Chapter 2

GIL Spinoff One: Love Between Killers
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Byunghyun was always alone. He was abandoned at birth by parents who did not care for children. He was only left with a name. Lee Byunghyun. He was taken to an orphanage where the staff did not care for the children. He was adopted by a family who wanted to exploit him for money. They abandoned him when they found him useless. But he did not care. At the age of seven, Byunghyun became cold. His smiled dimmed. His light was nonexistent. 
At the age of 9, he was back in a different orphanage. The owner had found him on the harsh streets of LA. Eric, the owner, found Byunghyun to be interesting as he refused to take his money. Though he was starving and homeless, he refused help from someone if he couldn’t do anything to pay them back. Eric found that interesting. He decided to take Byunghyun back to Korea with him. There, Byunghyun was never left hungry. He had a bed to sleep in at night. He was warm. 
Byunghyun rarely talked. He didn’t believe in making friends. He didn’t believe in trusting anyone. The kids in the orphanage stayed away from him. They were scared of him. Except one. 
His name was Choi Jonghyun. He wasn’t that different from Byunghyun. Jonghyun was the top dog at the orphanage. He didn’t talk. He was fearless. But he respected Eric. He was thankful to Eric. He was a year younger than Byunghyun. The two boys didn’t exactly get along. In fact, they often got into fights because Byunghyun refused to talk to Eric. Jonghyun found that disrespectful. 
“Hey there Byunghyun. You seem to be feeling better.” Eric said. Byunghyun ignored him and continued to read his book. Eric sighed and went back into his office. Jonghyun, who saw the exchange, walked up to Byunghyun and grabbed him by the collar. 
“What the was that?! I told you that if you disrespect Eric hyung like that, I’ll punch you.” Jonghyun said before throwing a punch at the older boy’s face. Byunghyun glared before pushing Jonghyun on to the ground. The two boys wrestled until the staff started to intervene. 
“Boys. Stop it.” Eric commanded. The boys ignored him and continued to fight. 
“Boys stop!” Eric yelled at them. Jonghyun threw a punch at Byunghyun but since Eric blocked him, he ended up hitting Eric in the stomach. Jonghyun finally snapped out of it and stared at Eric in shock. Byunghyun couldn’t believe what he was seeing. 
“H-Hyung.” Jonghyun said. Eric glared at the two boys.
“Both of you are to clean the infant area. It will be spotless.” Eric said before leaving. Jonghyun looked down at the ground. Byunghyun sighed but went toward the supply closet. Jonghyun followed soon after and the two began to clean. 

The two cleaned in complete silence before Byunghyun couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Hey look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to provoke you.” Byunghyun said. Jonghyun looked at him.
“I know. I’m sorry I punched you.” Jonghyun said. 
“Why did you punch me? I know I ignored Eric Hyung but why did you care?” Byunghyun asked curiously. Jonghyun sighed. 
“It’s because it annoys me when people disrespect him. Eric Hyung is my savior. Without him, I wouldn’t be alive.” Jonghyun said. Byunghyun raised an eyebrow. 
“I was abandoned at birth. I didn’t have parents. I was raised by a man who didn’t want to raise me. He used me to gain sympathy from women. In the morning, he would bring me out to the park and pretend to play with me while this woman watched. This woman loved children, so she would often join in. So gradually she came to pity my so called father. She wanted to become my mother figure so she came around more often. And their relationship turned physical. She would come over every night. And as soon as she put me to sleep, she would sleep with him. I wasn’t stupid. I knew what they were doing. But as soon as she left the next morning, my ‘father’ would abuse me. This continued until two months. Eric Hyung had moved next door to us. Eric hyung saw me getting beaten while the man was drunk through the window. He got me out of there. And took me here. And I can’t thank him enough for that.” Jonghyun told his story. Byunghyun kept silent. He never thought Jonghyun had ever suffered a day in his life. The kid dressed well. People respected him after all. And now he understood why. 
“What about you? What’s your story? Why are you here?” Jonghyun asked. Byunghyun sighed. 
“Similar to you. But I’m a street rat. I was abandoned at birth by my parents. I’ve been in an orphanage before this. I was adopted into a family that used me for money and then abandoned me. After that, I lived on the streets of LA. People didn’t care that I was a kid. They kicked me away if I asked for help. They laughed at me when I ate. Then Eric found me and brought me here. And as for him, I’ll respect and trust him. ” Byunghyun said. Jonghyun laughed. 
“I guess we’re pretty similar then. I won’t bother you anymore if you respect Eric Hyung. He’s my savior after all. From this day on, we’re brothers.” Jonghyun said. Byunghyun looked at him. 
“Don’t decided things on your own. I’m not agreeing to this.” Byunghyun said. Jonghyun smirked. 
“Oh please. I can tell you find the other kids annoying. I at least won’t annoy you anymore. In fact, I want to be friends with you. You’re my Hyung right?” Jonghyun said. Byunghyun sighed, but nodded, giving in. He didn’t mind being Jonghyun’s brot

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Yanyan1 #1
Chapter 2: I’ve watched the film! It was so cute yet sad. I loved it. As for the chapter, I really liked it. I got to see how L.Joe was in the past. So L.Joe and Changjo weren’t friends at first. That’s really funny because now they’re so close. Like hyung and dongsaeng. Also Editor Oppa, you take too long!!!
NoraMyFics #2
Chapter 1: Good luck for your spin off!! Will be looking forward to it!!