Nothing like us


Namjoon doesn't mean to fall in love with the pretty boy next door.


He really doesn't.


It just kind of...happened?


And now Namjoon feels like he's stuck in some cliche romance movie.


Probably one of those his sister likes to watch so much. 




He really needs some sleep. 


The only problem with that: Whenever - wether it be day or night - he closes his eyes he's greeted with the image of his ridiculously handsome neighbor. 




His life really has turned into a movie. 








The first time Namjoon meets his neighbor - Jin is his name, he later discovers - it's an accident.


And no, it actually is neither cute nor funny (okay, maybe it is a little ) when Namjoon trips and seconds later Seokjin's clothes are somehow soaked through with Namjoon's coffee.


Jin is anything but cute at that.


He's straight out furious. 








The second time they meet, Namjoon buys Jin his favourite coffee - as an apology. 


He also finds out that Seokjin - luckily for him - doesn't hold grudges and is actually pretty fun to be around when not angry or stressed. 


That doesn't make Namjoon's life any better. 


No, the only thing it does to him is worsen his completely ridiculous crush on a near stranger.








From that moment on, the two of them start becoming friends and before Namjoon realises, they've exchanged apartment keys and spend basically all of their spare time together.


Not that that's anything negative.


It's all just happened a bit...sudden.


One day Namjoon stares from his apartment window as Jin carries boxes from the moving van to their apartment complex and then the next they practically live together. 


Namjoon isn't complaining in the slightest.








The day that changes everything - weirdly enough - starts like any other day in Namjoon's life.


His alarm wakes him up at 8am straight. He proceeds to get dressed and then, after grabbing his - for him essential - coffe and his keys, he's out of the door. When his shift at the gas station is finally over (it's boring, okay?), he grabs some stuff at the convenience store and there it happens.


He sees Seokjin flirting with one of the workers. 


The thing is, he really can't help himself then.


He walks up to the pair and pointly wraps his arm around Jin's waist.


It's what friend do, right?


The worker doesn't think so, at least.


He awkwardly clears his throat and staggers off towards the next aisle while muttering a string of apologies.


Namjoon inwardly claps himself on the back.


That is until Jin huffs and angrily leaves the shop without as much as sparing a glare back.


Now Namjoon curses himself.








Two hours later he stands in front of Jin's apartment with a bouquet of flowers looking as apologetic as possible.


He really wants to apologise.


Yet the only thing that comes out of his mouth when Jin opens the door is: "Will you go on a date with me, please?"


And after a few dreadful seconds, Jin finally starts beaming and says: "I thought you'd never ask, you big dork."

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ill_llamanati #1
Chapter 1: This is so adorable. Even when it’s wothout details or dialogue it’s delivered throughly and just beautiful. I am in love.. haha