Tell me to comeback






In silence where few can stand. 


But safetiness lies


In silence where the darkest of darkness tails


But it lures me into its den with it's beautiful made pitch of black and the peace engraved with it. 


The distress of others brought me to my silence. 


And I no longer know... where would this silence will bring me. 


The aftermath of people who stand silence has brought me upon where I stand highly over others in my own little world where I need not to feel un-silenced. 


The silence has brought me to befriend the darkest of the darkness and give little whispers to my ear. 


Those whispers were like a bean in palm of the bear. Seems small, seems fragile, seems breakable. 


Breakable they say, because they haven't experienced silence. 


Funny how they console the silence in me where they haven't met the good friend of mine, silence. 


Silence and I play in an abandoned park, in which soil breaks, insects dies,flowers bloom. Where drop of water seems impossible to run through the veins of trees, were blood flows in between the roots and on the roots of biggest friends. Those friends' shoulders were wide and broad, it's thick and rough with few little friends hanging. We play from Dusk until Dawn. We play until our breathe shortened. We shout until our voices are hoarse but no one cares because we're silent. 


But Silence isn't silent. 


You were born alone but there's a nagging voice you want to silence. 


Small advices through your head, small whispers through your ear. Voices literally all over your head that it hurts you wanna put a big graffiti of Silence BECAUSE IT IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS LIKE TO BE SILENT. 











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