If only


If only he was brave enough to tell Junmyeon how much he loves him...

If only he could travel back in time they had spent together

If only he was there for him, hugged him enough ....

If only.... 

Luhan knows better than anyone, that's what he could've done, but he hates himself for regreting it after losing his chance...


Depression and suicidal are of no joke. The unspeakable  and imperceptible loneliness can be overwhelming, the unbearable pain is what killing us. 


As a part of community, what could we've done to contribute?

Never underestimate the power of love and kidness, spread them. when you still have a chance, Hug the people that dearest to you as much as you can, tell them how much you love them..and tell them how much their existence means to you. 


Suicide is not an answer for everything!! it's devastating to know that they have become  so hopeless  that in their eyes, they can no longer see the light...




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Asiahadam #1
I wait ur story... Please complete this..