Chapter 8

The Key

"Do Kyungsoo ?"

      He didn't heard it wrong. His name just flow out from the woman's mouth softly . . . Clearly for everyone to hear it. 

"Is it really you Kyungsoo ?" the woman started to sob.

His eyes began to widen. For suddenly, Kyungsoo realized that the word that he just listen to was not just a voice from a dream.

Its real. Who is this woman?


     It was almost like the slow lifting of a curtain, the gradual letting in of light, the shadows melting away. Everyone stay silent. Nobody really have the guts to utter a word.

Everyone just sit comfortably on the couch after the siblings and the others unpack their things. They don't know and Kyungsoo don't know what's about to happen.

Until she speak again . . .

"I'm very sorry Kyungsoo .."

The lady was sitting beside Kyungsoo. Holding the smaller's hand, caressing it like a fluffy fur . . . Trying to swallow up the guilt with tears. Her husband, sitting beside her was starting to sob along with his wife with his hand on the lady's shoulders.

Kyungsoo hadn't considered this before, but it opened up a whole new range of possibilities. Scarcely able to contain his excitement, he tried to get back his sense.

"Are y-you m-my mot-t-ther ?" he stuttered.

Tears clouded his vision. He noticed that everybody in that room, felt very shock. 

Please say something .. Kyungsoo chewed doubtfully on his lips.

The lady's eyes widened.

"Oh, Kyungsoo. No no I'm not." her face softened, rubbing the poor boy's head slowly.

His eyes tearing up again, dampned his face. He didn't even realize he was holding his breath.

I still can't find them. My parents. My family. My hope, false hope . . . 

Still, Kyungsoo hesitated to ask more question. He was trembling, afraid and scared to the truth. He don't want to hear it, don't want to know about it . . . But he must. He needs to know.

The woman still caressing Kyungsoo's hand. Still sitting on the old-fashioned couch. She began to tear up harder . . . Staring at Kyungsoo's small hands.

"This hand . . Its bigger now. Dont you think, Jun ?"

Kyungsoo's heart clenched inside.

"Kyungsoo, stay here for tonight. Its getting late. I'm sure you'll love the place here." Jun assured him.

"We will talk later. Have some rest, dear . ." the woman gave Kyungsoo a loving smile with tears streaming on her cheeks. When she caressed Kyungsoo's face with her thumb; somehow . .

Kyungsoo wanted to wipe the tears away . . .


     Kyungsoo drew an incredulous breath, all feelings of nausea vanished. His head was aching. He simply stood by the window, staring at the flickering sky in utter disbelief.

I miss you, mom . . Dad . . 

"What should I feel about this again ?" he sighed.

A sudden knock can be heard from his opened door.

"Kyungsoo ?" the woman called.

"Yes . . "

Kyungsoo shifted to front the woman. Still in the same outfit- fade chocolate leather jacket, tight black jeans, shoes . . Her eyes still red from the tears before.

The woman slowly closed the door behind, then make her way towards the boy.

"I thought you were sleeping." she let out a shaky breath, slowly shoving her hands into the pockets of her jeans.

"Sorry, we didn't had a proper conversation before. I'm Minah. Kim Minah . ."

She gave her hand for Kyungsoo to shake.

"Hi, Ms. Minah. Nice to meet you." and Kyungsoo did.

"Likewise . . And don't be too formal with me. Just Minah is acceptable." 

She took a sit on Kyungsoo's bed, "Come here . . " she patted the spot beside her, motioning Kyungsoo to sit.

His thoughts swirled and faded. Cold breeze . . Silence . . It was a feelings rather than a sound. He sit there feeling numb. 

Suddenly, rain swept savagely into the room. With a fade smile, Kyungsoo grabbed both doors and after a brief struggle, managed to lock them in place. Then he backed away and sat on his spot, slightly soaking wet.

"Your lips remind me of her so much." Minah's lips curved to a small sweet smile.

"What are you talking about ?" Kyungsoo furrowed.

"Your mother . ."

"You know my mother?" he asked softly, clear enough. Excitement filled the sound of his voice.

Minah nodded.

"Your father too."

God, please this is too much . . Help me . He thought pleadingly.

"They were mine and Jun's very very best friend."

Is this some kind of joke or fate?

"Its not a joke dear . ."

Oh ya, wolf can read minds.

"Precisely . ." Minah chuckled softly.

"Kyungsoo ?"

"Hmm?" Kyungsoo hummed in respond.

"Wanna hear a story ?" Kyungsoo never thought she have a beautiful eye smile.

He slightly nodded.

Minah took a deep breath. She thought of her friend, the boy's parents. Of her own promise. She wondered again what she should do. She couldn't seem to turn away.

Heartbeat quickened.

"There was an ancient tribe called Quileute, lived in a deep unknown places. Completely different from this present age. The tribes were respected, the strongest and the unbeaten tribes between the whole every kingdom in the world decades ago. There were five Elders who were in charge to watch over the whole tribes.

There were some packs in the tribes which always on top such as, Uley pack, Lily pack and the Ephralm pack. The packs were unsurpassed. Every pack have their Alpha Male and the Alpha Female. Hierarchy are very common in wolves.

But on that age, only the Ephralm pack got two Alphas. Along with the Alpha Female of course. They could live longer, longer than any wolves because they were under protection from The Elders. And the pack swore with their blood to protect the tribes.

They felt happy, longed to each other, their tendency to win over the war were getting stronger, they were getting stronger day by day . ."

She paused. She swallow up a guilty feelings before she continued. Kyungsoo sat still, facing the worried-looking Minah.

". . But they didn't thought that the priceless moment wouldn't last longer. On twelfth of January 1993, eclipse was happening after a hundred years waiting. In the same day, at night, one of the Alpha Female of the Ephralm pack was delivering a pup, a son. A beautiful one, small, and looked tough like his father . ."

She paused again. A small tears started to form in her eyes. Unexpectedly, Kyungsoo into the story. He felt like its him, he felt like he should know more. He knew Minah was talking about her pack. Slowly, his hand crawl on his thigh and grabbed Minah's.

"It's okay . ." he assured the lady with smile.

Minah respond to the smile.

"The baby of the Alpha was very special, one of a kind. Once he came to the world, his sweetest scent drugged everybody in the room, and even the whole kingdom. One of The Elders called Master Zhang suddenly warned the parents to hide the baby. Unfortunately, they were too late.

Another creature were unexpectedly after the son too. The vampires, have full desire with the taste of the sweetest blood. Master Zhang knew that they will came for the boy. They had no choice than to.. to.. to be in a war with vampire."

Minah shed more tears.

"On that night, the Alpha Female also had to fight for his tribes. The Alpha Female gave his son to her best friend and told them to ran away . . "

She closed her eyes and flashed back the incident . .


"Minah ! Go. Take my son with you. Save him please."


"Sunmi, you should come with us !"


"No! Minah, my husband is there, fight by himself. I can't leave him alone!"


"Then what about your son? Huh?! This baby needs you more !"


"Thats why I'm giving him to you. Go with your husband. Take care of him for me. . For Jungsoo."  


"You should see your son grow up. You should stay with him until-"


"Minah.. I would love to. I want to. I'm dying to. But I can't. Take care of him . ."

End of flashback

"She didn't came with her friend. She wanted to fought with her husband no matter what. Then.. her friend with her husband ran away, with guilty feelings flooded their veins. They wanted to look back, but they couldn't.

After they ran deeper into a woods, they left the baby behind a bush. They used a spell to cover the baby's sweet scent. After that, they ran back to their tribes, to their bestfriend, wanted to save them.

But they too late. Way too late, Kyungsoo. They lost their bestfriend. They didn't knew where they were. They couldn't find their body or... corpse.

So they decide to get the baby back. But they lost the child too .."

She paused. Staring deep into Kyungsoo's eyes. Battling with her thoughts whether to say it or not . . .







"We lost you Kyungsoo. The baby was you. He was you. We are very sorry . . "

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