A playboy!

the right one

)come in : he shouts (

" She walks through that door and enters the room with a wide open eyes and a small arrogant smile on her face and draws her left hand to her face and says...."

- less than three minutes...sir

-now what should we start with sir

) ahmmmmm... okay there is a couple of first rules that you should know  (

1. Never be late .   2. Keep your  office clean  and your desk teady.                      

3. You have only one lunch break and before you leave you must take permission      4. Always wear something good, since you present my company 

5. No loud voices in the office 

6. You must always answer your phone when work time 

) that's it for now , I hope you wrote them down (

- hhhhh  no need sir I already have them memorized, I have a very good memory , 

- and yes don't worry sir I do have my own principle in work if you don't mind of course....?

)go on ....(

- 1. I will never be late and I will make sure that I am here first 

2. I will amswer any phone call even if it's in the middle of the night

3. I won' leave work before you do .

4. I will never break your trust .

)will let's hope your not all talk and no work(

- of course sir.... do you need anything else sir 

) ohhhh yeah call director yoongi and tell him to come see me ... and you can find his phone...(

- I know sir on the paper on the desk ... right away sir

)u can leave now(

" she left his room with a happy arrogant smile as if she felt sattisfied with her beginnig, she reachd the paper that has the phone numbers immediately and she called that man that was called  yoongi ..."

The phone keeps on ringing but nobody answers 

^ helloooo ...^ 

- oh finally... hi 

^ oh sorry did I keep you wiating... I had a meeting^

-  no it' okay sir ... CEO Sam told me to call you to his office immiditaly

^oh and you areee????^

- Am scarlet his new assistant 

^oh really you have a cute name ... tell him I will be right there^

- okay director yoongi

" she closed the phone to call Sam.. she pressed number 1"

- sir , director yoongi is on his way

)okay sent him in right away(

" she closes the phone with CEO and starts cleaning her desk... she opens her notebook and sets on her new chair she leans back and closes her eyes and starts to wonder how uncle Lee is doing and if he has taken his meds she thinks about calling him to check on him but she didn't want to look weak and hopelss...all of a sudden a small breath of air touches her hair , she gets suprised and almost falls of her chair she looks around to see another man who looks like carton charechtor .. she stares at him while looking " confused "

^sorry did I scare you ... I didn't mean to ... you just looked so cute while closeing your eyes I couldn't help it^

", you must be scarlet he said while having a big smile oh his well drawn handsome face"

-  hmmmm yes , and you are ???

^you don't recognize me .... what a shock , am actually quite poupler on tv ... anyway i am director yoongi , you can call me oppa or yoongi , both are okay with me sweety^

" What a playboy she thought to her self , with a simple smile and a confident voice she said: "

- well director yoongi , the CEO is expecting you ... you can go in 

^wow , your cuter when your serious,  Lee must be giving you hard time so take it easy and do your best you can always call me  .... fighting/good luck^

- no it's not that hard I will get used to it fast ... you should go in now ... the CEO won't like it if your late ... don t forget time is money. 

^okay , okay see you later scarlet ^

" after a couple of hours both the director and the CEO left the office together "

)scarlet where going out for lunch you can have your break to the ceo said(

- okay sir thank you ... have a good meal

"While they were standing in front of the elevator .. they looked like best friends who are leaving work together... she was quite shocked that the CEO can actually have a friend who can handle him well"

^scarlet; would you like to come eat with us the director said...^

- oh no it's okay sir i am not hungry I want to stay here to have some work done 

^well okay good luck ^

" She throw her self on her chair and she start working on her new jobbbbb until her phone rings and it turns out to be her aunt Lee calling..."



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hey guys lately I have been having trouble to find a new laptop to write on , so am using my sister's laptop, sorry for the late update


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1101 streak #1
Chapter 27: typical grandmother ...XDD
Sakurakh #2
Chapter 27: oh! the grandmother is so cute
1101 streak #3
Chapter 26: NICE CHAPTER!
yukinaruse #4
Chapter 26: Omg I hope the grandma's fine
Thanks for updating
Sakurakh #5
Chapter 26: Oh that's a nice chapter
1101 streak #6
Chapter 25: I like this chapter so much!!!!!so an upvote for u^^
yukinaruse #7
Chapter 25: Sam the boyfriend is the cutest thing ever
Sakurakh #8
Chapter 25: Omg ... wild Sam is amazing ^_^
Sakurakh #9
Chapter 24: Omg.... they are so sweet
Sakurakh #10
Chapter 23: Oh no ... No lying ! Lying is not good in a relationship