The Power Of Royalty



Tears of drop began falling down the ceiling, hearing a scream on the other side of the door making the older man feel powerful and relax. He clenched his hand as staring at the person that own him money. He couldn't let that person run away from him. 

Nobody runs away from Jeon Jeong-guk.

''Please...I beg you!''

Jeon tilt his head and chuckle softly. Jeon love hearing the word 'please' that make himself even more powerful of many people that are scared of him. He couldn't deny himself that he wanted everyone to be killed by his own devil hands.

The one thing that Jeon hate was Humans.

The word human disgusted him as thinking about it but without them being here, he wouldn't drink so many types of blood he in each day from them. Their smell, the small drop of blood dripping down their neck or whatever it's at, Jeon love seeing that sight.

The smell of blood through his nose make him more eager his fingertip grow immediately of furious wanted the smell of blood right now, seeing dark red that is glowing in his eyes knowing he a weak human right now.

The master eyes turn fast as glancing the human begins in front of him, slowly the human was shaking in fear. He should be scared.

Jeon release himself out of the chair fastly grabbing the human neck tightly wrapped his hand around the weak human. He smirks devilishly as his fingertips secretly imagine walk on the human shoulder.

He senses the fear all around the human, he can feel the human body shake thoroughly wanted to out of this dungeon, but nobody, nobody runs away from Jeon Jeong-guk.

Dark claws gaping deep through the human neck Jeon smile widely as hearing huge screaming coming from the human seeing their rolling back up from their head, fighting slightly trying to escape from Jeon but couldn't anymore.

Hearing slushing noise of blood slowing travel to Jeon's arm, bit and a bit of blood traveling through his body. The vein pumps slowly and faster just as his heart pumping faster receive much blood out of the human body.

Jeon tilt his head back feeling relaxed of the blood settle down his body, he was addicted to feeling like these he couldn't stop, no one couldn't stop this feeling.

He then threw the body out of his sight, knowing it would disappear in seconds as their soul will connect to hell, the hell that Jeon Jeong-guk lives, the power of royalty of what Jeon thought. 

Most people hear a lot of thing about their master, they wouldn't dare say something bad to him cause they know for themselves will get them killed and renew their self to hell but much darker level down to hell.

He felt spectacular seeing many of those people that are frightened of him, he wouldn't dare to change himself he was the person that everybody knows. 

Jeon chuckle deeply thinking many years of people battle of him wanted to take over his kingdom but he never steps down his own rich devil kingdom, nobody stan a chance with Jeon.

A soft knock bang against the door interrupted Jeon thoughts, knowing it was his own lovely maid, he treats his maid like his own mother, the maid was the only one that saw Jeon soft spot, and he wants to stay that way.

''Come in!'' He yelled over the door before sigh as seeing his close friend Kim Taehyung other than that his assistant holding a stack of paper in his hand.

Jeon raised his eyebrows, ''What is this?'' he questioned as Taehyung pass the paper to him. He glances down at the top of the paper, giving Taehyung a puzzled look.

Taehyung makes a sound before taking the first paper out and showing to Jeon. ''Well 'sir'-''

''Don't call me that.''

''Anyway... You hear about this person named Cha Hakyeon?''

Jeon kinda nod his head, last week he heard that name before when his maids were talking about Cha Hakyeon, more like gossip behind other people back.

''Yes what about him?'' Jeon wouldn't care less about 'Cha Hakyeon' he indeed hears a lot of bad thing about him but he couldn't even fuss about him without seeing what he look like.

Taehyung pulls out a small portion with dark green liquid inside of it. Jeon's eyes began to be more interested smelling the scent coming out the small portion as Taehyung open it.

''See this?  This is substance is called Pill9c well it says right there on the label so I really don't know if it that name for this.'' Taehyung explained thoroughly.

''Pill9c...'' Jeon mumble knowing it could be something bad that somebody uses it before. ''What it use for?'' He questioned, before taking the small portion out of Taehyung hand but Taehyung snatches it back as giving Jeon a glared.

''It gives an attraction sense to people like you, but not a good way at all, it's created to give a bad repetition to you and your body, that can lead to death or it can lead you to one of them. Over 9,000 thousand people died because of this 'great smell'. ''

Jeon nudge his lips a bit shaking his head, ''It couldn't be possible at all. Us brown werewolf, shouldn't die of this 'smell', but although what do you mean 'lead to them' ?''

''Cha Hakyeon is a black werewolf.'' 

Jeon shouldn't know that Cha Hakyeon was a black werewolf, there's were many past histories of a black werewolf, a dangerous path around them for a long time.

''And what is his revenge?" Jeon didn't wasn't surprise 

Taehyung glance at the paper squinted his eye very closely. '' It says here, that he wanted to take over the kingdom of (brown werewolf) and more but I' still trying to figure it out.'' He analyzes the paper as if there more word behind it.

Jeon chuckle humorous he couldn't believe what he hearing what now. Millions of people tried, meaning tried to take his kingdom away from it, but nobody can't defend Jeon Jeong- Guk. All the power inside of him, mixed with pure evil that he couldn't wash away.

''Taehyung I want you to do more research about this guy and his background,'' Jeon demanded to his friend and Taehyung raised his eyebrow at him acting like he loses his mind.

''You know it will take me forever to do that.'' He sighs knowing Jeon didn't care at all, Taehyung sticks his tongue out before leaving the room making Jeon shake his head and mutter, ''Childish.''

The master eye quickly glances at the small portion he then grabs it before taking a really good look at the small bottle with reading the word that is big and bolted, Pill9c. 

His hand open the bottle making the smell go quickly through his noise creating his heart to beat faster, his own dark blood slowly pumps through his vein knowing that smell makes Jeon crazy.

The smell attracts him more of his own eye turning to gold on of suddenly he quickly shut the bottle as throwing to the side before shaking his head instantly as getting rid of that smell out of his nose.


Jeon turn his head around seeing Taehyung barge in,''I knew your was trying to smell that.'' Taehyung snatches the small bottle of the floor before glaring at Jeon.

Minutes later Jeon work quietly in his office, he could feel annoyed right now hearing a scream and shouting but it was normal to Jeon to hear that noise every day, so he wasn't bothered at all.

He would know that people wouldn't hear the weak humans screaming their lung out, wanted to get off the dungeon but Jeon didn't think so at all. He always thinks that humans were weak, their fragile bone that can snap if he touches or even pinch softly.

Jeon scoff thinking why god invented humans on this earth, that they caused a huge damage on the earth. 

Ever since, the human's attack Jeon family he wasn't the same anymore, he wanted to get revenge on those ridiculous humans, but right now it wasn't the time to do it.


Although Jeon think it wasn't fair to all those innocent 'human' in this planet, however, Jeon careless for that innocent human if Jeon saw a human he just rather kills them or torture them with a bad rusty weapon with dried blood.

A few seconds Jeon didn't know he was holding on to a glass cup, making his hand turn white as he strongly grips the glass cup each time causing the glass to shatter everywhere making a loud noise. 

''Guess to buy a new glass cup.''

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Chapter 10: It’s beautiful ♥️ thanx waiting for more
The tags are good ^^ I’m gonna read it later ♥️
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