Chapter 58: Sometimes 1

She is a boy

please, please, go to this 


and vote for youngjae, you can vote every hour!!! you have to open an account first, please vote, wanna one's winning. till may 18, voteeeeeeeeeee ಥ_ಥ


I posted this yesterday and then deleted it cos didn't like the editor ノಠ_ಠノ just hope nobody saw that ugly thing.

soda tastes better after being between jae’s thighs LOL



“Youngjae!!!” Daehyun shouted out as the said guy walked away without looking back “Youngjae!!!” he speeded up and grabbed his arm to stop him. Youngjae turned around, he was about to yell at him for liking Jongup over him, but it began to rain. The last time they were in the rain, he got sick. He didn't want Daehyun to get sick, he grabbed his hand, the one that held his (Youngjae) arm, and dragged him in a hurry to the first restaurant he saw and sheltered beneath the roof.

    “You were going to leave me here” he said, livid and confused. Everything was ok and out of nowhere Youngjae went to the parking lot, ready to get in his car and drive away.

    “You never sent me texts every fifteen minutes when we were friends” Youngjae clenched his jaws to keep from asking why Jongup was so special. He was afraid Daehyun would say Jongup was the reason that he didn’t love him anymore.

    “If you want, I'll send you messages every second”

    “Yes, do that. I want a message every second”

    “I was joking!” Daehyun exclaimed “I don't text Jongup every fifteen minutes every day, you know, it's just this day... Throughout the week I talked nonstop about the baby panda. I guess he was as thrilled as me and wanted to come to see him, but since he couldn’t, I try to cheer him up with texts and pics”

    “He just wanted to be here with you, not my panda” Youngjae rotted in jealousy.

    On the other side of the city, Jongup rotted in jealousy as well. Daehyun mentioned Youngjae in every text. Youngjae’s so cute with the baby panda. Youngjae called the baby panda ugly, but I know he loves him. Youngjae acts rude, but he’s all fluffy. Youngjae makes ugly noises when he eats. Youngjae wants to take pics. Youngjae’s so adorable with the camera. Youngjae speaks Chinese and Japanese.

    Youngjae, Youngjae, Youngjae, Youngjae, Youngjae, Youngjae, Youngjae, Youngjae…

    Jongup felt like Daehyun was bragging about his boyfriend.


Chapter 58: Sometimes 1

Like always Daehyun was in the kitchen, eating. This time he ate a French toast while he played with his phone. He finished the toast quickly and reached for another one, however, he withdrew as he started coughing, he should never eat so fast, he thought and reached out to take the glass of milk, but he knocked it to the ground, then he bent down to pick up the broken pieces and banged his head against the counter.

    “It's true that pretty people are stupid”

    Daehyun recognized Youngjae's voice and straightened up to look at him in confusion. “The cleaning lady let me in” Youngjae said and patted Daehyun's head hard “Are you hurt?”

    “Of course, you're hitting me on the head” Daehyun pulled away and rubbed his head.

    “Let's go out”


    “Wherever you want”

    “I have work”

    “It's your day off”

    “The neighbor asked me to help her with her garden, she's an old lady, I couldn’t say no”

    “Did you finish yet?” Jongup entered the kitchen with a smile (that faded as soon as he saw his archenemy)

    “Yes, let's get started” Daehyun said.

    “Are you going out with him?” Youngjae said, jealous.

    “Yes, to the neighbor’s house. Jonguppie will help me” Daehyun said, unaware of the tension between his friends “That garden is bigger than this kitchen and the living room, I can't plant the roses alone”

    “I'll help too” Youngjae said and the others exchanged glances before laughing their asses off “What’s so funny?”

    “Are you serious?” Jongup said “You? Working on the garden? Planting roses? Damaging your manicure, princess?”

    “Don’t worry about my manicure, I've worked on the garden at my parents' house since middle school, I know more about planting roses than you two”

    “Sure, princess” Jongup mocked.

    “If you really want to help, you gotta change first” Daehyun studied Youngjae's clothes, an impeccable black and gray suit “You're dressing like an ajusshi again, meeting at work?”

    “Kinda...” Youngjae bit his lower lip, he missed Daehyun so much he bolted in the middle of the meeting.

    “You can wear one of my hoodies” he gestured the editor to follow him upstairs to his room.

    “Wait, what?” Jongup was a little slow and didn't realize that Daehyun was taking Youngjae to his room until they were already halfway up the stairs.


Youngjae changed into a pink hoodie that belonged to Daehyun, that made him happy, it was like wearing his boyfriend’s clothes, it smelled like the blond; sweet, fresh, manly. And holy moly, he didn't lie when he said the neighbor’s garden was big. The old lady expected them to plant hundred roses everywhere.

    “Doesn't she have gardeners?” Youngjae asked.

    “Haven't started yet and you're already complaining, her majesty” Jongup said.

    “I can plant roses all by myself” Youngjae said, rolling up his sleeves “I'm bragging though” he said to Jongup “You, who got more muscles than brains, dig holes, I'll sow the seeds and Daehyun will water them”

    For some weird reason, Jongup ended up doing what Youngjae said. The editor really knew a lot about gardening.


“I'm melting” Daehyun said as he watched Jongup digging holes and Youngjae planting roses, they had made a truce to get the job done “Can't believe early morning was raining like the end of the world and now it's hot like hell” he wanted to turn on the hose and spray himself.

    “It's the climate change” Jongup said, wiping the sweat away from his forehead with his left hand while the other hand held the shovel. He wore a tank-top and showed off his biceps and triceps. The sweat made them look bigger. All of a sudden, Daehyun came up with something, he smiled mischievously and pointed the hose at Jongup, turned it on and sprayed him.

    The brown-haired man raised an eyebrow and smiled mischievously as well before running to Daehyun. The blond squealed and laughed and ran to Youngjae who was very focused on the roses, Daehyun screamed out loud startling him. Youngjae tried to turn around to see what was going on, the elder was cracking up and grabbed his wrist slightly and hid behind him.

    Confused, Youngjae watched as Jongup stopped a few inches from him, trying to get a glimpse of Daehyun who giggled playfully, then the blond poked his head above Youngjae’s shoulder and sprayed the younger again.

    Jongup rounded Youngjae in order to catch Daehyun, but he just ran off again. This time Jongup chased him faster and tackled him, snatched the hose from him and lifted himself up to see Daehyun on the grass, he smiled and pointed the hose at him and started spraying water on him. Now both were soaked wet from head to toe and laughing hard. 

    “My chef made snacks!” the old lady said from the house and gestured them inside. Jongup sprayed Daehyun one more time before turning off the hose and helping him up, and then they entered the house between laughs. 

    Youngjae watched the whole thing and wanted to disappear, he wasn't jealous anymore, he just felt pain as the distant memory of him chasing Daehyun on the beach in Busan weeks ago came to him, he tried to remember whether Daehyun was that happy or not.


Youngjae entered the house and found Daehyun feeding Jongup a cookie as if they were a couple, and then his pain became jealousy again, Daehyun had never fed him before. Suddenly a maid showed up, she walked over with her head down and said:

    “Here’s some clothes from my master's grandson”

    “Thank you” Jongup bowed and took the clothes, she bowed back and left without making eye contact “You want gray or green?” he asked Daehyun.

    “Gray” he said and Jongup gave him the gray hoodie “Where's the bathroom?” he looked around, the living room was big, but seemed small by all the sculptures and vases.

    “It's not the first time that we change in front of each other” Jongup said and Youngjae came back to earth, the very thought of these two, , together freaked him out.

    “WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT?!”

    “Jongup sleeps , sometimes I bump into him in the hallway”

    “WHAT?!” Youngjae looked at Jongup who had already taken off his tee, his chest and abs were hard like rock; Jongup didn't have six pack, Jongup had zillion pack, his muscles pointed to his , he was a monument, he could model for Calvin Klein. Jongup was like the hot hunk from his high school, Daehyun was the best absolute perfect popular divine handsome guy that would never pay Youngjae any attention, because Youngjae was the obese, four-eyes, pimpled-face nerd.

    “Youngjae?” Daehyun called “You all right?”

    “No!!! You can’t change here!!!”

    “Why not? We’re all guys here, besides, Jongup’s already seen me ” he shrugged “Once I got out of the shower and there weren’t clean towels, so I went to the laundry, , and Jongup was there, washing his clothes”

    “Stop saying ” Youngjae was having a heart attack and at the same time, Daehyun being in front of Jongup was too much “This is someone else's living room, you can't change in someone else's living room, that's the bathrooms are for” Youngjae grabbed Daehyun’s arm and dragged him to the door “Go get a bathroom”


After changing, they worked on the garden for the next five hours, they worked late and returned to Jongup's friend's house. Ganji missed Daehyun and Jongup, so when he saw them, he rushed to them enthusiastically, however, when Youngjae tried to hold him, he backed off.

    “You, traitor” Youngjae hissed as Jongup took Ganji in his arms and his ears before kissing him on the head “Traitor, traitor” Youngjae said as he remembered Ganji didn't like kisses, but allowed the younger to kiss him.

    “You must be starving” Daehyun took Ganji and went to the kitchen, leaving the others alone.

    “Thank you for the help” Jongup said “You can leave now, I'm sure you got a lot of work to do after you went on vacation”

    “I wasn’t on va…” Youngjae didn’t finish the sentence, he didn’t have to explain to the assistant. He looked in the direction of the kitchen and pondered whether to wait for Daehyun or not, he wanted to say goodbye, but did that matter? He probably didn’t even remember him.

    “What are you waiting for?” Jongup snapped him out his thoughts.

    In reply, the elder ignored him and walked out of the house and moved to the gate.


    “Youngjae!!!” Daehyun called out and the editor turned around to see him running towards him “You were leaving without this?”

    For a moment he thought the blond was going to say I LOVE YOU to him again and ask him to take him with him, but Daehyun just smiled, ignorant of his feelings, and gave him a plastic back “Your clothes” 

    “Aah” Youngjae took the bag, feeling stupid.

    “And this is because you were leaving without saying goodbye” Daehyun said and punched his arm, and waited for Youngjae to complain and punch him back, but he was very serious and pale like a ghost “Are you ok?”

    “No” he shook his head “I can't keep quiet anymore, I have to say it” Youngjae replied.

    “You sound very dramatic” the elder laughed nervously “You can tell me anything”

    “Moon Jongup is in love with you”

    “I know, he told me weeks ago”

    “You know and you live with him?” Youngjae's heart sank.

    Daehyun opened his mouth to reply, but Youngjae went on “Why do you live with him? Your apartment’s below mine”

    “That apartment isn’t mine” Daehyun said in surprise “You just gave it to Dasom for her contract with Ego, but the contract ended, and I thought… We thought it was inappropriate to keep living there”

    “So you're going to live here? With Jongup? Forever?” Youngjae asked with trepidation “You love him?”

    “I don't know, he's good to me”

    “You said the same about me”

    “And you were, I mean, you are... good to me..., but you don't love me like he does”

    I love you more than he does, Youngjae thought, I love you more than anyone in the entire world. You really don’t love me anymore? It’s Jongup now?

    “Sorry” Daehyun said “First I bothered you with Natalie and now this... You must think I'm needy and desperate..., and you're right like always...”

    “I don't care if it's a woman or a man, I just want to be loved, is that so bad? I want to be loved”

    I WANT TO BE LOVED TOO, Youngjae thought. It was Natalie all over again.

    Youngjae had fallen in love with Daehyun first and didn't do anything as he knew how much the photographer loved his childhood friend… and now he wasn't going to do anything either, because Daehyun had feelings for Jongup.

    “Sorry, I always tell you dumb things” Daehyun his lips “You must have things to do… I just get lonely sometimes…”

    It’s not dumb. I sometimes get lonely too, Youngjae wanted to say it out loud, but he was a coward, as long as Daehyun had feelings for Jongup, he was taking no chances. Before he opened his heart, he had to make him fall in love with him again.

    “Yeah, I have to read a bunch of articles for the next issue”


spoiler alert: jae knows uppie’s secret… and “sometimes” is a cover of crush by jae and jongup







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UPDATE may be in november, december, january IDK
in my story daehyun is a shower, what you see is what you get, and youngjae is a grower? you don't see it, but it's there... I'm talking 'bout ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ support aight and O,on


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Chapter 74: I hope you update soon. I really enjoy this story. Hoping yonguk catches the bad guy and everything goes well
purplecupcakes #2
Chapter 74: OMG an update loll, I’m so excited to continue reading! Thank uuu author-nim, and I hope you’re doing well!! <3

Btw I’m sad about Dae enlisting too :( but I hope he comes back safely <3
purplecupcakes #3
Chapter 73: This story’s rly good, I love how it developed slowly, it’s so cute. I can’t wait for the update! (take ur time tho) <3
purplecupcakes #4
Chapter 63: Omg I love Yooa and Dae too, they were so cute in “Idol Battle Likes”. Btw I love how u included so many real people in this.

I feel like DaeJae are meant for each other in this story despite everything that’s going on, DaeJae are sooo cute <3
Chapter 73: Gracias or actualizar. Que tengas un muy feliz inicio de año. Seguiré al en diente, ya quier saber que sigue ?
Chapter 73: Es lo mejor que he leído, también feliz navidad y año nuevo 2020 espero que la pases bien?
Chapter 73: Oh por dios actualizaste!!!!! Lo leeré con muchas ansiasss!!! Gracias por actualizar!!
Chapter 73: Thanks!!! I was waiting for this!!
Chapter 73: Thanks!!! I was waiting for this!!
Chapter 72: Le extraño mucho a usted y a su historia, por favor vuelva pronto:((((((((