Cat's Eye

Adversities and Curosities

The cafeteria was absolutely filled with students from the age fifteen to eighteen , quite a strange mixture of your normal school cliches and cliques at their own little tables hoarding seats for friends that may not show. Everything MJ hated but he couldn't deny the fact even he was apart of such cliques and cliches; mainly the bundle of weird kids who sit off to the side in one of those tables closed to the exit in case something did went down they'd either be the first to leave or the first to go. Just your generic highschool students, right. The never ending lunch line of scanning student IDs, without one you'd almost immediately be sent to the back of line as if it were exile, sometimes the food was sloppy and cold, sometimes it wasn't very good, but on a very good day; the food was as if it was a gift from the Gods. The chatter that flooded the air in a deafening manner as every hint of silence fell upon the groups you can easily hear the nearby gossip from others, or hear nothing at all. To some, the cafeteria was a hint of freedom, but to others; it was nothing more than a daycare full of screaming and food without the comfortable surroundings and hour long names inbetween play. Life the second you enter High School.
MJ almost immediately his heels as he was greeted with the bitter and almost cold air that swept through them the second he entered the cafeteria, leaving a soul expression forming upon his face as his eyes danced about in thought of where in absolute hell his friends were and where he would even place Sanha at this point. Though the latter appeared to be in slight agony, Sanha seemed fairly in awe to be in such a place, in awe to see all the students laughing and chatting with others, he completely voided the scent of gym socks and stale food."Keep your hood on, don't look at anyone, don't talk to anyone." MJ almost demanded, turning his head slightly to stare the other down until he nodded his head in response. Good, they were on fair terms it seemed. Though, his calm angst turned into a ecstatic panic at the call of his name from across the Lunchroom, a pair of arms waving in the air in attempt to grab his attention.

"Myungjun, over here!" The voice cried out, beckoning him near like he had no other choice other than to do as it asked.

The pair of flailing arms eventually vanished into the crowds of people as MJ held on tightly to Sanha's arm, or mostly his sleeve while pulling him over to the corner table where a couple of other boys sat. They all looked youthful, full of life and determination although some of them looked like they wanted nothing more than the bang their head against the wall in sake maybe a couple of minutes of silence, if anything. especially the oldest of the group despite his bubbly appearance. With sandy blonde hair and a bright yellow hoodie with a dog printed on the front of it, many would expect to see a smiling and joyful face when they see him but would get nothing more than the pure agonizing stare of 'Please, let me sleep.', who can easily be identified as the leader of one of the schools ParaClub ASTRO; Park Jinwoo with the one who was flailing his arms wildly only moments ago, Park Minhyuk. Not to be confused as brothers, for some strange reason it truthfully annoys them.

The two took their seats at the table but only after MJ repeatably poked at Eunwoo with spork until he got the hint to move a seat down so he could place the playful demon right at his side to be sure the other didn’t run off without him knowing and to be sure no one really got close enough to figure out whom he was, seeing as he was just a stranger in the school. That’d definitely be a red flag. Definitely. Though, nothing could quite save him from the stares he got from his friends one by one around the table. Though what stood out most in his opinion would be the way Jinwoo seemed to instantly tug the sleeve of his hoodie down over his hand and charm bracelet with squinted eyes as Eunwoo pointed to Sanha, confused as to what he was doing in their own little ‘comfort zone’.

”Who’s this?” He said, finally breaking through the awkward silence that had fallen upon the table itself almost like they all had to process what was happening. Is it obvious that these boys never traveled to far from their own little group.

It took MJ a moment or two to actually think of a response, sitting there with a dumbfounded look painted onto his face, he couldn’t admit to his very own best-friends that he had summoned a failure of a demon into the world on accident while messing around with a weird spell-book he had gotten from the shady lady down at the magic shop. They wouldn’t believe him anyway if he said anything and for once in his life he felt relieved that they probably wouldn’t but lying to their faces seemed like the easiest, and less crazier path.

”This is my cousin, Sanha. Gesturing a hand to Sanha, purposely bumping the other on the chest in a simple ‘Don’t say a damn word’ motion as he tried to deny it.”My Uncle Seojoon dropped him off at my house a couple of nights ago while he was away on a business trip.”

Just for a moment he sat as smug as could be while seeing as no one seemed to question it. Perfect, everything was going smoothly and he couldn’t have asked for such a great relief-.

“Why’d you bring him to school with you?” Rocky pestered with a confused look within his eyes. Dammit Rocky.

Before he could even answer, Moobin piped up as well.”He wasn’t at the Bus Stop either and he didn’t leave the house with you.” And from there, the suspicion began to rise as did MJ’s anxiety causing that inner drama-student to escape from it’s binds.

“Look, Sanha isn’t suppose to be home alone, he’s.. got a little bit of issues going on right now and my mother didn’t want to risk it. She brought him to school during second hour when she was called into work early and he’s been sitting in the school’s office for a bit now and I figured he’d feel less alone and bored if I brought him to lunch with me. If you guys aren’t cool with that, that’s fine, I’ll just go find somewhere else to sit..” MJ grumbled on out while picking up his lunch-tray, a confused look upon Sanha’s face as he slowly got up to follow but they were both stopped by the desperate and guilty sound of Eunwoo’s voice calling them back down.

Now the final step of this plan was to carry this lie to his grave when no one could confront him about it.

With pride, MJ took his seat once more and tugged the taller boy down with him with a wide smile upon his face, though he could not ignore the way Jinwoo’s eyes felt like they were trying to burn a hole into his skull from across the table. Something was off with the latter, very off..

“So, uh.. Fright-Night!” In came Rocky, trying to change the subject.”I think it’d be nice, we’ll all be going to Jinwoo’s house too! I’ve rented a couple of documentaries of paranormal activities, not the knock off’s that just have some person whispering into a microphone in a contorted voice off camera, or having extras make noises when they are in another room, but the good ones that may be a bit poor quality but show you exactly what you want to see. I wonder if maybe one day we can get the equipment and go make our own stuff, catch spirits and demons on actual video and rub it all into Minhwi’s smug face” Trailing off for a moment,”Oh, and I also got some cheesy knock offs for Eunwoo.”

“I got the snacks covered.” The said boy chimed in in a quirky manner.”I went to the store last night and spent all of my money on snacks and drinks because I do feel like if I showed up emptied handed he’d slam the door on my face.”

“I know it’s not needed, but I left all my books at home and stuffed as many blankets in my backpack as I could for pillow forts.” Moonbin added on and no one complained. They all had to admit the pillow forts made everything a lot funner.

“Also, let’s not forget the Ouija Board and the book-..” No one was really sure who said it, seeing as they had little no time to process it at the sound of Jinwoo’s hand hitting the table.

“First off, there is no way in hell I’m letting any of you into my house with an ouija board, secondly, when did I agree to this?” Just for a moment he sounded truthfully annoyed.

“Well, JinJin..” Rocky turned slightly on his chair to peer at their club leader.”We all made an agreement that each and every week, we rotate the host and if I recall, that rule applies to you too. You wanted this club and that means you also have to take part in it as well and l do recall you saying Miss Lanei is out of town for a day or two. You’re the only option.”

Just for a moment the noise at their table died down as they all watched their leader wither in defeat and MJ couldn’t feel like Eunwoo’s comment from earlier could never be as true as it was now; they ARE Germany invading Poland, just without the war and has more lame ghost stories of haunted fridges.

In almost an instant, Jinwoo’s eyes narrowed back to Sanha, letting out a sigh.”Fine, fine, but please.. Just keep the Ouija Board away, I don’t mind the movies or the forts or the food, just.. not the board.”  

“What’s-..?” Sanha opened his mouth to speak but fell silent as he leaned forward and rested his head on the table, a hand up to cover his head like he was in pain for a moment before suddenly all eyes were upon him again and oh, it made him feel absolutely sick.

But, Sanha became one of the smallest priorities as soon as a shadow loomed slightly over the table and a pure look of hatred painted onto Jinwoo’s face.

“What do you want, Seunghwan..” He’d sigh out upon noticing the tray in the other’s hands, knowing this could only end badly for both parties involved.

“I just wanted to know how our fellow Clubs are doing, is that so bad, Jinwoo? We are the captains after all, we’re supposed to converse but at ParaStudies you didn’t seem to want to talk..” Though he looked as sweet as an angel, there was no doubt that this boy was a monster sent to torment them for eternity.

The group slowly looked to Jinwoo, even Sanha who had no idea what was going on but, boy, he looked as if he was recovering from anger management and was so close to getting that thirty day chip that it took all he had within him to not burst out in flames.”I have nothing to say to you, now, go away.”

“C’mon, Jinny, I just want to talk.” Seunghwan remained, acting as calm as could be compared to the other.


“Are you just jealous?”

All eyes suddenly landed onto Seunghwan in confusion.

“I said go away.” Jinwoo warned the final time, wanting to return to the previous conversation.”I didn’t think you were this pretty to be this stupid..”

“I’ll accept that when you finally realise people just tolerate you, Jinwoo.”

Before another word could be spared, Sanha lifted his head and stared at Seunghwan for a moment or two with a scowl upon his face. No one could truly see what was happening but whatever it was, the other left almost as if he had no second to spare. MJ turned his head, getting a better look at the ‘younger’ boys face for a moment only to catch a slight glimpse of shimmering violet eyes and faltering runic markings along his cheeks. He couldn’t tell for sure since the other dropped his head back onto the table.

“..Your cousin’s kind of cool.” Rocky blinked.

They were all kind of confused for a moment but before they had a chance to speak, they were all silenced by the bell. To be honest, no one seemed to eat, they were all to busy talking to even notice how fast time was going back. Shame.

Eunwoo packed up his stuff, as did Rocky and Moobin, saying their goodbyes before heading off to their next classes, Jinwoo on the other hand accompanied MJ and Sanha in the halls, waiting for his friend to get done putting away his still full lunchbox.

“You don’t have an Uncle Seojoon.” Jinwoo stated bluntly while leaning against as locker, arms folded across his chest while staring at MJ.

“I meant my Uncle Chuman.”

“Try again.

“..Uncle Salmons twice removed?”

“Why are you lying to us?” The latter questioned while staring at Sanha now.

“Depends, why are you lying to us about why you don’t want to mess with an Ouija Board?” Slowly closing his locker now simply standing there holding his books in his arms.

“Touche, Myungjun. Who is he?”

“His name is Sanha.”

“What did you do.”

“I did nothing, I don’t know what you’re going on about..” MJ grumbled out, he was prepared to go on and leave to return Sanha to his mirror but paused as he saw Jinwoo remove his charm bracelet and hold it out to the other.

“What are you doing-?”

It didn’t take long for him to get an answer to his question.

As a couple of the charms seemed to shimmer, quietly, he’d watch the way this poor demon he summoned topple over in what seemed to be misery and agony, chest sinking as his breathing grew heavier while trying to take shelter behind MJ. The closer the bracelet got, the more it revealed. A pale purple face with wide irisless violet eyes, identical runic markings running along his cheeks pulsing with dark energies, hands tinted black with faint claws at the end of his fingertips.

“You got to be kidding me..”” Sliding the bracelet back onto his wrist when he noticed someone heading in their direction, the aura faltered away as did the shattered illusion. In just seconds Sanha was back to normal.

“Kim Myungjun, you have a lot of explaining to do..”

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