Chapter Five

If I Stay
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Chapter Five



The rain had started to fall from the overcast in replacement of the heavy snow that had taken over the city in a matter of hours. Nothing seemed to change from hour to hour, minute to minute. They were only allowing family or emergency contacts back to see Jimin and Jihyun, and visiting hours pushed the group to their homes or the waiting room outside of the ICU. Jihyun was through the worst of it now, that’s what Jimin had heard, but he himself remained in a coma—no one knew when or if he would wake up.


Jimin stuffed his hands into his pockets and shifted his gaze from one end of the sky bridge to the other, watching as the rain pelted into the glass one droplet after the next. He leaned against the glass as he strolled to a slow stop halfway across the way from the other wing of the hospital. With a soft sigh, Jimin rested his forehead against the cool glass and watched as doctors, nurses, and visitors made their busy way through the rain and in and out of the hospital. A stray ambulance would show itself every once in awhile, though small cars and trucks took up most of his tired vision.


A small tuft of blonde in the midst of a sea of grey and white is what caught his attention. Jimin craned his neck, carefully maneuvering farther down the sky bridge to catch a glimpse of the blonde running through the rain. A soft gasp passed through his lips.


“You’re here.” Jimin breathed against the glass. “You actually came.”


Jimin quickly backed away from the window and began his fast trek back to the ICU, back to his body and his friends. The nurse said he was in control of the situation, whether he lived, whether he died, whether he would be able to wake up and see Yoongi and Jihyun and again. He had to wake up. Even if it meant not going to his drama school, he had to wake up. Yoongi may have still been upset at him, but he was here now, someone had found him and told him Jimin’s state.


He still cared.


“Wake up,” he whispered to himself as he rounded the corner to the closed doors of the ICU entrance, shooting past a nurse as he pushed through the doors. He came to stand at the end of his hospital bed, practically begging with his eyes. “Come on, you have to wake up!”


Yoongi's shoulders rose and fell with his heavy breathing, the thin jacket he wore clinging to his frail body as he stalked into the entryway. He ran a hand through his soaked hair before placed his palms against the glass doors that separated him from Jimin, his face twisting in confusion. "No. No no no! Jimin!"


“Hyung!” Jimin slammed his hands against the doors, perfectly aligning his hands with Yoongi’s.




It didn’t feel like things changed in an overabundance over the time after the feelings were put out on show and small decisions were made between them. Yoongi invited Jimin over more as the younger boy became more interested in watching Yoongi work on bits and pieces of songs. Other days they were at Jimin’s; Yoongi would occasionally agree on Jimin trying to teach him a routine again, though Jimin found that they never got far. Nevertheless, things were great, things were something that Jimin never dreamed they would be. Everyone loved Yoongi, they loved his addition to their world they had worked so hard to create together.


No one had pressed back into the matter of the two being together after the dinner where Jihyun first brought it up. Seokjin and Namjoon had found quickly that it made Jimin uncomfortable. Jimin never bothered bringing the change up, and neither did Yoongi.


“Seokjin-hyung! Is dinner almost ready?” Jimin peaked his head around the corner of the doorway and smiled at the older male across the room. He could practically hear Yoongi rolling his eyes from behind; the impatience Jimin held was a little more than amusing to his blonde counterpart. Namjoon sat the island on his phone, void of glasses or the stack of papers he brought home to grade earlier. “Hyung?”


"Pretty much. Grab some bowls, would you." Seokjin mumbled, carrying a pot of stew towards the table. "Jihyun-ah! Food!"


“I got it." Yoongi walked around Jimin to get to the cabinets, finding the dishes that were stashed away.


It sounded like a herd of elephants coming down the stairs, Jihyun making a rather quick appearance and sitting at the table. "Smells good, hyung."


Jimin filed in behind him and took his seat next to Yoongi as a bowl was dropped down in front of him. “Thanks, hyung.”


Yoongi shot him a wink before continuing down the line and taking to his own seat.


Jin served himself and sat back in his chair, stifling a tired yawn. "Sure. Just try and save some for tomorrow. I won't be home until probably Tuesday."


“Work or family?” Jimin asked cautiously. “You never mentioned anything about leaving for a couple days.”


"Work, unfortunately," Jin responded, poking at his hot food. "I got the notice last minute, and by last minute I mean this morning."


Jimin shot Namjoon a look. “I hope you’re not cooking when Seokjin-hyung is gone.”


"So hyung, I have a question," Jihyun stated abruptly, looking to Namjoon as he set his spoon down. "I met this person in my class a while back, and I'm pretty interested in them. If I want to bring them home, what are the rules?"


“Uhm,” Namjoon stammered. He blinked down at his plate, then looked at Seokjin. “Did we ever set those rules years ago?” his eyebrows raised, not in confusion, but in a wary way that almost looked like dread. “Hyung?”


Seokjin shrugged, frankly too busy with his food, the thought of work, and the aching tiredness he felt all over. "You're the owner of this house, Namjoon-ah. I'm not your mother, am I?" he shot back, raising his eyebrows back at his younger friend.


“Oh, God okay, never mind.” He ran a hand over his face and groaned under his breath. “How serious are you about this person, Jihyun? Give me something to go by so I don’t automatically assume the worst.”


"Well, we've hung out a lot and gone out together a few times." Jihyun's face twisted in thought, and he nodded as he clasped his hands together. "We've apparently made out on the front porch before too, so I guess it's pretty serious."


Namjoon choked on his drink. “Apparently?”


Jimin’s eyes widened down at his lap as he fought the redness from sprouting across his cheeks to alert Namjoon and Seokjin just of what was going on. “Oh Christ,” he muttered under his breath.


"How can you apparently make-out with someone?" Seokjin chuckled quietly, now more interested in the conversation than he had been before.


"Well I mean, Jimin-hyung apparently did, so." Jihyun shrugged, picking his spoon back up.


“What are you talking about, Jihyun?” Jimin inquired, a faux confusion lacing his tone as he spoke. He wasn’t prepared to let Seokjin and Namjoon know of his relationship until he was ready until both he and Yoongi were prepared to tell them.


Yoongi could only cover his face to try and contain the laughter that wanted to erupt.


"Oh, you mean you don't remember the other night?" Jihyun's eyebrows furrowed with a similar fakeness that matched Jimin's expression. "I came downstairs to grab my phone and you had left the door open." he raised an eyebrow, "You mean to tell me that it wasn't you completely blissed outstanding on the porch? Yoongi seemed pretty happy when he left." he turned his attention to his food.


He hesitated in hopes he could steer the conversation away from what Jihyun had seen. “Yah, he’s your hyung, you know. Have you lost respect for your elders suddenly?”


Jihyun laughed, "Hyung, you can't change the subject now. I could tell about all those times I caught him in your room or found his clothes in the laundry?"


Namjoon raised his eyebrows, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. “Jimin?”


"Would you like a confirmation, Jihyun-ah?" Yoongi chuckled, finally finding enough composure to speak.


"Do you have one?" Jihyun challenged.


"Yeah, I do." Yoongi nodded. "Everything you've talked about is true," he stated plainly, turning nonchalantly to his food. "He's my boyfriend."


It was Seokjin's turn to choke on something, being his food, and he coughed as he tried to regain what little of his own composure was left. “Excuse me?”


Jimin buried his face in his hands. “Why does this always happen to me? Oh my god, why does this keep happening?” He sunk down into his chair. “Why?”


"You're serious? You're not joking?" Seokjin asked, his eyes as wide as saucers. "It's real?"


"Would you like proof?" Yoongi inquired, raising an eyebrow at the table. He didn't really leave time for anyone to answer and turned to Jimin, gently grasping the collar of his shirt to pull him forward into an unexpected and romantic kiss.


Jimin felt the same butterflies as before, the same ones he’d felt the first time they’d kissed. His knees were weak, despite his seated position and his heart palpitated wildly within his chest. Yoongi slowly pulled away from the younger boy, a confident smirk tainting his pallid lips. Jimin let out an airy laugh and leaned forward, resting his forehead on Yoongi’s shoulder as he allowed several long breaths to leave his lips.


Yoongi released his hold on Jimin and turned back to face the table. "See?"


Jihyun burst into hysterical laughter, almost falling out of his chair.


"Oh my god! Jimin-ah!" Seokjin laughed, covering his face to hide his excitement and embarrassment.


“Why are you so excited?” he mumbled embarrassingly into Yoongi’s shoulder. “This is why I don’t tell you all anything.”


Jihyun smirked at Jimin, "Sorry hyung. I know you too well. You wouldn't have gotten it out in the open if I didn't say anything."


“You didn’t know, you saw something you shouldn’t have.” Jimin shot his brother a fierce look. “I would have eventually told everyone. Maybe I wasn’t ready to tell you guys yet. But I mean,” he paused and pursed his lips, “it’s out there now.”


Yoongi squeezed Jimin's hand under the table, reaching for his drink with the other. "You know Jihyun-ah, you could tell us about that pretty girl you always walk home from school."


“He does seem quite fond of her, doesn’t he?” Jimin chimed in, his previous embarrassment turning to a playful exterior. He rested his free arm on the table and leaned in chin into the palm of his hand. “It’s quite adorable, isn’t it, Yoongi-hyung?”


"P-Pretty girl?" Jihyun cleared his throat, quickly glancing at Namjoon and Seokjin. "W-What girl? I don't know what you're talking about."


"You know, the cute brunette that you stare at in the hallway? Have you asked her out yet?" Yoongi paused for a moment, "Ah, wait you did. I remember now. I remember passing her in the upstairs hallway a couple of nights ago."


Seokjin's eyes went wide. "Jihyun-ah!"


“Why didn’t you tell them, Jihyun-ah?” Jimin smirked.


"What?! Why can he bring Yoongi-hyung home and I can't do the same with someone I like?" Jihyun's eyebrows rose as he looked between Namjoon and Seokjin.


"Because Yoongi isn’t gonna get Jimin pregnant, that's why!" Seokjin shot back, slamming his hands on the table.


“Oh my God!” Jimin abruptly stood from the table, a red-hot blush tinting his tanned cheeks. “Why does it always come back to me?! Oh my God!”


"Yeah, why does it always go back to him?!" Jihyun questioned, pointing accusingly at his older brother.


"Because he's the oldest! My god, you two are something else, you know that?!" Jin went on a full-on rant about the whole situation, continuing to scold Jihyun.


Yoongi could only sink down into his chair, covering his mouth as hysterical laughter took over his whole body.


Jimin smacked his counterpart’s shoulder. “Why are you laughing? You’re just as much a part of this as I am.”


It took a minute before Yoongi could compose himself enough to talk, sitting back up in his chair. He reached out and gently pulled Jimin's sleeve to make him sit back down in the empty chair. "That's why I'm laughing, Jimin-ah. Never in a million years did I ever think I would be sitting at my boyfriend's dinner table having this discussion." He started laughing at himself again, running his fingers through his hair. “It makes me happy.”


“My embarrassment makes you happy?” Jimin scoffed, rolling his eyes in a playful manner. “Wow, thanks, a caring boyfriend, you are.”


"Like I said before," he rested his head in the palm of his hand as he shot Jimin a sly smile. "You're cute when you're flustered."


“Get out.” Jimin punched Yoongi’s arm. “You’re lucky I let you kiss me, you know.”


"I know." Yoongi smiled warmly, meeting his eyes and holding them for a few long moments before turning back to the food that had been forgotten in the chaos.




Days had turned into weeks, weeks had turned into months, and months turned into almost a year. Yoongi had graduated before Jimin had time to take into account what had happened, and he was entering his final year of high school with Jungkook. Things got busier over time-- Yoongi was no longer weighed down by studies and was able to perform more, where he was continually gaining popularity, and Jimin was gearing up to look at colleges he would attend within the next year. They were both busy, Yoongi traveling to different cities to perform, and Jimin keeping up with his studies and dance routines, yet when there was a spare moment, they selfishly took it for themselves.


Like opposite ends of a magnet, they stuck together.


Everyone had since gotten used to the idea of them being together. While it came as something of a surprise to most, his family was supportive in every aspect of his endeavors with Yoongi. The teasing was a thing that never seemed to end--Jihyun and Jungkook, Jaehwan on Saturdays, seemed to always have a teasing comment that made Jimin blush and Yoongi laugh.


Jimin absentmindedly kicked at a loose rock in the middle of the sidewalk and watched it skip and skim across the pavement until it landed in the grass. It was cooler for this time of year, but perhaps it was because of their close proximity to the sea and the occasional gust of wind. This was one of those moments. The moments in between their busy schedules where it was them and no one else to bother.


“You got in at two in the morning,” Jimin nudged Yoongi’s side as they continued on together. “You should be asleep right now.”


"I get enough sleep in the van, most of the time." He sniffled, the colder air making him shudder. "Besides, I only have until tomorrow night. I'm going to spend my time wisely."


“Yes, because walking in the cold for no reason is such a wise way to spend your time.” Jimin shot back sarcastically. One of his eyes dropped down into a wink, furthering the teasing nature he had surrounded them with.


"Tease all you want, . You're lucky my time wisely spent is on you and not at some strip club or something." Yoongi scoffed, shoving Jimin's shoulder.


“But you wouldn’t do that,” he hummed. “You know you wouldn’t.”


"Hm, who knows. The guys at strip clubs are pretty damn tempting." he raised his eyebrows playfully at Jimin.


“Oh, and you know this already, do you?” Jimin retorted, a mischievous smirk tainting his lips.


He laughed, turning to face him as he walked backward. "You'd be surprised what I know! With the kind of people my uncle had around all the time, I'm surprised I'm not worse than I already am!"


Jimin rolled his eyes. “The point of what I said was that you actually need some rest before you pass out on stage or something. I don’t really want to get a call from a hospital an hour away telling me that Min Yoongi passed out on stage due to exhaustion.”


"Jimin-ah, I'm fine. Really." Yoongi insisted. He turned to walk at Jimin’s side again as he sighed. "It's a lot more pressure than it used to be, but it's nice. It's better than having school in the mix."


“Oh yeah, you don’t have to deal with that.” Jimin rolled his head back onto his shoulders. “This year is gonna go by so slow, I just know it.”


"Nah, it'll go by faster than you think!" Yoongi reassured, reaching out to put an arm around his waist. "It gets faster and faster, and add that on top of college applications and whatnot, you won't even notice."


“It’s weird not having you around all the time, it makes things a little blander.” he responded. “Everyone talks about you all the time at school too, which doesn’t help sometimes.”


"I know." He pulled him a little closer, leaning his head down to rest on Jimin’s shoulder. "It's weird, not being here. The stages get bigger and the crowd gets crazier. It's weird not seeing you standing amongst all the faces."


“Whenever I get the time, I’ll eventually come to one of your shows, I swear.” Jimin chuckled quietly. “I’m really proud of you.”


Pulling his head up, Yoongi turned to look at him, "If anyone's proud, it should be me. You've improved so much, I don't see how it's even possible." Yoongi shook his head, glancing over in the direction of the water, the soft sound of the waves easing him. "Are you still planning on applying for the college here?"


“Yeah, it’s a great school. They have a nice music and performing arts program, plus I don’t have a reason to want to leave Busan.” He shrugged, shivering slightly as a gust of cold wind blew over them. “There’s still financial aid and possible scholarships to take into consideration, as well as the possibility of finding a place to live.”


"You know, I've been meaning to get out of my uncle's place, find something that's my own," Yoongi started softly slowly coming to a stop in his walking. "I wanted something close by, something accessible and practical. So, what if," He bit his bottom lip, meeting Jimin's eyes curiously. "We meet halfway? Maybe get a place together?"


Jimin stared at him for a long moment, relaying the words through his head one after the other. He hadn’t thought of if but a few times, and it always seemed out of the question considering how diverging their careers were and the money Jimin would be paying to the college. But it sounded nice. It sounded amazing.


“Y-You’d want that?” he asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.


Yoongi smiled softly, stepping up to come face to face with him. "You don't?


“Of course I do,” Jimin smiled. “Whenever I thought about it, it just didn’t seem realistic, you know? Financial aid and travel expenses for you; I didn’t think you’d want that yet.”  


"Jimin-ah, we'd make it work." Yoongi reached into Jimin's pocket, intertwining their fingers. "I've got enough to get us started at least, and if it doesn't work out then the worst that happens is we try again another time." he raised an eyebrow at him, "But, if you think it's a bad idea, I don't want you to go against your own feelings towards the idea."


“No, I want to. I really, really do.” the younger boy spoke softly, reassuringly. “I wouldn’t dream of it with anyone else at this point.”


"At this point?" Yoongi laughed, "Wow, I feel so special! That’s so reassuring!"


“You know what I mean, you jerk.” Jimin shoved him away.


"I know." Yoongi laughed, wrapping his arm around Jimin's shoulders and placing a soft kiss on his head. "And you started it, remember!"


“What in the world did I do?” he questioned with a laugh. Jimin brushed Yoongi’s arm from his shoulder and circled to stand in front of him, grasping onto both of his hands as he walked backward. “I didn’t do anything!”


"You started the teasing!" Yoongi smiled. Without any warning he leaned down and threw Jimin over his shoulder, showing off his newly developed strength. "I'm just returning the favor, punk!"


Jimin hit at Yoongi’s back as several pieces of laughter floated from his lips. “Oh, yeah, I see where this is returning the favor!” He stuck an elbow into Yoongi’s shoulder blade. “If you drop me, I swear I’ll kick your !”


"Ow ow ow, yah! Keep doing that and I will drop you!" Yoongi complained, awkwardly falling over on the patch of grass. "Ow, why the hell is your elbow so boney? Damn!"


“I should kick your for that,” he muttered, pushing himself into a sitting position on the grass. “I have the right to assume that I’ll have a headache within the next ten minutes.”


"Oh yeah?" Yoongi smirked slightly. He propped himself up on his arm and watched the younger boy, slowly leaning in until he could feel Jimin's warm breath against his face. His voice was a soft murmur and his eyes met ones as equally as dark as his own. "Feel free to kick my , then."


Jimin’s breath hitched in his throat. “J-Jerk.”


Yoongi didn't need to say anything; the smirk that grew on his face was enough to say what he thought, and he closed what little distance was between them. It was a passionate kiss; more so than any of the ones they had shared previously. It was a warm contrast to the cold fall air.


Jimin placed a hand on Yoongi’s chest as he leaned back slightly to use his other hand to support his moving weight. It was the same, but foreign; there was something different stirring within Yoongi, and Jimin knew from a mile away. He pulled away from the older male, brushing his lips against Yoongi’s once, twice, and a third time in such a fashion that when he leaned back, Yoongi followed.


Jimin chuckled lowly. “Eager?”


Yoongi rolled his eyes, leaning so far forward to cage Jimin underneath him with his arms. "Shut up. You’re so rude." He tried to fight the small smile that tugged at his lips, leaning in to try and quiet Jimin's laughter with them.


“Ah.” Jimin held a finger to his lips and glanced at the sidewalk they’d tumbled off of. “There’s people.”


"Better be quiet then." Yoongi teased, a devious smirk overtaking his features as he moved his lips across Jimin's cheek and jaw; slowly drifting to the crook of his neck.


“We’re in public, you ert,” he laughed airily and grasped onto either side of Yoongi’s jaw to draw his face back up to his. Jimin watched him for a long moment, then brushed his thumbs over the dark circles under Yoongi’s eyes. “You need sleep, okay? I mean it, as in right now.”


Yoongi groaned softly. "Oh my god, mom, I'm not a five year old." he mocked Jimin, a moment later letting all of his weight rest on top of him. "You know what, fine. Right now. Goodnight. Wake me up if a food truck drives by."


“Get off, fatass.” Jimin groaned, pushing on Yoongi’s chest. “You really should work out more, God.”


Yoongi scoffed, wrapping his arms around Jimin to keep himself in place. "Why do you think I'm so heavy, ? I have been working out!"


“Oh yeah, I can totally see it.” He poked his boyfriend’s stomach and wiggling under his grip. “I totally believe you.”


"Ah, yah! Poke me again and see what happens!" Yoongi giggled softly before his threatening words escaped through clenched teeth.


“You mean,” Jimin poked at Yoongi’s stomach again, “like this?”


Yoongi laughed, shooting him sharp eyes, "I'm serious Jimin! I will end you!"


“Promise?” he challenged, slipping his hands onto his counterpart’s sides.


Before Jimin could put him completely out of commission, Yoongi leaned down and crashed his lips in a deep kiss that made his own toes curl in his rugged boots, his fingers lacing into the blonde strands of Jimin's hair. Jimin took in a sharp breath and moved his hands up to wrap his arms around Yoongi’s neck, easily falling into the kiss. His fingers moved up to the back of his neck in an unconscious effort to pull his boyfriend closer.


After a minute Yoongi slowly pulled back, a mischievous smirk pulled at his pink lips. The jingle of the keys that had been stuffed in Jimin's back pocket filling the quiet atmosphere around them as he held them up. "You're so easy." He whispered, pecking his lips once more before quickly getting off of him and taking off across the park.


“Oh my God, you !” Jimin pushed himself off of the ground and took off after Yoongi. “That was so unfair!”


"Alls fair in love and war, Jimin-ah!"




“Sir, please calm down!”


"Jimin-ah!" Yoongi shouted, knocking on the glass doors. "You have to let me in! I have to see him!" he pleaded, rainwater dripping off the tip of his nose.


Two nurses gripped his arms and pulled him away from the door, forcing his hands to slip away from where they had been placed against Jimin’s. Jimin felt his heart leap into his throat the longer he watched nurses calmly push the hysterical blond away from the door in the midst of his shouting and pushing. Yoongi lurched forward, again reaching out for the door, almost as if he was reaching out for the Jimin he couldn’t see, then was ushered back once again.


“Let him in!” Jimin shouted from the other side of the glass. He hit his hands against the glass in vain attempts to gather the attention he so desperately wanted, despite knowing no one could see him or hear him. “Hyung!”


"Get the off me!" He hissed, yanking his arms free of their grip, his dark eyes darker than usual. "I swear to god if you don't let me in-!"


"Hyung!" Jungkook barked, rushing over to put his hands on Yoongi's arms. His eyes held a firmness that he knew Yoongi needed right then. "Hyung, you have to calm down! Okay? This isn't going to help anyone, but especially Jimin-hyung! You've got to stop!"


"They can't do this to me!" Yoongi's shout broke in the slightest, his chest heaving rapidly as he tried to catch his breath. There was a strange sense that started to take hold of him, something that caused his heart race rapidly against his ribcage and make the room spin. Everything was spinning. "They have to let me in! I-I have to see him!"


Jungkook pulled the rain-soaked male into a firm embrace, ignoring his weak attempts to fight against it. "Hyung, you've got to calm down. Okay? Take deep breaths. He's okay right now. He's okay. It’s okay."


Yoongi didn't try to fight against his hold anymore, he was already so tired from running so far. All he could do was stare longingly at the glass doors only a couple of feet away. His lips trembled, and his fingers grasped at the fabric of Jungkook's jacket. "Oh my god, Jimin-ah." He whimpered, small tears falling down his cheeks to mix with the rainwater on his skin.


“H-Hyung.” Jimin leaned his head against the glass, just barely permitting tears to prickle at and fall from his bloodshot eyes. “Please don’t cry.”


Jungkook put his arm around Yoongi, carefully trying to coax him away from the doors. "Come with me, okay? We'll explain everything. You need to calm down."


Yoongi let him pull him away, glancing back at the room several times before he was pulled around the corner of a hallway.




College was one of those subjects that Jimin thought about as a child, the one thing he constantly thought about when he considered what he wanted to do. For a time, it seemed as if everyone else knew what they were doing expect him. Then dance came into the picture and completely swept him away. And then when dance was considered in a serious light, Jimin knew where he wanted to go.


Busan was home, Busan was where everything and everyone was. His entire life resided within the city itself.


“Jimin-ah,” Taekwoon called, once again pulling Jimin’s mind back into the present. The older male looked at Jimin expectantly for a few short moments before a hint of a smirk met his lips and he shook his head. “I asked you a question.”


“Sorry, hyung.” Jimin shook his head. “What was it you wanted to know?”


“College,” he clarified simply. “You’re still considering the college here in Busan, aren’t you?”


“Yeah, they have nice music and performing arts programs,” Jimin responded, drumming his fingers on the top of the table. His gaze drifted up the table, quickly shifting from Taekwoon to the several other members of the table that had turned to look at him with attentive eyes. “What?”


"You know, they have a really good program up at the Korea National University of Arts, in Seoul?" Wonsik spoke up, glancing down the table at Jimin. "It's supposed to be one of the best."


"Jimin-ah, I know you're good enough to get into that school," Hoseok confirmed, turning his eyes from Wonsik to Jimin. "You should try for there."


“My entire life is here, everyone important is here.” Jimin insisted. “That’s one of the best school’s in the country, does everyone realize how hard it would be to get in?”


"Hyung, you could do it," Jungkook stated, picking at his food as he glanced across the table at his best friend. "I guarantee it. It could definitely get your career going much quicker."


“It's in Seoul,” he responded quickly. “Seoul is so far away.”


“What’s keeping you here?” Taehyung asked, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah, we’re here, but there’s visits to take into account and the fact that Jungkook is probably gonna go to college up there as well. You could get into the school, you would have your best friend with you, what’s stopping you?”


Jimin bit his bottom lip and shrugged. “I don't know.”


"Jimin-ah," Seokjin started, resting his crossed arms on the table in front of him. He waited until he could meet his eyes, and he smiled slightly. He knew his reasoning. He knew why he was hesitant. "You should think about it at least, don't you think? It's a good opportunity."


“And what happens if I audition and get in?” Jimin locked eyes with Seokjin, hoping his worries were told across the silent distance. “What happens then, hyung?”


"Then we celebrate, yeah?" his eyes softened. "It would just be another incredible thing to add to your growing list."


Jimin contemplated his next words carefully. It sounded pathetic in his mind, thinking about how dependent and attached he had become to Yoongi. “What about Yoongi-hyung?”


"He'd think it was wonderful, wouldn't he?" Seokjin asked. "He talks about how amazing you are, and he's following his own path. What about you? Why not follow your dreams too?”


“I-I just haven’t talked to him about anywhere but here.”


“Jimin,” Namjoon chuckled. “He’s your boyfriend, yeah, but he should support you in this, not hinder you. He obviously cares a lot, Yoongi shouldn’t just flip a switch and n

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littlelamb86 #1
Chapter 10: Its soooo sad that they died.....TT ... great that Jimin and Yoongi had a second chance......wonder what caused the accident actually
JiminieChimChim #2
Chapter 4: I read the book and watched the movie prior to discovering this, so I had a feeling of how this would play out, but damn, I bawled reading this.
ellie_yemm #3
Chapter 4: Loving this!!!
ellie_yemm #4
Chapter 3: I freaking love this!! The car accident got me on my toes.