

  • Ji Hansol: He doesn't seem to be a person who shows every single emotions he's been through. Hansol tends to be quiet around new environment. But then again, around that one person, he can  be the Hansol nobody would ever known. Well, he also had his own circle of friendship but that was it. Nobody dares coming closer to him because he seemed scary. His gaze is sharp, his face almost never smiles. 
  • Kim Moonkyu/Kim Timotheo: Moonkyu is one of the boys in Hansol's circle of friendship. He's had a younger sister and his younger sister admires Hansol so much. Moonkyu is the eldest son, so he naturally has this tendency to protect others, look out for the others and take care for the others. He is soft spoken at some points but vocal at some other points. he's also very analitical.
  • Lee Kyung Tak/Lee Geon- Geon is someone with sweet face and also sweet personality. Geon is one of the five who is popular for his kindness. He always smiles to those fangirls when they called his name. he always enjoys being popular
  • Kim Rokhyun: He's one of the baby face of the group. everyone thought Rokhyun was the youngest of the nine. it appears that he was one of the eldest members of the five. He likes children and children likes him. he is a teacher at their neighbour's community nursery.
  •  Kim Donghyun: Donghyun is the eldest in the group. He tends to take care of the youngsters pretty well. He is someone whom everyone would depend on. He is almost like Moonhee and Moonkyu’s older brother. After the sudden death of Moonkyu and Moonhee’s parents, Donghyun took the liberty to easen the financial burden buy paying up Moonhee’s tuition and soon to-be homeschool tutor for the younger.
  • Park Junhee/Jun: Jun took Post-Modern Music major at Kyunghee University where he became good friends with Moonkyu. He had an indie band under the name “Giant Chords” together with Raehwan, Jeup and Geonmin.
  • Lee Geonmin: Geonmin is one of Moonkyu’s friends at the college. Geonmin has a tendency to do silly things. He is somehow jealous of how perfect hansol is but he did not realize that he has the things Hansol didn’t have. He knows when to smile and act flirty while Hansol doesn’t.
  • Park Jeup: The youngest of the clique. Jeup has the best chest voice. But, he is too shy to admit that he is good enough. He likes hanging around with the boys and Teresa because he felt accepted when he was around them. In contrary, he never liked being at home because he doesn’t feel at ease when he was home. Too much pressure for being the youngest kid who has a famous and powerful brother.
  • Kim Raehwan: Moonhee likes Raehwan’s emotional voice. Moonhee loves listening to Raehwan’s jam. That’s all. He sings pretty well, he’s nice and hard working and he loves being around his friends. Raehwan was one of Moonkyu’s senior back then before he joined Moonkyu’s Monster Clique. He seemed quiet but when he feels at ease, he would nag at everyone for being disorganized and all.
  • Kim Moonhee/Kim Teresa: She was supposed to be a cheerful and extroverted girl. After her parents’ death, she became quiet and preserved. Not long after that, she became more and more preserved and quiet and silent after the bullying incident. She could only talk to her brother, Junhee, Raehwan and Hansol. Sometimes she comes back home with a bruised face and blood stains all over his shirt. But she kept quiet even if Moonkyu asked.
  • ----


Hansol was waiting at the school gate, when he heard noises at the backyard of the school. It was five against one. And Those girls are hitting on someone violently. One of the girls even shouted curses to the victim of their gang violence. Hansol ignored that at first but he immediately turned back to the back yard when he heard someone calling the name he knew all his life.


“KIM MOONHEE,” the first girl shouted on her. “How many times should I tell you to back off from Junhee oppa,” the first girl said, shouting at her. Five of them began to hit this one girl called Moonhee.


Hansol was there, he ran to where those girls are and told these girls to go away from her.


“Are you okay?” Hansol asked when those girls are already gone.

She nodded and cried.

“Hush now, I am here,” Hansol hugged her tightly and carried her to the nearest clinic to get her bruises treated.

“Don’t tell Moonkyu oppa,” she said weakly as she got her wound treated.

“But he’s gonna know somehow. You broke your arm, Moonhee ah,” Hansol said.

“It’s okay, let’s just tell him I fell off the stairs,” she said. “Oppa,” she looked at Hansol softly.

“Yes?” He looked back at her and came closer to her.

“Thankyou for saving my life,” she hugged Hansol and burried her face, crying on Hansol’s chest.

“Let me get you some new shirt at my place,” He said, taking her hand to follow him to his flat which was nearby the clinic.


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