Future of my Fics

Pending Fics (Poll) - JessRa

Hello everyone,

I have had quite a break from here, first because of my graduate studies and then because of everything that happened around Seungri's name and persona.

To say that I am not dissapointed would be a lie. It took me a while to digest. A while to reflect about it and I have come to the conclusion that I would separate myself from all of it. Including Seungri. So I did. 

However, my fics are my treasure and my pleasure. And I cannot find the strength to simply erase something that I have created and enjoyed for so long. So I will continue with them. I am heartbroken that perhaps I do it now more for the love of writing, than the love for who I used to write about. And I hope you forgive me for that. I belive everyone makes choices depending on what we have lived through. 

I still hold dear the time I was Seungri's biggest fan. And I cannot see myself ever badmouthing or blaming him, or hating him or any of those things. But my feelings have changed and I still am in the process of figuring out what exactly is what I feel now when related to him. It will take time. Perhaps writing again will help me. I hope it does.

So look forward for (FINALLY) new updates in September. 

Love you all



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Green4ever #1
Please update the white feathers of the darkness!!! Please!!! It’s one of my all time favorites
Oneda73 #2
Painter of the fairies please
Ski60904doggylov821 #3
The White feathers of DarknesPainter of the Fairies
The White feathers of the darkness
Castle of sand
The wolfs dream.. the foreword already has me falling in love.
Sarangjoongie #6
If you can, please update Castles of Sand! Just finished reading all the chapters today in one go and I absolutely love it! XD Can’t wait to read the rest! ^^
Please update the white feathers of the darkness :((
seungriii #8
Castle of sand
Oh how I wish to read the continuation of THE WHITE FEATHERS OF THE DARKNESS... I'm really curious about it T_T
g2thedbaby #10
I am glad you are here and at least not badmouthing Seungri. Yes, it also saddens me to see you say that you no longer think of him, but whatever helps you cope at this time. I would prefer the Unforgiving and Reenactment fics, but it is ultimately whatever you decide