The Rock Star

The Reluctant Couple
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Come on Abhi," Purab nudged at the figure sprawled out on the bed, his legs splayed out and his hand thrown over his face. "I have no idea why you had to drink so much when you have low tolerance for alcohol." He complained as he grabbed one of Abhi's leg and pulled hard, causing the famous rock star to yelp as he sat up, rubbing at his bloodshot eyes.
Abhi opened his eyes and scowled at his best friend. "Go away Purab," he grumbled as he looked around him. "This is your house," it wasn't a question but Purab took it as one.
"Of course it's mine. I figured that since you're a sore sight for the eyes in your inebriated state, Dadi would have a fit if she sees you like that. Bringing you here was safer and I won't have to be scolded for letting you drink so much." He sat down on the couch and tied the laces on his shoes.
Abhi grunted. "It was a party and people get drunk all the time. There was this girl that I thought I would hit a score with but apparently that didn't happen as I found myself here." He glared at his friend. "You totally ruined my night." He stated sourly.
Purab chuckled. "I will dump your drunk on the streets next time and you would have a pleasant time explaining that to reporters."
Abhi sat up straighter.  "I have a concert tonight," he groaned. "I totally forgot." He grabbed his head that was pounding so hard he feared he would lose consciousness. "I have a hangover," he stated.
"Of course you do and rightfully so because you

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Purab wants to be friends with Pragya. What about Abhi?


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Chapter 14: Great chapter and Aaliya seem a little obsessed with Purab especially where she think of living with him in his house with a daughter she thinking of having with him
I wonder how Purab going to deal with his new housekeeper
Chapter 13: I like how Purab apologizes to Pragya for Abhi idoitic idea and how sweet Purab is to Pragya
Prayga mom is nice and I agree with her that it not right for Pragya to treat Purab bad
Finally Pragya is laughing
cant wait to see what happen next
Chapter 11: I wonder what those two girl are up too and I wonder if it a good thing or bad thing for both Abhi and Purba
Chapter 10: Love this how Prayga got her revenge on Abhi by giving a story that he try to take advantage of her
I really like Purba because he the only one that can fix Abhi mess with Prayga and I think Purba like Prayga
kidnapping Prayga is Purba idea and I wonder what they going to go and how is Prayga going to get out of this mess
cant wait for next chapter
Chapter 8: Wow Abhi really manage to get Prayga fire from her job by lying to her boss who happen to be his friend which he told him about her helping him
I wonder what Pragya going to do now and I hope she get her revenge on Abhi
cant wait to see what happen next
Chapter 7: We finally see Aaliya n she very hopeful girl that want to be with Purab
Abhi cant forget Prayga
Purab moving into a bigger house n I'm wondering who going to help him move beside Aaliya
cant wait to see what happen next
Chapter 6: wow cool chapter and Purab seem like interesting guy as for Abhi, I agree with Purab that he deserve the slap and I'm wondering if Purab being with different women is because he look for love that he never got from his parents
I wonder if Purab is ever going to meet Aaliya and I can't wait to see Pragya take down Abhi
Can't wait to see what happen next
Chapter 5: we'll play girl, you rock it
Chapter 5: Wow I like this n Pragya is a strong girl
Chapter 4: Nice n yes a girl can dream n hope she get her man