you look so cool! Your pricing though! I always wanted one, but I’m just too scared of the pain. Omg Aron even you. Why does everyone around me have it

Aron: It’s not that bad.

Min Hyun: You’re just a scary cat.

Heri: AM NOT!!!

Aron: You guys seem close.

Heri: We’re neighbours and middle school classmate as well. Naturally, we got close. You guys seem close as well.

Aron: Our parents are friends. We practically grew up together.

Min Hyun: Heri! Stop pestering them. We’re having lesson now you know.

Aron: It’s alright. The lesson doesn’t seem interesting anyway.

Heri: Awww.. Aron is so nice! Unlike this party pooper here!

Min Hyun: You’re just saying that because he is your idea type of guy.

Aron: Huh?

Heri: Shut it Min Hyun! Why do you always have to expose me?

Aron: Me?

Heri: Ya…. You’re kind of my idea type. Omg! I’m embarrassing myself. I shall stop now.

Min Hyun: When do you not embarrass yourself.

Aron: Hahha! It’s okay, you’re kind of cute too. Right A Ra?

A Ra: Yes. //Nodding her head.//

Heri: AHHHHHH!!!! OMG! I’m star struck right now. But A Ra, is so cute as well!!!

Min Hyun: Don’t compliment her. It’ll get worst.

A Ra: But Aron is just telling the truth.

Heri: Awwww….. A Ra!!!! You’re so nice //Hugging A Ra.//

Min Hyun: She clearly looks uncomfortable. You should let her go now.

Aron: It’s okay. She needs to get used to it. //Patting on A Ra’s head.//

A Ra: //Pouting at Aron.//


*2 Months later*


Heri: Finally, we’re done with class. Let’s go Aron!

Min Hyun: Where are you guys going?

Heri: DATE!

A Ra: Date?

Aron: Ya, I’m sorry. A Ra you have to go back home yourself today.

Heri: It’s okay, Min Hyun would accompany A Ra home. Right?

Min Hyun: Sure. But where are you guys going?

Heri: The new café that just open!!! There’ll be a lot of people, so we can’t be late. Let’s go! //Grabbing Aron, pulling out of the classroom with him.//

A Ra: Actually, I can go home myself.

Min Hyun: It’s alright. I don’t mind. We can get to know each other more as well.

A Ra: Min Hyun….

Min Hyun: Ya?

A Ra: You like Heri don’t you?

Min Hyun: Wow, you’re quiet but I guess because of that you’re observant.

A Ra: Go get Heri then. We can get to know each other more next time.

Min Hyun: Thanks!!!! We definitely will. //Rushing out of the classroom. But stops before the door, looking back at A Ra.// Oh and…

A Ra: ????

Min Hyun: You’ll get yours as well. //Winking at A Ra. Then running out the door.//

A Ra: What does he mean by that?


*In the café*

Aron: You’re just using me to get Min Hyun jealous right?

Heri: Woah. You caught on fast. But I don’t think it worked thought.

Aron: It will.

Heri: What do you mean?

Aron: Even though A Ra is quiet. She is very observant. So, I think she would be asking Min Hyun to come here already.

Heri: You really do know her well, don’t you?

Aron: I guess you can say that.

Heri: Well, me doing this is also benefitting you.

Aron: In what means am I benefitting from it?

Heri: Come on Aron! It’s so obvious you like A Ra.

Aron: Is it really that obvious?

Heri: Yes Aron.

//Just Then Min Hyun rushed in the café. When he finally saw where Aron and Heri was sitting. He went up to the table and pulled her hand.//

Min Hyun: Sorry, she is already taken by me.  //Looking at Aron.//

Aron: Well, looks like my job is done. I’ll be going. You can sit here now.

Min Hyun: Huh? //Looking at Heri.//

Heri: I’ll explain later. But Aron!!!

Aron: Ya? //Almost exiting the café.//

Heri: Get her before it’s too late.

Aron:…….. //Exiting out of the café.//


*Next day in school*


//All 4 of them are exiting the classroom out of school.//

A Ra: So, both of you are finally together?

Heri: Yup! He is so cute!!! He keeps stuttering when trying to confess.

Min Hyun: You girls know that I’m just right beside you right.

Heri: Well, I’m just showing off my boyfriend. So, A Ra your turn.

A Ra: Huh?

Heri: Omg, Aron?!! Don’t tell me!

Min Hyun: By the looks of it. He really didn’t.

Aron: What?

Heri: Omg, you’re so slow.

A Ra: ??

Heri: Forget it. Since you don’t care about her that much. You wouldn’t mind Min Hyun going on a date with her right?

Aron: You wouldn’t.

Heri: Watch me. Min Hyun darling. Since, I went on a date with Aron yesterday. I’ll give you permission to go on a date with A Ra.

A Ra: Huh? Me?

Min Hyun: Sure. A Ra? Do you want to go on a date with me?

Aron: She wouldn’t agree to it.

A Ra: Sure. I don’t mind.

Aron: WHAT?! A RA?

A Ra: ???

Min Hyun: Let’s go then! //Holding A Ra’s hand. Walking off. While Aron stare at them in shocked with Heri beside her.//


Heri: What?

Aron: You’re just going to let your boyfriend go on a date with another girl?

Heri: She is my best friend. Not another girl.

Aron: ARGHHH!!!!!!!!! //Running after both of them.//

Heri: It worked 😊

//While Min Hyun and A Ra was walking to the direction of the park near the school.//

A Ra: What are you guys talking about just now?

Min Hyun: You’ll know in a short while. Let’s sit here. //Stopping at a bench in the park. Sitting down.// I think we need to get to know each other another time again.

A Ra: Hmmm?

//Just then Aron was running towards them.//

Aron: A RA!!!

Min Hyun: That’s why.

A Ra: What are you doing here?

Aron: Let’s just go //Holding A Ra’s hand pulling her away.//

A Ra: But Min..

Aron: Forget about him.

//Aron was just holding A Ra’s hand walking around. He didn’t really know where to go. And his mind was practically blank. Not knowing what to do.//

A Ra: Aron, you alright?

Aron: Why did you agree to go?

A Ra: Huh?

Aron: Why did you agree to go on a date with Min Hyun.

A Ra: I just wanted to get to know him better.

Aron: Why? Are you interested in him?

A Ra: No. I’m just trying to make friends like you always told me to.

Aron: Don’t. At least not with any guys.

A Ra: But you’re a guy. And you’re my friend. Why can’t I?

Aron: I’m different.

A Ra: Different?

Aron: Just don’t, I’ll get jealous…..

A Ra: Jealous?

//Aron stops on his feet. Turing to face A Ra, he pulled her in to a hug. Hugging her tightly towards him until there was no space between them. Placing his face into the nape of her neck, smelling her sweet scent.//

Aron: Do you get it now?

A Ra: Ehmmm… Aron…. Get what?

Aron: //Sighing// Placing a firm kiss on her neck.


Aron: Do you get it now?

A Ra: I don’t think you’re suppose to be doing this. Can you…. //Struggling to get out of Aron’s grip. But couldn’t because he was too strong. //

Aron: Stop moving around.

A Ra: Aron? What’s wrong with you?

Aron: //Sighing// A Ra….. I like you……

A Ra: I like you too Aron, but could you…

Aron: //Chuckled// Your heart rate is racing.

A Ra: Because you’re being weird.

Aron: I’m sorry if I’m weird. I just like you so much. More like, I love you.

A Ra: Aron???

Aron: I’m sorry.. I understand. I’m sorry if I was being weird. I get it that you don’t see me more then a friend. I’m sorry. //Letting go of her, walking away.//

A Ra: //Left stunned there by his words. But after she fully comprehend what Aron had said. She ran up to him grabbing tightly on to his hand. Looking down on her feet.//

Aron: A Ra?

A Ra: Don’t go…. I need you… I……. I….. I love you too…..

Aron: //Widen his eyes in shocked// A Ra?!

A Ra: So… Don’t leave me…… I only have you…..

Aron: //Pulling her into a hug, chuckling.// I’m never leaving you my dear.

A Ra: //Hugging him back, hiding her face on to his chest.// Really?

Aron: Yes. You’re the only one I have with me. I can’t do anything without you. I can’t function without you, my dear.

A Ra: I need you by myside….

Aron: I need you too… //Placing a firm kiss on top of her head.// I Love You.

A Ra: I love you too Aron….

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NeenaKang #1
Chapter 78: Awww this is so lovely *.*

Thanks for the update, and for this new series <3
Chapter 78: Yasssss finally you are back~~ I love your stories. Keep it up! 😘💞
NeenaKang #3
Chapter 76: Awwww I missed a lot your beautiful stories <3 Thanks for uploading this *.*
Chapter 76: Sweeeeeet!! :) Beautiful story as always author-nim! I love it! :)))
Chapter 18: I love this. TT It was a misunderstanding. Glad they got back together. <3
lejardin #6
Chapter 75: Aww love it
Chapter 75: It was so cute. <3
NeenaKang #8
Chapter 75: Thanks for uploading this beautiful story.... I'm looking forward for next chapter *.*
Chapter 74: Thank you, Author-nim for another nice serie. I'm looking for the next member. Fighting! :)
NeenaKang #10
Chapter 74: Omggggg! I love it *.*
Thanks for writing authornim <3
Looking forward for the next guy :3