The Sleeping Bouquet


Hayun is a normal every day girl.  She has a simple college degree, nothing fancy, a slow job that pays her bills and puts food on her table, and a small appartment.  Something that stands out from her family and college classmates is that she is currently in love with a boy from Korea.  Being born in Korea (but moved to America when she was young), she felt a connection with this boy.  They've been dating online for a whole year.  They've never met in person, nor video called.  They only know each other from pictures.  And what's really different, is that her boyfriend is the famous KPop band: Seventeen's Yoon Jeonghan.  Although her life seems peaceful now, it'll be changed within a few more days...



Yoon Jeonghan
Age: 23

Da HaYun (
Age: 19


Hello! This is Charlotte!  I'm here to bring you a new story!  This story will be Jeonghan x OC.  There is only one chapter, and it will be the second to the last chapter.  If you don't read it, it will not be confusing when you read the last chapter.  It's how you say, "Stand alone".

I hope you all enjoy it!  I made the poster~

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Chapter 6: that's real sweet :)
Shampricta #2
Chapter 6: The most sweetest fanfic ever
Chapter 6: This was a very sweet but intriguing story I loved it