
Notepaper Hearts

They arrived at the top of the stairs with Luhan heaving his own suitcase angrily. He let it drop onto the floor with a loud thud.

“Hey.” Minju said. “Are you going to pay for the flooring if it breaks?”

“Look,” he sighed, glaring at her bitterly. “I know I laughed at your outfit and your…” he looked her up and down with a look of disgust, “...appearance. But that doesn’t mean you can drop a 70-pound suitcase on me!”

“Then you should have made it lighter.” She walked to one of the rooms on the far end of the hallway and opened the door. “I suggest you use this room.”


“Because mine is on the opposite side. I’d rather we not be side-by-side. If I have to judge you by your appearance, I’d say you listen to screamo music at 3am in the morning. And I don’t want to be near that. Ever.”

Luhan pursed his lips and threw her a pointed look. Then, picking up his 70-pound suitcase, he dragged it to that room, went inside and shut the door.

Crazy wench. Why of all places did I have to rent a room here?

He recalled the advertisement:

312 Chamdong Avenue, Busan. Rooms for rent. Meals included.

Ahh… it was the free meals...

He rolled his eyes at his misfortune of living with someone so difficult before going to go lie down on his freshly made bed.

At least the bed’s comfy… he thought with a smile. And letting his limbs rest, he drifted off to sleep.


Minju crossed her arms over her chest as she plopped herself into her chair.

That’s right. I’ve always wanted a sibling. But my parents only had me. So when my dad thought to make extra money by opening a doarding house, it gave me so much hope for the "big family" experience. But this guy has no manners!

She sighed.

 I wonder if it’s only the first day that’s weird. Maybe we’ll get along in the future.

 I really hope so.

I should probably give it a few days to be realistic though…


2 days later…

Just up your pride. Be kind. Okay? Minju told herself as she stood in front of his door. She knocked.


“Uh… it’s me, Minju. I dropped that suitcase on you… and I just wanna say, uh, I kinda regret it?" she said through gritted teeth.

No reply.

Minju tried again:

“I mean, if we’re going to live in the same house we should at least try to get along… can I come in?”


“Huh? But – “

“You may own this house but I rented this room, so I would like it if you wouldn’t bother me.”

“Yah, what could you possibly be doing that you can’t open the door for minute just to – “

The door swung open immediately to produce the new-comer in his navy-coloured full-length pyjamas. He raised his brows. “Happy? What do you want?”

Minju smiled weakly. “I guess I'm sorry about before..."

"Okay. Anything else?"

"That's sort of all..."

"Great." He shut the door.

"Hey!" She knocked on the door again.

He opened it with an impatient expression.

"What is it now?"

Minju frowned. “You were so nice to my parents, but how about me?”

“They didn’t drop a suitcase on me did they? And they weren’t rude to me, were they?”

“You were rude too! You laughed at me just because of my appearance! You think I can help looking like this?! You think it’s my fault I can’t be a super model, huh?!

Luhan took a deep breath. “Look, I don’t care anyway. Dress however you want, look however you want. I’m sorry I laughed, it was a reflex. Are we done now?”

Minju nodded reluctantly.

The door shut again.

Minju scowled, eyes narrowing. Always quick to shut a door. How rude!


Maybe not a few days then. A few weeks…?


The bell rang and students filed into their classes for the first day of school. A fresh-faced boy with blond hair walked in with his hands in his pockets. He caught sight of Minju sitting at the back by herself and his face showed signs of mental pain.

“Oh come on… we’re in the same class?” Luhan sighed before seating himself down near the window.

Minju, seeing him too, puffed her cheeks and dropped her head onto her desk.


Or months…


“Luhan…” Minju said, half-asleep, as she lied down on the couch. The sports channel was still playing on the TV but neither of them were awake enough to pay attention to it.

“What…?” Luhan answered, eye lids getting heavy.

“What do you think of me?”

“Huuhhh…?” What the hell is this weirdo talking about? He squinted his eyes, trying to keep them open although he was tired.

“I said…” Minju rolled off the couch and landed on the floor with a dull thud. “Ow…” she subconsciously rubbed her back.

“I said, what do you think of me? Do you think we will ever be siblings? Could you… ever like me?”

Luhan laughed. “Are you crazy? How could I ever like you?”

Minju laughed too. “I know right.”

“Stop speaking Minju, you’re too sleepy, you’re making no sense.”

“You’re sleepy too, you’re sense no making…” Minju chuckled as her head dropped onto his shoulder.

Luhan, tired, laughed weakly and slowly drifted off as well.

Even though he had no interest in her, at least Minju had someone she could bother. Thanks Appa, for finding me a brother. I’ll cherish him even though he doesn’t care about me.

Minju smiled as she slept.

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loddie19 #1
Chapter 5: Just finished it, and this last chapter was particularly interesting. It made me smile alot! I hope you can write more of it. It's really fun and you have a very good imagination.
loddie19 #2
Chapter 2: I like it! I've never read one like this and it seems interesting and funny! :) Glad I found it.
11 streak #3
I'm looking forward to reading the story huhu:) The plot seems interesting and fresh, I'm excited~
18 streak #4
This seems interesting :)