Mirror, Mirror

Adversities and Curosities



MJ sat on the bed in his room while quietly watching how the demon interacted with his surroundings with such curiosity, eyes dropping to the page he used for the ritual while eyeing what he was suppose to look like. Tall beings about ten feet tall with bulky and inhumane body structures, long pointed claws on their hands where they could easily slice through those in their path, rows of sharp teeth that seem as if they could eat through metal itself, long and pointed horns atop their head, even snake like eyes and deep toned voices. Eyeing the demon, nothing about him screamed threatening. Though all, he was faintly skinny with the structure of teenager who probably could've done track, he had no claws, no visibly pointed teeth, tiny horns atop his head, wide eyes and a seemingly gentle voice. Something had to have gone wrong.

"You said your name was Sanha?" He'd question, receiving his attention from the young demon who seemed to be playing with a lava lamp.

"Yep!" The demon, now named Sanha stated almost happily before getting up from the ground, moving his attention to the closet to see what exactly was in there."You humans do have a lot of stuff.." He'd blink, taking out a few shirts in confusion by the colors.

"Can.. can you not touch my stuff?" MJ said with a scrunch of his nose,"I'm trying to ask you questions."

Sanha the heels of his feet and looked at the other, still reaching for things out of the closet."What questions?" He'd hum before dropping the clothes, zipping over to a snow globe on the dresser to shake it, mesmerized by the tiny speckles of glitter that fluttered about within the glass dome that captivated his interest more than the others words did. Carelessly, MJ continued on anyway.

"You're a Iakoudon, you're suppose to be a large menacing creature filled with blood-lust and desire to feast on human emotions, yet, you look nothing like you're suppose to." He'd mutter, tapping the page with his bookmark."What's up with that?

"I don't know if I should feel offended or not.." Sanha pouted before setting down the snow globe, figuring something of such weight could possibly break if it hit the floor. He had some kind of sense, not a lot, but some."I don't have an explanation for it, but, my I was told I'm a Halfling!"

The word had to process through him for a moment, a Halfling? What the hell was the other half then? MJ being unable to piece the questions together parted his lips to speak, but fell silent as he pursed his lips and looked back to the book."I have a better question! Why are you trying to summon a Iakoudon anyway?" Sanha had questioned with a brow cocked, leaving the other in another bittersweet state of silence for the simple fact he had no answer.

"Well, I.. don't think I can answer--.." Before he could even react he heard the sound of footsteps heading to his room,"Hide, hide!" In a state of panic he unconsciously put the book under his pillow and went to push Sanha into a closet, not realizing where exactly the other had went, as long as he was out of sight when the door was thrown open by older looking woman; a mother.

"You're awake this early..?" She questioned with a confused blink of her eyes.

Ignoring the fact he had basically spent all night confused on how to handle a demon, MJ nodded his head with a awkward chuckle escaping from his throat."I figured it'd be up and ready, do you think you can pack me a lunch?" He'd eagerly ask with the most innocent smile he could bare.

His mother exhaled a soft sigh before returning a smile of approval,"Alright, alright.." And with that, she'd close the door behind her and hummed softly on her way to the kitchen, giving her son the time and privacy he needed to get ready. With a wave of relief now washing over him, he finally was able to breathe as he turned to check on the other."Sorry about tha-.." Though, to his surprise, the closet was empty. He was dumbfounded, at least, until he heard to almost pitiful sounds of tapping from the full body mirror.

"Oh," To his surprise, MJ found that his reflection was completely replaced by Sanha, his hands pressed against the reflective surface. He didn't want to question it, as long as it meant that Sanha was unable to mess up anything, or be spotted by his parents, it was almost perfect.

"How do I get out?" The demon chirped as he tapped on the glass, watching as the other was about to take his shirt off to get dressed for school, but the two awkwardly froze in unison.

"A little privacy," MJ grumbled while turning the mirror around, leaving Sanha facing a blank wall."Where are you going?" He asked almost needy for an answer,"Can I come with?" Letting out an excited gasp at the thought of actually being able to take part in human activities, but his dreams were immediately shot down by a simple and stern 'No' from the other.

"You're going to stay in that mirror and be quiet until I get home, alright?" Ignoring the almost puppy-like whines coming from the mirror as he removed his pajamas and slipped on school clothes, picking up his backpack only to try stuff the ritual book into the jungled mess of overdue homework and papers he ignores, not giving up as he found the book couldn't fit, meaning he had to choose between homework or his hobby. The demon murmured to himself as he listened to the door creak open then be shut behind the exiting boy, in a state of uncertainty, Sanha pressed his face against the glass enough for his breathe to fog it, sad to be left alone again.

MJ made his way down the stairs, greeting his mother with a respectful bow of the head before going and giving her a big hug for her day, and so he could start his own."When you get to Jinwoo's, be sure to call me." She assured her child, pressing a loving kiss onto his head before fixing his hair and handing him his bag of lunch. They exchanged a few more words before he began to make his way to the bus stop to meet up with one of his classroom friends.

"Moonbin!" He called out, waving a hand as he slowed his run to a walk upon reaching the Bus Stop, the other boy smiling slightly as he removed his headphones and lightly punched his friend on the shoulder."You going to JinJin's house after school?" Moonbin would question, reaching down to his phone to turn off the rhythmic music that bounded from his headphones in the process.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" MJ would scoff, tucking his hands into his pocket while looking around for any sign of the bus, knowing they were a bit earlier than some would usually be, but it did give them time to talk at the slightest."Maybe you can bring your Ouija Board!" Doing vigorous jazz-hands in a sarcastic manner,"Jinny-Jin-Jin would lovvvee tthaatt!" Moobin would add on, knowing that the leader of their little group absolutely despised the board after having been tricked into messing with it a few months ago, remembering how the other threatened to burn it while jumping over the couch as they tried to make him touch it. Good times.

"If I do, he might kill me." He'd murmur, shrugging his shoulders at the thought of doing so."Cool! Then we could talk to you through the Ouija Board!" The other boy chimed almost happily, causing MJ to squint at him as if he were intentionally trying to kill him."I think it'll be fun though, if you bring the board and your book, might be able to have a Fright-Night." He knew by now Moobin didn't believe in all the stuff he did, to him it was always a harmless joke.

Weird knowing that he had a demon trapped in a mirror inside his bedroom, now that he came to think about it. What was he suppose to do anyway? Perhaps it's best to not think about it. All he could hope right now was Sanha kept his side quiet and his presence unknown until he could figure out ways to send him back to what ever realm he came from. He couldn't take care of a fish in a tank, how is he suppose to take care of a damned demon in a mirror? Maybe it was a bad idea, probably should've thought it through a lot more before he even thought about it.

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