I Swear


A girl named Kylie runs away from home, with her little sister, Lucy. She joins a gang, and starts to do bad things with them. But when she becomes famous, and not the good type of famous, she doesn't know how she will keep her sister safe. Then after a while, they find out among the gang there is a murderer, and the murderers target is Lucy. Kylie now is afraid that her sister will be killed, but if she wants to stop the murderer, she might die. She sweared to die before Lucy does, but that swear might not happen.


Dear readers, 

My name is Michaela. This book was written when I was thirteen. I wrote it because, I have heard of kids who have been abused. I am one of them. My mother used me as a slave. She had epilepsy, and thought she couldn't do anything. She convinces me, my brother, and my sister, for the longest time. I moved to my dad's first, before my brother and sister. I used to steal candy, and my mom found out and spanked me with her belt. She made me call my dad while I was crying, to tell him to come get, that I don't want to live mommy, because I'm being bad. The truth was she used food as a punishment. She would take meals from us, and all that. 

My sister and brother came later. A year ago, when I was twelve. I moved in with her thinking she had changed. No, she had gotten worse. At first, she was kind to me. Bought me a new tablet, let me do stuff my dad would never let me do. Then school started. She started abusing me just like she did before. Made me sleep on hard wood floors in the middle of winter, with no pillow, or blanket. I called my dad multiple times, asking him to come get me. He couldn't he didn't have the money or time to. So, my mom called my grandparents to come and get us, when she thought her land lord put carbon dioxide gasses in the air of the house. Then I stayed with my grandparents for two days and moved in with my dad. 

I still visited her for a while, but then things got hard and I had to stop. My grandparents didn't stop visiting though. I got this story idea for a different reason. 

I was having a strange dream. I was in a room. A library to be exact. I was investigating a murder. I have no clue why I was a detective. Then the scene changed I was on a street. There were people around me, hurting little kids. I tried to make them stop but nothing happened. 

Don't ask me how I got this plot from that dream. It just came to me, but in the age that I am in, there are abuse from all around the world, it is really upsetting. I hope you like my book, I swear and have some heart to it.


Michaela Atha

So I am almost finished with this book, and will make this into a series, but I am debating on if I should give you a sneak peak on the next story, at the end of the book, give me karma points, follow me, and read on, to get a sneak peak! Thank you all!


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