A Hyung Sandwich


If there’s one thing Minhyuk had to say he loves most of about his life, he’d definitely have to say it’s his sweet boyfriends~


“Hyung~” Minhyuk calls teasingly, practically draping himself over Hoseok’s sweaty shoulders. They’ve just finished up practice for the day, and everyone is around gathering their things. Hoseok tenses up under his touch, a light pink already dusting his cheeks. God, he’s just so easy. “I’m so tired from practice… Would you piggyback me to the car~?”

Hoseok begins to stutter out a denial of the request, reminding the younger that they’re still in the company building and that they shouldn’t act like this when a staff-member could see them at any second. However, a warm chuckle interrupts his nervous babble, and both turn to see their oldest, Hyunwoo, watching them with affectionate eyes.


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Chapter 1: Honestly, I don't really like the ot3 thing BUT, I admit that when I read your story, it made me smile knowing how much Minhyuk is cherished and loved by two men, however, it made mealso sad that I think, Hoseok isn't convinced about this relationship.. I mean, like others said, he didn't feel loved...So, maybe, we could have a sequel for that story or you let us imagine it...XD
Chapter 1: Pleeeeeeeeease Tell me there is more! How is posible I get to sleep tonight knowing that Wonho doesn't feel loved?!
Chapter 1: COMPLETED? Author-nim, I don't think you understand,.... there needs to be a sequel where Hoseok-oppa fully understands how much his boyfriends love him...

Pls, hook me up