Sorrow In My Happiness

Mated Love (Discontinued)


Jennie POV ~

I feel like .

Last night… was making things worse for me.

My powers, that’s what it is. I connected the dots, and if I can see dreams then I must be able to see through her eyes when I'm dreaming sometimes. This isn’t a royal gift though, this is a curse. I’m watching my own mate laugh around with another wolf, feeling them happy because they’re far from you. I'll make sure she's back to me, we aren't mates for nothing.

Now I’m walking downstairs with slumped shoulders, head down to cover my red eyes as I’d been crying the last 20 minutes when I tend to think more and more of how much I’d really ed up. I literally outed the girl of my dreams from my life, and now every night when I sleep I’ll be haunted by my mistakes by her joy.

The maids are used to my behaviour by now, they’re practically useless in this household but I’d rather have them in here then out there. No man will live to see another day the moment they step foot out. I don’t really like guys, and that’s it, I don’t really like guys. I’ll consider it doing them a favour for now, they can thank me later.

The blood bag that I take out the fridge tastes just like the others, or even worse. My mouth must still crave for ___’s blood, a recall to that vicious night when she came back home from her dads house. God, I'm so glad he’s in jail now. Especially since he has an extended sentence due to the abuse I confessed to her suffering.

My driver awaits me at the front as usual, except for the fact that it’s been a month or so. I’m not sure what to face when I enter school. I know everyone will stare at me, Chanyeol and Sehun will speak to me, and I’ll be surrounded by the talk of ___ disappearing. I need closure though; a single mention of her name will ring through my ears and send me back into the depressed state that I was last time I was here.

I need Jisoo. I know she’ll keep me calm, block my ears of any riddance that will send me into a spiral of emotion. She’ll keep me sane for now, but it won’t be long till I drive myself insane begging for my mate to come back.

I don’t just need her to come back to soothe the pain.

I want her to come back and be by my side when I turn.

No, I need her to be here by my side. 

Of course, as soon as I leave the car, all eyes are on me. I haven’t even passed the school gates yet and I know that people are staring at me like a slave in an auction; all the buyers are just ready to pounce on you and ready to do whatever they find pleasurable to themselves.

I feel disgusted at myself as to where my inspiration for that just came from.

When I'm in the hallways, it’s just like a month ago where everyone talks about how ___ hasn’t been at school for a while just like I haven’t and how coincidental it is. Like I ing know that I wasn’t here because of her and she isn’t here because me.

But you don’t need to know that you wits.

As usual, when I’m by my locker, Chanyeol and Sehun arrive on time, already taunting about how ___ had practically vanished but not before asking me of my wellbeing. I didn’t move from my locker to that meant that on instinct we’d be talking here, it was just our logic. Though I hated how everyone could watch us as we were only in one spot.

“Hey Jennie, what happened? You’ve been gone a whole month!” Chanyeol started on, and I so badly want to say ‘yeah I know’ but I’m not bothered right now. “I think I accidently had some bad blood or some off milk ice cream, I was just too sick.” I lied, hoping they bought which they obviously did because wow they're gullible. “Are you better though Jennie?” Sehun asked, and I just nodded, not in the mood to talk. Sehun was always the nicer talker, whether it was just a casual conversation or a funny remark that’ll crack the class up.

But he was also the harshest with my mate.

Speaking about her…

“So Jennie, while you were sick and whatnot,” Did he really not give a ? Wow, what a friend. “___ hadn’t been coming to school anymore, no one has heard a single bit from her.” I know… I wish I did though. “She’s practically MIA, and all I’d like to say is thank ! That always ruined my day, even though it was fun watching her in pain.”

My jaw automatically clenched, fists tightening as I resisted the urge to choke this motherer of this breath so he wouldn’t speak a single bit like that about ___. Too bad for him though, he just wouldn’t stop talking, and I'm glad Sehun didn’t speak a single bit right now.

“I have a theory though.” Oh? This better be helpful. “I have a feeling that her dad had gotten rid of her at last. I mean, I realised that she didn’t have any marks on her like she usually did. No cut on her cheek, black eye, or even a single limp besides what we’d done to her. I literally want to call Mr Kwon my idol now for finally getting rid of her. The world will be a better place without that .”

I just couldn’t hold it in anymore.

I’d swung my right fist to connect with his jaw, making sure it was hard enough to send him to the ground. I could hear all the students gasp in shock or else they’d be staring in silence, unsure of what was happening. I also heard the way Chanyeol let out a loud grunt of pain, which only simmered down the burning anger in my eyes.

More students started to crowd around us, as if creating a barricade from me not leaving as Chanyeol sat up and rubbed his jaw a little. I wasn’t finished though, I was about to take a stride forward and deliver a hard kick to his face but instead I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder as they whispered.

“Hitting him won’t bring her back Jennie, let alone killing him.”

I recognised that voice instantly, instantly turning around and wrapping my arms around Jisoo as my tears started to flow out onto her clothes. She always had the perfect timing, even though they would be a little late sometimes, it was still enough.

“The hell is everyone looking here for? Beat it!” I heard Sehun snarl out and soon after, the sound of rapid footsteps soon followed till I knew there was literally nobody in this hallway anymore. That was okay though; it was still quite a while till the bell went I guess.

“Is Jennie okay?” I was surprised when Sehun decided to acknowledge me first instead of asking if Chanyeol was okay, he knew something, or maybe something had happened between the two of them. “She’s just a little… stressed at home.”

Stressed was an understatement.

“Geez… that’s gonna bruise.” It ing better, you’re on my ing death list now. You’re number one you .

“I need to talk to Jennie privately a little, we’ll be back.” Please take me away from him.

When Jisoo started to take us away from Chanyeol, I was already feeling better.

___ POV ~

I’d woken with a jolt as I’d dreamt about my dad. It was about one the nights I’d been abused, actually that’s every night. Never mind, I’d rather not talk about it, I’d rather talk about how I’m wrapped up in a blanket with Rosé’s arms around me as she looked at me worried.

“Are you okay pup?” I instantly felt better when she called me that.

Wow, thanks a lot... pup.

But she’s…

I was only joking pup.


When Rosé caught my attention, I simply beamed at her to show her that I was okay. She smiled back, simply pulling me closer and it’s great and all, till I realise that her legs feel pretty bare against mine. “Chae?” I squeaked out, blushing a little when I realise that she may actually be right now as she hummed in response.

“Where are your clothes?”

I could feel her tense up while I aid in her hold, probably half processing what I was saying because of her dazed and tired mind and the other half probably panicking about how uncomfortable I sounded while asking. I wasn’t uncomfortable though, I was just rather shocked and all.

“Crap! ___, I'm so sorry!” She scrambled to leave the tent but that only with the blanket we both shared twisting and tangling around her until I started bursting out laughing, her joining in when she failed to untangle herself out. She then proceeded to cover herself with the blanket as I calmly noticed she was wearing at least a bra and underwear somehow.

I thought she’d be , because you rip your clothes off when you form into your wolf, that’s why Baekhyun and Rosé had to strip themselves in their tents. But she had a few clothes on, which raises my curiosity.

When Rosé came out of the tent, we proceeded to wake up Baekhyun who was snoring loudly in his tent, luckily all we could see of him was his feet and a little bit past his collarbone. When he woke up, we all went inside and I briefly left to take a shower because of how tired and sweaty I was from last night. We ended up running across the whole of town last night, just doing random things as I finally encountered a werewolf in their wolf form.

And they were so cute!

At some point I had an unsettled feeling in my stomach though, as soon as we left the backyard and I asked who the fastest was. It gave me chills but I dismissed it as the cold night and also being the fact that I almost transformed yesterday.

Speaking of which…

“Chae, Baek, do you remember what happened last night?” Baekhyun just looked at me with a slack jaw as Rosé just tilted her head and asked “What do you mean? Don’t you remember what we did yesterday?” I had the sudden urge to trace my fingers over the three long marks I’d done yesterday with what I’d call a deformed hand.

“I do… It’s just that… my arms and-”

“-And you half formed... I remember.” Baekhyun spoke up first before Rosé could, a bone chilling silence resting in the house as we didn’t know what to think of it.

Was this a good sign, evidence of how I'm not as weak as I thought I was? Or will I be incapable of properly forming like before I did last night? Will my body start to retreat itself too late and leave my in a state that leads me to death?

Who knows?

I could die in my transformation or I could turn into a white wolf as I’d seen last night. Funny, white wolves are pretty rare, but I of all people happened to be that breed. Mostly wolves are black, brown or grey, some are a beautiful auburn or burgundy colour which I find aesthetic.

 But we still didn’t know…

Was this a good sign or bad?

The next morning ~

It’s Tuesday today, which means that I start school this new morning. Rosé decided that it would be safer to wrap my forearm in a bandage so that it gets protected in the holidays, to which I wanted to refuse but submissives will be submissives… and they submit. I don’t really understand how they could be so fine with me casually joining their household as a roommate, they’re so kind and nice to me, and it’s abnormal to feel appreciated.

I’ve also got work today as well; Kai texted me saying that I’ll work from 4-7:30 pm, like it said on that survey form that he gave me. That’s 3.5 hours, and if we times that by $18.54 then that’s…

Like $54ish per day, that’s a good score.

So we walked to school, the norm like I usually do which is a really convenient because I learn more about the town. There’s a whole eat street on the way, great for getting a late breakfast or lunch, maybe even bring food for dinner if needed. And then there’s a small supermarket in the corner, a little grocery corner store which is where Baekhyun and Rosé get their stuff.

When we reach school, I get daunting flashbacks of how ways end up on the floor whenever I enter the school gates, but Rosé looks at me and softly intertwines her hand with me, ensuring that I’ll be safe with her. It only manages to calm my nerves by a little though, who knows what everyone else will do when the 3 of us go in together.

Instead of looks of disgust like I'm so accustomed to, I receive looks of shock and curiosity but none seem threatening. They don’t seem like a ‘What the hell is a submissive doing here?’ It’s more of ‘A submissive has come?’ That reminds me, I dressed in the shorts and white top that Rosé bought for me, and I really like it, it all suits my petite form.

We just kept walking through the hallways, but I stopped when I noticed a certain prince in a leather jacket and a lollipop in his mouth. Nobody stood within 5 metres of him, as if he were the plague like I was treated or they feared him, but that made no sense. He may have a hard look on the outside, but on the inside I know he’s a nice vampire.

“Can I go talk to Kai?” I whispered to my two friends who looked at me like I’d just asked to run back home, but I hadn’t. “Are you crazy!?” Baekhyun started, “He’ll send you to hospital!” I seriously doubt he would do that. “It’s best you don’t talk to him pup, he’s trouble.” I doubt he’s worse than Chanyeol or Sehun.

Kai seemed to be more focused on his phone to notice me, unlike everyone who I could here were talking about me as ‘the submissive’. It was annoying, even if they like you they just don’t seem to get out of your head. If it’s like this every day than its no worse than what it was like being bullied. Your name still reaches everyone’s ears; a single mention of your name is bound to spite everyone.

I didn’t take my eyes off Kai as I asked the two of them “Does he skip class?” to which Baekhyun answered “No, he’s actually top of the class.” Well then… “Does he party all night and associate himself with drugs or alcohol?” And he answered yet again. “No, he’s more focused on his study life apparently.” Apparently… No, he needed to manage the arcade; I already knew the answer to that. “What are you getting to pup?” Rosé asked, confusion on her face when I simply smiled.

“He’s not a bad guy, it’s just that he likes to dress rough and tough, and the fact that he isolates himself probably makes him look even worse.” I then let go of Rosé’s hand and went to Kai who still had no idea that I was here, of the fact that I was standing in front of him till I spoke up.

“Hi Kai.”



I chuckled as I watched the prince jump in shock and as a result drop his pone flat on the ground, luckily it wasn’t on the screen side. As if there had been a flick of a switch, all the students in the hallway fell silent as if my interaction with Kai was a death wish.

He quickly bent down to get his pone, checking for any scratches before he looked at me, rather surprised that I was in front of him. “___?” I peered over to check his phone, happy to see no scratches otherwise that would’ve been on me. “Are you okay?” “Yeah… just a little jump scare that’s all.” Is it weird that I felt a sense of superiority over him? He was a prince, a vampire, much taller, even my manager, yet I seemed to have an effect on him.

 “You go to this school?” I nodded, he looked around to see everyone staring at us and I could tell he was about to shout at them from the way his eyes glowed red and how he clenched his jaw. “Are you in my year? Or in Baek’s or Chae’s I mean?” I interfered his little anger phase, and with an instant reaction he seemed to relax and focus on me talking to him. “Yeah… I am… Are you settling in?” I shrugged my shoulders and was about to walk back but then I was twisted back to face him with a hand on my shoulder as he said with a faint smile,

“I hope you settle in ___, see you this afternoon.” I smiled back at him, giving a hug and I could hear faint gasps but I didn’t care at all.

I just simply went back to Baekhyun and Rosé, hands intertwined back with hers as they led me to the office. I had to speak a little with the principal’s assistant, about how I’ll settle in and the details about my minor status since I live with these 2, all I need is approval from the principal with excursions and I’ll be all set. I had my timetable, half matching with Baekhyun and the others with Rosé though I was going to be alone in PE, great.


As soon as the bell went, Rosé Baekhyun and I were off to class. Baekhyun had to leave us because he had a different class but we had maths in the morning, it seems that most schools decide to torture students with early maths or lazy maths. It always frustrated me before because I was stuck with Chanyeol and Sehun at the worst times.

But now they’re long gone.

We sat at the back, against the wall and I found it comfortable because coincidentally it was positioned where I used to sit as well. I was against the wall, but Rosé was replacing Jennie.

It ached my heart a little when my thoughts had mentioned Jennie; the mate bond was still yearning for me to reach out to her, to live a simple life with her though I doubt any peace will come when a submissive wolf meets a royal vampire that seems to have disgust for my type. I don’t understand how I’ve survived those weeks with her but I’m better here without her by my side.

Rosé is here.

Jennie POV ~

It’s maths class in this early retarded morning for a retarded royal vampire like me. I’m a ed up girl who failed to understand the concept of listening to a submissive, and now I’m looking at her spot in maths class and I remember the moment I realised she was my mate. How mad I was for having a simple being like her by my side.

I feel a small tear leave my eye though I don’t wipe it away. Let’s see how many tears will fall for my heartbreak.

“Are you okay Jennie?” I see Sehun look at me, concern on his face as he looks at my mate’s sot before looking at me, trying to connect dots as to why I’m staring at ___’s spot but is it even hers anymore? I’m too upset to act anyways. Why should I feel shame in being mates with ___ anyways?

“I’m fine Sehun… just thinking about my home problems…”

About how my mate isn’t there.

Does anybody realise that the names of each chapter form a sentence? You just read them all downwards and in order... gives you a good overview on what happens in the story in a metaphorical sense kind of... anybody have tumblr or discord? talking to you guys in the comments is fun but i feel like i should broaden maybe? also... WHO KEEPS SUBSCRIBING AND UNSUBSCRIBING THAT IT KEPT GOING BETWEEN 230 SUBS AND 235 XD... rip its more now but thank you all!!

Next Chapter is a shocker by the way!

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mback loves~


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Yonalee88 #1
Chapter 26: Plssss update
Update soon. Please?
justgeekyhere #3
Chapter 26: It doesnt let me enter to the new :l
It says is in draft status
English is not my first language, I find this yesterday and read It all the time I spend awake, I really love this, thank you for write an amazing thing. I Hope you are feelin' better, if not talk To us and we will be here, take your time, be strong ?
Chapter 25: Update soon~ authornim but take your time tho, don't worry ?
Dianaparker #6
Chapter 25: I think you should just continue this :) I don't see anything wrong and I was surprised to you updated and see a note but don't worry, I, as well as other readers, are willing to wait for your next update :)
rumpeltinski #7
btw I really love youe story =)
Chapter 25: Fellow gay gals and few men XDD
It must be the breaks inbtwn each chapter and u feeling rushed that make u make mistakes ( I did this in my stories tooo) but I'm already attached to Mated Love I want mommy to just carry on from her last work :) Rewriting may be more work for u & stressful, u can rewrite if you think something u wrote in prev chapters conflicts some canon part of the story :)
Chapter 25: why bother to rewrite again? You doing great babe! update more please~~