Chapter Eight: The comeback (Man in Love)

I Temporary Lived By Your Side.

(...Same day, later at night)


I went to the dorm, I ate and changed into comfortable clothes then lied on the bed trying to get some sleep. 

What's wrong with me? Why was I being so awkward and weird today? I've never felt this way towards someone. Do I possibly like her? No... just no...  this is just impossible. I'm being really weird again. I'd better just sleep. 


(15 days later..)


I finished writing the song before the end of the 20 days that Infinite's manager gave me.

He really liked the song, he introduced me to another songwriter that works for the company so we can both fix it since I'm not a pro. He then decided to make it the main song of their comeback.

The members kept practicing their dance moves all this week nonstop, they'll start shooting the music video next week while their comeback is going to be after a month. 

(3 weeks later)

Everyone is so excited for the comeback. The members have been working really hard.

I only saw them few times while they were recording the song, and we had lunch twice. I can say that I'm slowly becoming friends with them, I'm even feeling really comfortable with some members. But something was absolutely wrong with Myungsoo. Since the day we worked together on the song, he's been avoiding me all the time, he barely looks at me or even talks when I'm around him. He seems really uncomfortable every time I'm around, and that made me feel as if I did something wrong. I really can't understand him. Sometimes he's so sweet and all, and other times, he barely even talks. The weirdest thing is that he would talk and even tell jokes while he's with the members, but every time I join them he would just play with his phone or do something else. 


Two weeks have passed, and Infinite made a hugely successful comeback. Everything was on point. Their dancing, their singing, their performances, just everything. I can't believe that was the song I wrote, but it wouldn't turn that great without the help of the members and the other songwriter. They even accepted me as a trainee in the company and I couldn't be happier, I may be a really successful songwriter after few years. I'm gonna work even harder. 

I really liked the music video, these guys did a really great job, they're even good actors.


After their song was ranked the first on charts, they decided to go out and party, and they invited me to join them. I accepted since I had no class the next day. (It's the weekend) 

We had so much fun, we played games, we even sang songs in the karaoke room, I've never had this much fun. However, I couldn't stand the way Myungsoo was acting whenever I'm around. And even when I try to talk to him or something, he just ignores me as if I don't exist.

The party was almost over, and everyone was exhausted from all the fun things we did. Myungsoo stepped out saying he wanted to get some fresh air.  And that was the perfect moment for me to get some explanations from him, so I followed him pretending to go to the restroom. 

"What's wrong with you?" I asked as I got closer.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said without even facing me.

"You've been acting so indifferent  since the day we worked together, why are you being like this all of sudden, you keep acting like I don't exist." 

"Why are you being so dramatic? Do you think we're already friends just because you opened up to me a little?  Do you by any chance see me as a friend now? Wake up Eun Seol ah! We've just been working together for few hours, and maybe few days. How else are you expecting me to treat you? You're just any other person I'm working with." He raised his voice.

"You're so mean," I said with a shaky voice trying to hold my tears back, which obviously didn't work this time. I just left after that. 


I was shocked when I saw her teary eyes. Did I just make her cry? I shouldn't have been so harsh on her, after all, she didn't do anything wrong. It's not her fault that I have feelings for her. It's not her fault that I'm an idol who can't freely date anyone either.

I thought that if I keep ignoring her I'd stop feeling so attracted to her all the time. I thought If I keep treating her coldly she'd stop being around me, this way I would stop thinking about her. She's been through really rough things, I know she likes me too, I didn't want to hurt her. But I guess I just did. I'm so mad at myself right now. 

I went back to the restaurant we were in but she wasn't there, Woohyun wasn't there either.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Seol ah wasn't feeling well, she wanted to go home. Woohyun suggested to give her a ride home since it's too late," Hoya said.

"Let's go home as well, I'm exhausted," Songyeol said.

(Seol ah) 

I couldn't stay there any longer after I heard what he said, even though everyone treated me so nicely I felt really unwelcomed knowing what Myungsoo thinks of me. 

I kept zoning out as I was looking at the window of Woohyun's car.

"What are you thinking about? Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm a bit dizzy, probably because I'm tired," I said.

"Did something happen between you and Myungsoo? I saw you two talking earlier and things didn't seem to be okay between you two." He said looking confused

"What could have happened? Nothing happened between us. I only met him on my way out." I squeaked out.

"I know we're not that close for me to interfere in your life this way, I'm sorry. But let's be friends from now on. Do you want to be my friend Seol ah? "He said as he stopped the car, we were already in front of my place. 

"I'd love to be your friend Woohyun-ah, I can call you that, right? " 

He chuckled " Sure, sleep well!" he said waving at me.

 "Thank you for the ride, good night!" I smiled at him then left.


Is it already the morning? I yawned as I set my alarm clock off. I hate Mondays.

Going to the university became a torture for me. Most of my classmates started treating me really bad because of Ye Seul and Jae Eun. They even spread false rumors about me all over the university. It's getting hard to deal with all of that alone. But I'm still trying to endure it and be strong.

While I was in the cafeteria waiting in the line to get my lunch. There we two girls next to me talking a bit too loud which made overhear all their conversation. 

"What's going on? What's with all the noise?" 

"I heard that a group of seven hot rookie k-pop idols who just debuted 3months ago are going to be attending our university."

" Oh really? do you have any idea who they are?"

"Yes, they're called BTS and their debut song made everyone's jaws drop. Their fandom started getting bigger and bigger already."

"Aaah I really envy their classmates. This makes me wish I was majoring in Music."

"How interesting!" I sarcastically mumbled "I hope this will make the others distracted a bit so they can leave me alone," 

I took my plate heading to the corner of the cafeteria, the seat that nobody takes. 

Before I could get there, someone tripped me which made me fall and hurt my leg. 

I heard some noise but my leg hurt so much that I didn't care why everyone was screaming. 

I felt someone trying to help me stand up.

"Are you okay?" he said with a soft voice.

"My leg... " I whimpered from pain.

"Oh god you're bleeding, Let's go the nurse office" He made me lean on him while slowly walking to the nurse office.


  "OMG THEY'RE BTS" Most of the girls were screaming.  

Yoongi: What are you? A high school bully?  He scoffed at Ye Seul.

Teahyung: That's not cool. He shook his head.

Namjoon: I thought people here would be more mature. He sight.

Jimin: Come on guys, let's get out of there. It's better to stay away from trouble.

Jin: Jimin is right. Let's go.

Hoseok: Let's go see if she's okay! 


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PS: Don't skip the songs, some of them are parts of the story.
Thanks for reading and I hope you like it! ^^


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Chapter 1: Interesting start. Looking forward reading this story.
Oh a myungsoo fic with oc.... I am great fan of myungsooxoc and I love it...