Chapter 44: WE LIKE 2 PARTY.

She is a boy

Chapter 44: WE LIKE 2 PARTY.

Daehyun put a plate with three cookies in front of Ganji and Ganji looked at him with a pout “Sorry, yesterday I spent the whole day at the studio and forgot to buy groceries. But tomorrow Dasom will get paid, so I'll buy you all the food in the world; how about steak? All the steak you want!!!” Suddenly someone rang the doorbell and Daehyun went to answer “Jongup!!!”

    Daehyun was always upset in the last few days, so seeing him that happy Jongup was happy “Daehyun!!! You’re ready?!!!”

    “For what?”

    “I'll share my favorite place with you, so you can take photos for the contest, don't you remember? We were talking about that ‘til Himchan interrupted us”

    “I told you, I won't participate, besides, my camera is broken”

    “You can use mine”

    Ganji started barking noisily and headbutted his owner in the ankle like saying “Go, go out with Jongup, you've been knocked around the house for days!!! You need to get outside!!!”


“Your favorite place is McDonald’s?” Daehyun said as he and Jongup stood before McDonald’s.

    “I love McDonald’s, but it's not my favorite place, we're just here to buy some cheeseburgers” Jongup went inside and headed to the counter “Good morning”

    “Morning” the clerk said “What's your order?”

    “Ten cheeseburgers, please”

    “Anything else?”

    “Ten fries, ten nuggets, I mean, ten boxes, and coke, the largest one”

    “Are you going to eat all that?” Daehyun nudged him playfully.


    “Are you serious?!”

    “Yes, I missed breakfast”

    “But ten burgers, ten French fries... ten… Not even I can eat that much!!!”

    “I’m sure you can” Jongup chuckled “What do you want?”

    “Iced latte and McWings”

    “Ten boxes?” The clerk asked.

    “No! Ten boxes is like a million wings!!!” Daehyun exclaimed in shock “Just one pack of four is enough!”

    “90 dollars”

    “90 dollars?!” Daehyun squeaked.

    “Don't worry” Jongup took out his wallet and Daehyun had a peak by accident, that wallet had like 1.000 bucks!!! “It's not my money, I'm keeping it for a friend” Jongup said nervously.

    “You should keep it in your house or bank!”

    Jongup didn't know what to say, except laughing nervously and sweating like in a sauna.


After eating, Jongup took Daehyun to Han River. The weather was nice, and then Daehyun thought of Youngjae. The last time he went to Han River it was with Youngjae and they had so much fun and Daehyun didn’t know about his feelings yet and everything was so easy…

    “Do you like it?” Jongup snapped Daehyun out his thoughts.


    “My favorite place”

    “Yeah, this park is cool”

    “Not the park, that” Jongup pointed at a corner where a group of people breakdanced “I come here whenever I feel low, dancing always cheers me up”

    “You dance?”


    “I don't believe you!!! Those moves seem so difficult and… Show me!!!”

    “Show you?”

    “Yeah, show me, then I’ll believe you!!!”

    “Fine” Jongup handed his backpack to Daehyun and headed to the corner. The dancers moved aside and he started b-boying. At first, he was very nervous because the guy (Daehyun) he liked was watching, but then he got confident and danced passionately; headspins, jackhammers, windmills, etc. Everybody clapped and cheered him, including Daehyun.


    “I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY MORE” Jongup grabbed Daehyun's hand “It's your turn”

    “W-what?! I don't know h-how to dance!”

    “I'll teach you!”


“Where is Dasom?” Jieun asked Himchan who was fixing a model's hair.

    “I don't know”

    “You don't know? The show is in two hours!!! She needs to get ready!!!”

    “I'm the stylist here and I'll tell you she’ll be on point for your show”

    “I hope so, this is my first fashion show after many years. I won't let a silly country bumpkin ruin my night” she said and left.

    Himchan sighed heavily and tried to call Daehyun for the thousandth time, he didn't know where Daehyun was, but needed him urgently right there on the makeup station before Jieun murdered him.

    “I'm not a silly country bumpkin” Daehyun stepped into the big room backstage.

    “You're here!!!” Himchan said, relieved “Did you hear what she said?”

    “Yes, Busan is the second largest city in South Korea, I'm not a bumpkin”

    “No, you aren't...” Himchan looked him up and down and frowned “Your hair is dirty, your clothes are dirty and… torn?” the elder bent down at Daehyun’s knee height “Your left knee is bleeding”

    “I was with Jongup, we had lunch at McDonald’s and...” Daehyun wanted to explain that Jongup tried to teach him some breakdance moves, but he got two left feet and ended up falling to the ground and scraping his knee.

    “Hold on” The stylist cut him off “Lunch? McDonald’s? You know how many calories...? You... I told you not to eat!!! You have a runway in a few hours!!! Now you're fat and bloated!!!”

    “You're exaggerating, I just ate four McWings and iced latte”

    “Naver says those have 360 calories” Himchan typed on his phone and showed him the results.

    “I'm like 140 pounds”

    “It means obese in this business”

    “Thank God I'll leave this awful business soon!!! I'll celebrate it with a whole pig with an apple in its mouth!!!” Daehyun grinned “What am I saying? It'll be a hippopotamus with an apple!!!”

    “You know what? I don't want to see you, take your ugly face to the showers and meet me at the makeup station”


The less important models opened the show and then it was Daehyun's turn. He was nervous and anxious, he didn't expect so many guests; there were actors, socialites, idols, reporters, photographers… and all of them were going to scrutinize him and take pics and talk about him. 

    “Stop sweating!” Himchan wiped Daehyun's forehead carefully with a tissue.

    “I can't, I can't do this” Daehyun started to turn away, looking for the exit “I haven't even rehearsed”

    “Because you went breakdancing with Jongup instead of coming here earlier”

    “Even if I'd come earlier and made the rehearsal, I wouldn’t be able to make it. I'm not a model, and everybody is so beautiful, I don’t belong here” Daehyun suddenly felt small and pathetic “Sumin is here, right? She’s Ego main model, she can do it”

    “Daehyun, listen to me You. Can. Do. It”

    “I can't! You’re right, I'm fat and ugly”

    “No, I’m wrong, I was mean because I haven't slept in hours” Himchan patted on his back “You aren't fat, you aren’t ugly. You're the most beautiful girl ever, and you aren't even one. You can do it, you go out and own the runway”

    “I can't” Daehyun pulled away.

    “Dasom is your turn!” Zelo approached them and raised an eyebrow in worry as he noticed despair on Dasom’s face.

    “She's too nervous” Himchan said.

    “You can do it, it's a piece of cake” Zelo tried to cheer her up.

    “That’s easy for you to say, you're a model with experience, I've never walked on a runway, and there's too many people and cameras, I can't”

    “What if I walk with you?” Zelo asked.

    “You aren’t wearing any of Jieun’s designs” Himchan said.

    “I can change into a dress” Zelo said.

    “You can't, those dresses are made for Dasom”

    “I’ll do it if Junhong’s with me!” Daehyun grabbed the younger’s hand as if his life depended on it.

    “Where's the next model?!” someone shouted.

    “Fine, you go out with Dasom” Himchan put a hand on Zelo’s back and the other on Daehyun’s back and pushed them to the stage “Jieun's going to kill me” he said, low, as he watched them walk the runway.

    There was a lot of hype for Dasom, everyone leaned forward expectantly as she appeared on the stage, however, she wasn’t alone, Zelo was with her, holding her hand. “Everything will be fine” Zelo squeezed her hand gently, and led her through the walkway while One And Only You by GOT7 (Feat. Hyorin) played in the background. Daehyun tried not to look at the most famous idols and actors in the front row, but it was hard to ignore Youngjae who was among them, their eyes met for a quick second, Daehyun’s heart beat very fast and his breath came short, on the other hand, Youngjae was impassive.


“You were startling, divine, flawless, stunning, beautiful out there!!!” Himchan said once Daehyun returned to the backstage.

    “Yeah!!! Perfect, stylish, gorgeous!!!” Zelo joined.

    “Now let's get changed!!!” Himchan grabbed Daehyun’s hands and took him to the makeup station.

    The second time Zelo accompanied Dasom, so the third and fourth, but the fifth and last time Daehyun walked down the runway without help. Everybody was ecstatic by Dasom's looks, her long black hair rippled like waves in the sea, the train of the dress followed her like a cloud giving her an ethereal aura.

    Daehyun stopped and let the photographers take pics while he looked around searching for Youngjae, but the younger was gone. Himchan noticed that Daehyun stared at the crowd in a trance, so he gestured to him to keep moving, Daehyun shook his head slightly and continued walking forward before turning around and walking offstage.


“Can I go now?” Daehyun asked Himchan after the fashion show was over.

    “No, this is your party”

    “Can I at least wear something more comfortable?” Daehyun was wearing the most gorgeous piece in Jieun’s collection. A white short dress with a long train made of feathers.

    “Why? You're so dazzling with this on you”

    “The feathers make me feel like a chicken”

    “They're swan feathers, real swan feathers, you're a swan” Himchan said “I'll go for drinks, what do you want? Champagne? Rosé? Prosecco? Chardonnay? Cabernet? Dom?”

    “Are you going to list me all the wines?”

    “You're right, I'll bring one of each” he said and left.

    Daehyun was very stressed out, maybe some wine will make him “happier”, he thought and looked around, there was no sign of Youngjae, and then nostalgia hit him. Weeks ago, he bumped into Youngjae in that same place. Youngjae mistook him for a woman and called him the ugliest woman he had ever seen. Daehyun smiled weakly, it was very ironic that now she, the ugliest woman ever, was the most beautiful and hot model of South Korea, but the most ironic thing was Youngjae being in love with her.

    “Hey” someone held out a rose from behind.

    “Junhong” Daehyun turned around to see the younger “Thank you” he took the rose and smiled.

    “I'm glad I’ve made you smile, you seemed upset”

    “I'm just tired” Daehyun said, but the truth was he was sad because Youngjae didn't love him while he loved him more and more as the days went by.

    “Hi, Dae... Dasom” Jongup approached them “You look fantastic” he gave her a bottle of water “I thought you might be thirsty”

    “Thanks” Daehyun removed the cap from the bottle and took a sip.

    “I want a glass of red wine” Zelo said to Jongup.

    “I'm not a waiter”

    “Yeah, you belong to the cleaning staff, go back after the party”

    “Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying”

    “Clean your ears” Zelo said and Jongup replied something else and then they started to argue and Daehyun was too exhausted to try to separate them or even listen, so he began to walk and walk and walk towards the exit and left.

    Daehyun stopped in the middle of the hallway, there was nobody in sight, so he took off his heels before continuing to walk. It was his second time in that fancy hotel, so he didn't know where he was going, but he didn't want to be at the party.


Daehyun reached the pool, there were sunloungers everywhere, so he, tired of walking aimlessly, decided to take a sit and watch the lights hung in the trees reflected on the water. It was a quiet place, he thought and then he heard someone singing...



WE LIKE 2 PARTY 머리 위에 때까지


WE LIKE 2 PARTY 서쪽에서 때까지


“Youngjae?” Daehyun recognized Youngjae’s voice and turned around to find him lied on the ground.

    “Dasom!!!” He sat up and screamed “I love you!!!”

    “You're drunk”

    “I'm drunk and I love you”

    “I'll leave you alone, so you can keep murdering Big Bang's songs” Daehyun got up and started for the exit.

    “Stop there, you ugly woman!!!” Youngjae yelled as he struggled to get to his feet.  

    “If I'm so ugly, why don't you leave me alone?”

    “I don't want to, I love you from here to the moon” Youngjae pointed up to the sky “You crashed my party, you crashed into my back with your dumb face, you made me love you, you have to take responsibility”

    “You're wasted, I'll get Jooe to take you home”

    “The only one I need is you, why don't you understand? Ugly people are smart, so why aren't you smart? You're so ugly you should be a genius!!!”

    Daehyun shook his head and turned away, Youngjae grabbed his hand and Daehyun struggled to shake him off, however, Youngjae was surprising strong, and before he could react, they were falling into the pool. Daehyun freaked out and crawled out the water, he patted the wig and touched the fake s to make sure they were still in their places.

    “Help me out here” Youngjae reached out his hand.

    “So you drag me into the pool again?”

    “I won't”

    “You get out on your own”

    “Are you going to let the love of your life drown? I feel like Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic, you monster”

    “Leonardo DiCaprio is hotter than you, and besides, you can't drown in a pool... and I d-don't love you”

    “You hesitated, that's how much you love me” Youngjae got out of the pool clumsily thanks to the alcohol intake “I don't believe you're dating Zelo, and even if you do, you don't love him like you love me” he took a towel from the deckchair and offered it to the elder.

    “Zelo kissed me, don't you remember? We're dating, I lo...”

    “I can kiss you better” Youngjae leaned close and whispered those words making Daehyun shiver “Can I kiss you?”

    “You know you can” Daehyun wasn’t thinking with his head, he was thinking with his lips and his lips wanted Youngjae’s lips. After dreaming and daydreaming so much, Daehyun was finally going to kiss Youngjae, as Dasom though. He was so caught up in the moment he could care less, he closed his eyes and waited for the kiss.

    Youngjae barely pressed his lips to Dasom’s and then pulled away “You taste like McDonald’s”

    “And you taste like rosé” Daehyun opened his eyes and looked him in the eye. Youngjae leaned forward again and gave another peck on her lips before pulling away again. “What are you doing?”

    “I'm kissing you”

    “That's not a kiss, you just brush your lips against mine. You said you can kiss better, so do it” Dasom (aka Daehyun) put both her hands on Youngjae’s face and kissed him. Dasom’s tongue darted out and Youngjae’s lower lip, getting drunk with him, and then he moaned and his hands went up into her hair and brought her head closer, making the kiss more passionate, both of their tongues danced with one another and then one of his hands left her head and traveled to her s, and that was when Daehyun snapped back to reality and pushed him away.


sorry for that poor kiss >.< youngjae’s saving the best for daehyun LOL

you can listen to jongup, youngjae and daehyun’s cover of “we like 2 party” by bigbang

have you ever wondered why youngjae doesn’t know that dasom is daehyun? I’ve tried to look for a realistic answer and I came up with this, the joke where a man kisses a beautiful girl at a bar and then finds out she isn’t a woman ‘cause of her adam’s apple makes no sense, since women have adam’s apple… this is an example of why youngjae can’t tell by just looking, besides, himchan’s a great stylist and daehyun, a great actor, and a lot of models are tall, thin and androgynous…, but most of all, daehyun is more beautiful and perfect than average women and men.






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UPDATE may be in november, december, january IDK
in my story daehyun is a shower, what you see is what you get, and youngjae is a grower? you don't see it, but it's there... I'm talking 'bout ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ support aight and O,on


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Chapter 74: I hope you update soon. I really enjoy this story. Hoping yonguk catches the bad guy and everything goes well
purplecupcakes #2
Chapter 74: OMG an update loll, I’m so excited to continue reading! Thank uuu author-nim, and I hope you’re doing well!! <3

Btw I’m sad about Dae enlisting too :( but I hope he comes back safely <3
purplecupcakes #3
Chapter 73: This story’s rly good, I love how it developed slowly, it’s so cute. I can’t wait for the update! (take ur time tho) <3
purplecupcakes #4
Chapter 63: Omg I love Yooa and Dae too, they were so cute in “Idol Battle Likes”. Btw I love how u included so many real people in this.

I feel like DaeJae are meant for each other in this story despite everything that’s going on, DaeJae are sooo cute <3
Chapter 73: Gracias or actualizar. Que tengas un muy feliz inicio de año. Seguiré al en diente, ya quier saber que sigue ?
Chapter 73: Es lo mejor que he leído, también feliz navidad y año nuevo 2020 espero que la pases bien?
Chapter 73: Oh por dios actualizaste!!!!! Lo leeré con muchas ansiasss!!! Gracias por actualizar!!
Chapter 73: Thanks!!! I was waiting for this!!
Chapter 73: Thanks!!! I was waiting for this!!
Chapter 72: Le extraño mucho a usted y a su historia, por favor vuelva pronto:((((((((