Eight Maids a Milking

12 Days of Writing (Christmas Special)
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Just then, the door Jisung not long ago come through opened. Tilting her head to the side, she raised eyebrows when she saw Poly.

"Kai is looking for you. He said that stunt you pulled back at the club could've cost us all," he said, striding over to my side, boots dragging over the cemented deck in a lazy manner.

Jisung shrugged, now annoyed. She had enough drama for a whole year in the span of only a week and now she just to dive into the massive pool in front of her and relax. "Well it didn't cost you anything so you don't have to come lecture me," she told Poly, kicking her sandles off. "It's not like I didn't think it through. I knew the two by the bar would be occupied with you and the bouncer wouldn't let them into the back rooms. Common sense."

"That doesn't matter," Poly insisted.

Hesitating a moment, Jisung glanced at him before pulling her oversized t-shirt off anyway, discarding it onto the chair nearby. Wasn't like he hadn't already wired her several times before anyway. As expected, he paid no mind to her now standing there in her bathing suit and remained frowning at her instead, to which she sighed exasperatedly and rolled her eyes.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry." She started towards the edge of the settled pool and he followed along, apparently not done yet. With a glare, she turned around to face him. "I get it! Geez. Can't you leave me in peace for once?"

He stared back at her for a moment, considering her request before he rolled his own eyes. "Whatever," he grumbled, turning to leave. 

Relieved, Jisung turned to dive when she heard his footsteps stop.

"By the way-"

In a split second choice, Jisung decided to ignore him and jump. She hit the water with a loud slap! and the pool sloshed as if it was upset by her disturbance. Poly watched silently, waiting for her to resurface to he could finish his sentence. Sometimes she was such a child that he wanted to strangle her or maybe drowned her in the pool before him. The urge to do so rose within him even more so when she prolonged her dive, kicking beneath the surface. It was obvious to him that she was only doing it to keep him from talking. Or, he at least thought, it was. More seconds passed and she remained under the water.

"Okay, that's enough. You big baby, I'll leave you alone," he said with his voice raised to reach her under the buckets of chlorinated water. He made to turn when one of her hands broke the surface only to quickly dunk back under after a quick but loud splash.

"You're funny, Jisung," Poly murmured to himself, watching her wriggle with his arms crossed. Just a second after the words left his lips did his skin prickle with doubt. She had been under too long now, he thought as he watched her sink lower into the water. Surely she wouldn't have dove into the deep end of a pool if she couldn't swim? Poly wondered.

Not giving himself a chance to entertain the thoughts and wonders of just how stupid one girl could be, he shrugged off his jacket and kicked his boots off, diving straight into the water without a second thought. He reached her within a moments notice and took hold of her waist, dragging her to the surface. He broke it with a gasping breath before turning to the limp girl in his arms. Horrified she indeed had been drowning, he started to paddle towards the edge of the pool with one arm securely around her.

It was only when he was just a couple of feet away from the edge when a quiet laugh reached his ears. Looking down in surprise, he was met with Jisung's wide eyes and conniving grin, which the giggles were coming from.

"Did I scare you?" she asked, stifling her amusement for a moment before she burst out laughing again.

The shock on his half covered face only rested there for a moment before his eyes hardened and he shoved her away. For good measure, he swiped his hand through the water and what seemed like half the pool sprayed directly into her face.


Still laughing while spitting the water out of , Jisung watched him swim to the side of the pool. "Oh, come on. That was funny!" she exclaimed. "I honestly thought you were going to let me drown there for a second." 

"I should have," Poly snapped back, placing his hands onto the deck to pull himself up.

Jisung watched him, kicking her feet with ease to stay afloat, and shamelessly stared at the way his white t-shirt clung to his skin as he pushed himself onto the pool edge. To her mild surprise, a tattoo shone through the transparent fabric. It wasn't very large, sitting vertically between his shoulder blades, and only around 4 inches long. She quickly averted her eyes when he turned, sitting his on the edge with his legs still in the water. Letting herself sink chin deep in hopes to hide her pink cheeks, Jisung blew a few bubbles into the water while Poly swiped his wet hair out of his eyes.

"You might as well swim with me now that

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Chapter 9: Sometimes i just really hope youll continue this story, but then it was all your choice to made. Its okay tho, im glad i found this hidden masterpiece even if its late. Anyway, i like how sehun is letting his guard down in front of jisung:((
Chapter 8: I REAAALLY MISS POLY!!!;;;; i miss velvet too:(
loserface583 #3
Chapter 4: Woah. Just...woah
Chapter 1: thank you for this story...it gives a fresh view of mermaids au
lirlewings #7
lirlewings #8
Chapter 1: This is so so so magical ?