The Flower Crown & The Two Swords

The Flower Crown & The Two Swords


One night, Cheng Xiao was summoned to dinner by her father... and she'd have to come alone. Thankfully, right after she stormed out of the dining room, Eunseo was waiting for her in her chambers. 

”What happened?” Eunseo asked, an eyebrow raised. 

The princess paced back and forward in her room, fuming with her fists balled. 

“I. Hate. Him.” She muttered with long pauses between each word. 

“What?!” Eunseo got up and walked to her, softly touching her arm. 

“Did I ever tell you I hate my father?”  

Eunseo widened her eyes. 

“No, I didn’t know.” 

“He... He was trying to threaten me.” 

“What? Threaten? Why would he do that?” 

“He's on to us. He said you are just my guard, nothing else. The way he talked about you... like you were nothing more than a replaceable pawn in his hands.” Cheng Xiao talked in a fast and low voice, her gritted teeth barely letting any sound come out of . 

“Does he know about us?” Eunseo asked, trying to remain calm. 

“I don’t know if he knows exactly, but he knows something. He suspects it, at least.” 

“But what did he threaten you with?” 

“He threatened to replace you.”  

Eunseo pulled her into a hug and caressed her hair. 

“Even if he replaces me with another guard, I’ll never leave your side. I promised you that. There’s nothing that will ever separate us.”  

“What if he forbids you from seeing me? What if he sends you somewhere else? Eunseo, I can’t live without you!” Cheng Xiao cried, shaking even harder. 

“And you won't have to, I promise.” 

Eunseo took Cheng Xiao to bed, laying with her and holding her close, until she calmed herself.  

“Eunseo.” She called. “Have you ever gone to the outskirts, to commoner villages?”  

“I did.” 

“So, you know how they live.” 

“Unfortunately, I do.” 

Cheng Xiao looked up from her chest and met her eyes. 

“Until I was sixteen, I thought they lived well and happy. It was what my father always told me. But one day, I decided to see it with my own eyes. And I found nothing more than misery. Nobles have gold, food in their tables, and they flaunt their huge gold rings and chains and silks for everyone to see just for the sake of it. The more they have, the more they want to have. My father is greedy, and he only thinks about creating a bigger army to expand our kingdom. He doesn’t even take care of what he owns, and he wants even more! For what?! To leave people to starve?! To take away their money with taxes that only serve to support his useless hunger for material things and war?! That’s just sick!” Cheng Xiao spoke her heart out.  

Eunseo seemed lost in what to say. 

“That's why I promised myself that I would reign this kingdom better than him and fix the mess he created. But I fear that my father will choose someone for me with the same intentions as himself, so he can continue his dirty work. I know I’m not the only one upset with this, and being the captain of the army, I always thought about a starting a revolution.” The princess confessed, her eyes reflecting determination. 

There were a couple seconds of silence, until Eunseo smiled and caressed her cheek. 

“I knew I fell in love with the right person.” She said, her voice filled with pride. “Xiao, I’ll be proud to be part of your army and fight by your side. But if we really want to do this, we need to be careful with who we trust.” 

“I know. And I really want to do this, Eunseo. I’m sick of my father and he needs to be stopped. I’ve been training the army for years, I know who I can trust. And of course we would have the commoners by our side as soon as we can earn their trust." 

“I have some trustworthy friends at the guard too. In numbers, we would definitely win.” 

“In force too. My swordsmen are skilled and strong.” 

Eunseo nodded and let silence settle in, while still caressing her hair. 

“I should probably leave, it’s getting late.” Eunseo said. “Weird how Bona hasn’t come to scold me yet.” She chuckled.  

“I asked her not to. I wanted time with you. Alone. Please, stay.” Cheng Xiao whispered. 

“What if-" 

“No one is going to know you’re here. I need you, Eunseo.” Cheng Xiao rested her hand on her cheek, moving her lips closer to Eunseo's. 

“Your wish is my command, princess.” Eunseo whispered back, closing her eyes and allowing Cheng Xiao to kiss her as deep and desperately as she needed and wanted to. 




Cheng Xiao woke up with the sound of the door. She looked in its direction to find Bona staring at them with widened eyes. She rushed inside, closing the door. 

“What is she doing here?!” Bona asked, shaking Eunseo up. “Wake up, you shouldn’t be in here. Much less in this condition!” Bona sounded even more alarmed as soon as she noticed both girls were under the sheets. “Dress up and leave, quick!” 

“Bona, what’s happening?” Cheng Xiao sat up in bed, trying to cover herself in the process. 

“Your father is coming. He set you up.” 


“There’s no time for this, Eunseo please, move!” 

Eunseo, who had barely opened her eyes, could only look around in confusion. 

“I’m !” She protested. 

“I don’t care if you’re , just dress up and leave! If His Majesty finds you here like this… That's what he hopes for, in fact.” Bona whisper-yelled as she grabbed Eunseo's clothes from the floor and handed them to her. 

The girls managed to get themselves dressed and presentable just before the knock on the door. 

Without waiting for permission, the door opened. 

“Good morning my daughter, Eunseo, Bona.” He said, his voice calm as it could be.  

“Good morning, Father.” Cheng Xiao answered, standing between Eunseo and Bona, who bowed. 

“Eunseo, you’re here early.” He pointed out. 

“Yes, Your Majesty. I always make sure to be ready for my job when Her Highness leaves her room in the morning.” Eunseo answered.  

“I appreciate your hard work, Eunseo. But today, I want to spend the day with my daughter, something I haven’t done in quite a while. I’ll ask you to return to the guard for today. My guards are waiting just outside to accompany you.” 

Cheng Xiao couldn’t help but look at Eunseo. 

“Thank you, Your Majesty. Have a good day, Your Highness.” Eunseo bowed to the two of them. 

The princess wanted to grab her hand and stop her from leaving.  

“Bona, would you kindly replace the sheets and take these to laundry?” The king said, wrinkling his nose as if in disgust. 

Bona bowed and left with the sheets in her hands. For some reason, Cheng Xiao had a really bad feeling about all that situation, and both Eunseo and Bona left when they absolutely couldn’t leave her, especially alone with her father. 

“Why don’t you take me to your garden you love so much? It’s a really special place for you right?” 

“Yes, it is, Father.” Cheng Xiao answered mechanically, her knees trembling. 

“Shall we, then?” 




It was a gorgeous day, with shining sun and a light breeze to make the heat bearable and pleasant. Cheng Xiao walked beside her father, her heart pounding so hard she could feel it in her ears. 

“It’s truly a great day to be outside.” He started, stopping and looking up at the sky. “I wanted to discuss some matters with you, my daughter.” 

“What might those matters be, Father?” 

“You see, I’ve been wishing for our kingdom to expand for quite a while. I have an excellent army, trained by no other than the best swordsman of this realm,” He paused, resting his hand on Cheng Xiao's shoulder. “I have an elite guard to protect our people, but above all, I have ambition and hunger for more.” 

Cheng Xiao gulped and forced to produce any sound, even if just a hum. 

“But of course I’ll need your help. You, as the captain of the army, will lead them in this conquest. You, beside me, will lead us to victory.” 

She swore to herself she was going to be strong. But a promise wasn’t enough. Cheng Xiao couldn’t bring herself to answer, to fight back, to rebel just like she said she would do the night before. Instead, her whole body trembled in fear. 

“This, my dear daughter, was what I had in mind. But you have other ideas in mind, don’t you?” His hand moved to her caress her cheek for a second. 

Cheng Xiao's stomach turned. 

“I was very disappointed to find out you intended to… rebel against me. I should have known Eunseo wasn’t a good influence.” 

“Eunseo has nothing to do with this.” Her voice finally showed up with a wave of what seemed like fire running all across her body. "I don't know how you got that idea, but I don't intend to rebel, Father. I still very much intend to wed a prince and bring continuity to this Kingdom." 

“Oh, but I have word that she does. And her attempts to... sway you to her side will earn her the fate she sought for herself by committing treason.”  

“If you lay a finger on her...” Her hand subtly moved to the handle of her sword, her eyes filled with rage, keeping his stare locked on her.  

“I wouldn’t recommend you doing so, if you want your beloved Eunseo to, at least, live.” 

Her blood boiled in her veins and her jaw clenched, tears threatening to escape her eyes. 

“Look what she has turned you into. She turned you against your own father, Xiao Xiao. I didn't think my daughter would be moved by such a silly thing as an illusion of… love. I'm also disappointed in you, my daughter. You should indeed have known better. But that filthy-" 

In a split second, Cheng Xiao's sword was less than an inch away from his neck, the sound of it being unsheathed still echoing in the trees. 

“If you say one more word about her, I swear I won’t think twice about using my sword.” Cheng Xiao spat near his face. 

Her father laughed.  

“I do miss practicing swordsmanship with you, my daughter. It truly brought us together, don't you think? But right now, I'm afraid it's not the right time.”  

“Where is Eunseo?” Cheng Xiao ignored him. 

“The matters concerning her are being handled at the moment, in an appropriate way for a criminal.” 

The blade of Cheng Xiao's sword pressed softly against his neck as she stepped closer to him. Before she could say another word, two pairs of hands grabbed both her arms, pulling her back and making her drop her sword. 

“Take her to her chambers. From now on, she shall be kept inside and forbidden from leaving the room unless I personally remove her. She is to be watched around the clock.” He said, cleaning the blood string on his neck with the back of his hand. “I knew you could be... stubborn, but I never imagined you would attack your own father, Cheng Xiao.” 

“I never imagined you could lock up your own daughter for wanting something for herself, for once. Father.” 

Cheng Xiao used all her strength to, in one pull, release herself from their grip. She managed to set her right arm free, quickly chopping the man's neck, leaving him unconscious in the ground.  

“Cheng Xiao, enough.” Her father calmly asked, as Cheng Xiao left the other man on the ground without any effort. 

“Did you really think you could stop me with two men? I believe you underestimate me, Father.” She grabbed the sword from the grass and stood in front of him. 

“I tried not to use brute force to convince you to cooperate with me, but since words didn’t do, you leave me no choice.” 

This time, Cheng Xiao turned in time, but they were too many. In the next second, her vision went black, as something covered her whole head and strangled her neck. She struggled to take it off, but both her arms were immobilized and she couldn’t see. Breathing so quickly, the oxygen started failing her lungs faster than she realized.  

Cheng Xiao fell on her knees, trying to keep her consciousness. Until she heard a grunt, followed by a thud. Then, a scream from pain, mixed with a blade cutting through something. 


When she realized there wasn’t anyone holding her anymore, she found the little strength she still had to uncover her head and swallow a big chunk of oxygen. Her vision was blurry and she coughed, trying to steady her breathing. When her vision started to focus, Cheng Xiao looked around, her eyes widening. 

Several men laid unconscious on the ground, the one still standing being her father, fighting Eunseo. 

Last time, Eunseo saved her. This time, Eunseo saved her again. But now, she also wanted to be part of it. 

Cheng Xiao stood up and grabbed her sword, taking a run towards her father. Raising her arm in the air, and with a scream of fury and rage, she hit the back of his head with the handle of her sword with all her strength. His body froze and dropped to the ground like a ragged doll.  

Their eyes met. Cheng Xiao let her sword drop to the ground and ran to Eunseo's embrace, holding her like it was the last time she would do it in her life. 

“Eunseo... my Father... he’s a monster. He was going to torture or even kill you!” 

“I know. The guards outside the room were actually taking me to the dungeons, but I know this castle well enough to know that, so I got to escape. I found Bona as I ran through the castle and she begged me to save you. She told me you were here. I’m so glad I arrived in time.” Eunseo explained, holding Cheng Xiao. 

“We need to get out of here.” The princess grabbed her hand and started running back, dragging Eunseo with her and not forgetting about her sword. 

They reached the corridors of the castle and ran carelessly. As they turned a corner, they found two guards who, as soon as their eyes locked on them, started running in their direction. Cheng Xiao and Eunseo  their heels and ran away.  

They stepped outside the castle again, through the right wing. They still heard the sound of steps, but Cheng Xiao was able to mislead them, hiding with Eunseo behind some tall bushes.  

“Eunseo… you need to leave.” She said, catching on her breath.  

“And you’re coming with me.” Eunseo grabbed her hand.  

“I can’t.” 

“What? I’m not letting you stay here when your father just tried to arrest you.” 

“I need to stay here. I need to do something for this kingdom or else it will be left to the hands of my Father. I need to go back and look for Bona too. She might be in danger.” She explained. 

“I want to help you, but you can’t stay here! We can both run away, figure something out and come back!” 

“Eunseo, please! Just go, they can find us any minute!” 

“I promised I wouldn’t leave you! I’m not going anywhere without you, Xiao!” Eunseo hugged her with tears clouding her eyes. 

“You can’t stay here! Eunseo, if you stay, you won't live. I can't let you take that risk. You have to run so you survive and you can come back to me. I'd rather never seeing you again than having you die in my arms." 

“Over here!” Sounded a male voice nearby.  

Cheng Xiao squatted with Eunseo and they held their breath. The steps were too close, but soon they started fading away as they disappeared.  

“Xiao, I don't know if I'll make it out there by myself--" 

“Eunseo.” Cheng Xiao called, taking her scabbard from her waist. “Take this as a promise you’ll come back.” She rested her sword on Eunseo’s hands.  

“W-What? But you need your sword!” 

“I’m sure I won’t be needing it anytime soon. Take it with you, use it to fight if you need to.” 

“But I have mine, I can’t have yours!” Eunseo's body trembled aggressively.  

“Now you have two. Take a horse from the stable and go, before they find us.” 

Eunseo pulled her into her embrace, squeezing her body hard.  

“Xiao.” Eunseo pulled away and took something from her satchel. “This is my promise I’ll come back. I meant to give it to you for your birthday, but I'm doing it now.” 

Cheng Xiao widened her eyes as Eunseo held a flower crown, made with dry white and pink flowers. Eunseo laid the crown on top of the princess' head, leaning in and kissing her forehead.  

“I love you, Xiao. I’ll come back for you.” Eunseo held back her tears as she tried to sound brave.  

“I’ll be waiting for you. I love you, Eunseo.” 

Cheng Xiao pulled her to kiss her lips for one last time. They heard close steps once more. 

“Go!” The princess whispered, letting go of Eunseo's hand. 

Eunseo hesitated for a couple seconds, until she finally turned and ran, leaving a tear dropping from her eye. 

Cheng Xiao turned back and ran inside the castle, looking for Bona. She had to make all of efforts not to cry, at least not yet. They were going to hold on to the promise they made, for their vows of love and devotion, and for the people, who needed someone to stand up for them when nobody else could. 




A/N: I told you to get ready c': Don't hate me! I love drama and emotional situations keke

The story will take a new path and a lot of new characters will appear in the next chapter hehe ~~

Thank you for your support! ❤

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Chapter 1: im reading both versions of this, i love it
charlierei #2
Chapter 12: your fic is so beautiful T-T thank you for posting and sharing it with us!

i'm also begging for an update, plsss update.. T-T
loveEunseo #3
Chapter 12: I really like this story ^_^ hope you will update soon ~
Jeno042000 #4
Chapter 1: Omg I love Chengxiao so much yet I’m unable to come out with a fic based on her. You have spur me to write a Xiaoxiao fic
lightningmeiqueen #5
Chapter 12: oh my god, this is so perfect, i cried when they said she was dead omfl, thank you for this, author!~
Chapter 12: THIS IS PERFECT!! *cries*
Chapter 12: Wonderful story! Very well written. I can’t believe I ditched a night shift just to finish this amazing story! Thank you for this beautiful eunxiao fic author-nim, I look forward to your future works. Love lots!!!
This story is simply amazing...I think I fell in love with Eunseo
CullenCrest1000 #9
First time reading this fic and its really good!!! keep up the good work, author-nim!
liabrn #10
Chapter 1: omg this is perfect