
Complicated Love


I said goodbye to BTS and didn't saw V and Angel. I looked around and heard someone talking. 'You cheated on her!' Angel said. I was so angry at V. Why could he even do that..... I opened the door and saw V was holding Angels hand. 'Get out of the house' I was so angry. V looked at Angel and ran out of the house. 'Oppa..' Angel whined and hugged me I hugged her back and said to her that I have something to do she just should go shower and cook some dinner for us. She nodded her head and went away.

I ran after V. 

'YAAHH V!!!' I shouted. He turned around and stopped. 'What do you want ?' He asked coldly. 'What did you do to Angel?' I asked. 'I kissed her' He smirked. 'WHY??!' I held his collar. 'Why do you want to know?' He smiled. ' YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND' I shouted. 'So what´' V laughed. 'Were you allowed to kiss Angel? NO! Because she's mine' I punched him right into his face. He held his nose, it's bleeding. He looked so angry right now and kicked me into my stomach. I laid on the ground. I felt so heavy pain in my stomach. BUT JIMIN YOU HAVE PROTECT YOURS. I immediately stood up and kicked him into his stomach now he felt on the ground. Blood came out of his mouth. 'Don't you dare to touch Angel again' I said and gave him an angry look before I went to Angels house.


I took a shower and went down to make dinner for Jimin and me. Is he staying again..??? why....???

Dinner was ready and at that moment I heard the door. Jimin was back.. 

'Hey oppa..dinner is rea-' 'WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO???' I shouted and ran up to him. He was bleeding. 'Nothing to worry about ok?' He sounded cold. I nodded my head and we sat down at the table. We ate dinner in silence. After dinner we cleaned the kitchen.

'I'm going to take a shower' He said and went to the bathroom. What's wrong with him... What did he do...

I sighed and sat on the couch. I switched on the TV and watched my favourite K-Drama. After an hour I decided to go to bed. School is tomorrow...

I went to the bedroom and saw Jimin peacefully sleeping in my bed. I smiled and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I laid down next to Jimin. I looked at his face for minutes and gently touched his hair. WOW it's soooo soft...

'Oppa I don't know who you are... I don't know what you are doing.. but you make my heart beating so fast...' I said and drifted off to sleep.


So today I went to school with Jimin. Everyone was looking at me and the girls even talked about me. 'Ignore them' Jimin smiled. I nodded and we went to our lockers. Our lockers were next to each other. Oh I have never noticed that. 

'So Can I stay just a few more days at your house Angel? Of course if you don't mind' He asked. 'Yeah sure why not' I smiled. Suddenly the 6 boys came to us and asked Jimin to come with them they have to talk about a competition at football. He waved goodbye and I smiled. 

I was about to close my locker but I noticed someone was standing behind me. I turned around and suddenly I saw black.

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leeann2212 #1
Chapter 16: Yeeees ommo!!! It was such a cool story~ can you make an one shot with rm please??:D
leeann2212 #2
Chapter 5: YAH omg Maknae I looooveee iiiiit ♡
leeann2212 #3
Chapter 4: I'll be waiting for an update tomorrow Mookie ♡
leeann2212 #4
Chapter 2: Aaahhh mookie saranghae it's cool update soon please <3