
The world has become a corrupt place. Humans engaging war against each other, the rich became richer while the poor became poorer. The green land turned into cracked ground

This is year 2035, the world is separated into those who have nothing and those who have everything. We call those who have everything Maretie, and those who have nothing…..Nula

We’re separated, Maretie’s live with Maretie’s and Nula’s live with Nula’s. Mareties live like kings. They have servants serving them, even have slaves to feed their greed. Food are prepared and they lived without worry. On the other hand, Nulas live like hell. Those slaves? Servants from Mareties would find the weakest in Nulas pack and would force them out. So basically Nulas are just Mareties avatar. They are starved and some are killed so they will beg for their lives. Nulas are just animals basically










My name is Byeol, and I am a Nula


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