Chp13 Feels




Hyeri sits by Minah’s side holding her hand close to her face. “I’m sorry Sister, I didn’t know that me revealing my powers would have been this harmful to you.” Her eyes began to feel warm and a tear slip from her eye, “Just wake up please. You are all I have in this world, you are like a mother to me, so please wake up. I don’t know what I’ll do without you.” She sobs harder.

“Hyeri.” She felt someone’s hand on her shoulder, “We have to get going. Everyone is ready.” Yuri patted her back. When they walked out of the room, there were a ton of people in the lobby.

“Dr. Kim.” He stood at the door with his hands in his pocket. Hyeri walks up to him and gives him a hug. “Please take care of them. I’ll come and see them as much as I can when I can.”

“I won’t let you down.” He pats her back, “Just make sure you come back stronger and be able to protect yourself and everyone else.” All the kids were on the bus ready to go. Hyeri goes and says bye to everyone. Dr. Kim got on the bus and drove away. Hyeri closes her eyes and prays for everyone’s safety.


Kim Mansion

The moonlight drifts through the windows of Hyeri’s room. She sat on her bed, eyes red from crying. The door creaks open and Luna walks in and lays down on Hyeri’s bed next to her. “What do I do?” she lets a sigh out, “Why do I have to have these powers? Everyone around me is either hurt or dead over these powers.”

“Hyeri.” She felt a hand touch her shoulder, “You were given these powers for a reason. Even if they don’t make sense now, they will later.”

“Luna,” she turns around and looks at the human form of Luna, “If that means that I lose everyone then I rather do what everyone wants. I rather take my life instead. My life is meaningless.”

“Your life is not meaningless. You are very special.” Luna caresses Hyeri’s hair. She hugs Luna.

“Unnie, if Minah dies I wouldn’t know what to do.” She begins to tear up again, “I can’t afford to lose anyone right now. I have no one.”



Jimin was up early the next morning to find Hyeri practicing. There were a ton of ceramics and glass shards on the floor around the table across from her. Jimin observed her from the back. She had sweat on her brow and breathing heavily. She was levitating a ceramic bowl from another table to the one about five feet from it. As soon as she was done she stumbles. Jimin reacted quick, but she had already gotten her balance back. She took a deep breath and refocus her mind. She levitated another item.

“You can stop now.” she drops the item on to the floor and turns back, “I can see that you have been practicing all morning.” He hands her a towel. “Take a break.”

“I need to practice, so that I can get stronger. So that I can protect everyone else.” She puts her hand up again but, Jimin grabs a hold of her hand to stop her.

“If you keep practicing without a break you are going to burn out.” She pulls her hand away. Jimin was surprised at her reaction.

“Thanks, but while I’m taking a break those people are out there not taking a break but making a plan to take out the people I know and cherish.”

“If you want to protect people you got to know how to take care of yourself first.” Jimin smile, “Why don’t we stop doing this and focus on your Lykan abilities for now?”

“Like what?”

“We test your senses.” He smiles, “ A little break from all the heavy lifting.”

“What, you’re gonna make me smell a whole bunch of things and guess what they are?”

“We could do that too.” he chuckles, “Why don’t we test your hearing. You can’t always see everything that is coming at you. Your eyes plays trick on you all the time.”

“How is that going to help me?”

“Remember when we were attacked?” Hyeri nods, “Why do you think Jungkook was the only one who noticed it before any of us?” Jimin sighs at the silence, “That is because his hearing abilities is what allowed him to. He heard the assailant before he attacked and that why we basically left unscratched.” He begins to walk towards the stairs, “You can stay here and keep practicing something you already know how to do or follow me and figure out something different.” He smiles at her and continues out the door. Hyeri jogs after him.

They walked out onto the middle of the back yard with a table of random objects on the side. Not too far away from the table was an huge white ‘X’. Hyeri looked at all the objects on the table and picks up a dodgeball. “What exactly am I doing?” Jimin hands her a handkerchief. “You want me to put this over my eyes?”

“Yes, while you stand on that ‘X’ I’m going to throw things from this table at you.”

“What!” she exclaim

“Lykans have a great sense of hearing. When they hunt they rely on two things, hearing and smell. We are going to test it out to see how well you can hear things.” He takes the ball from her. “You can do one of two things, dodge or hit the item.” She walk towards the ‘X’ and he stayed at the table. She ties the handkerchief around her eyes.

“So how am I supposed to do this?” she was in total darkness

“It’ll come to you.” He throws the ball and it hits her shoulder, startling her.

“Hey, I wasn’t ready.” She yells at him. He chuckles.

“You’re not supposed to be ready for it.” He throws a teddy bear at her “You’re supposed to sense it coming.” The bear hits the side of her head.

“Yah!” Jimin smiles at her cute reaction.



After a day of practicing whatever she could. She went to her room and fell right onto her bed. Her head was hurting not just from the items being thrown at her but from concentrating too much. “Ahh.” She pushes herself up and places a hand on her head, “I have a splitting headache.” As she stands she saw something on her night stand. She walks over and there was a bottle of headache medicine and some water and a note

Practice must have been hard.

Don’t work too hard and take care of yourself.

She smiles and takes some of the medicine and went to take a bath. When she gets there, the bath was already drawn and the water was green. She took a deep inhale and a relaxed exhale.

“Green tea.” There was still steam coming out from the tub. She smiles and gets into the tub. As she relaxed she wonder who would have done such a nice thing for her. “Would it have been him?” the thought of Jungkook pops up in her mind. “No. He isn’t the type to have done such things.” She then thought of Jimin, “It was probably him.” The thought of him made her feel warm and safe inside. “I should thank him tomorrow.” She smiles.


Jungkook laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Nothing but the thoughts of Hyeri going through his head. He closes his eyes and relaxes, trying to forget everything that has happened.

“Apa!” he hears Minah yelp. He quickly sits up and rush down to her room. As soon as he reaches there he stops and listens. “That hurts.” He hears from the other side of the door. “Got to finish it so I can give it to him tomorrow as a thank you.” He smiles and walks back to his room.

“He getting in over his head.” Jin was standing at the end of the hallway with Luna observing as Jungkook went back to his room. She looks up at him. “Don’t worry he can’t hear me. He is paying too much attention to her.” Jin walks towards his room and Luna follows him. “I just can’t shake off this feeling that something is going to happen. Good or bad I don’t know.”


The next morning Hyeri waited for Jimin in the yard. She looked at the tiny paper box in her hand.

“Oh.” She jumps at the sound of his voice, “You are here earlier than I expected.” He gives her a warm smile

“Yeah I didn’t want to be late and have you waiting for me.” She smiles.

Jungkook walked out onto the patio and in the distance he sees Jimin and Hyeri talking to each other. He wasn’t the type to eavesdrop on other’s conversation but he couldn’t help it. He notice how bright she was.

“Are you okay?” asked Jimin. He places his hand on her forehead, “You’re kind of red.”

“I’m okay.” She feels her cheek, “It was because I ran out here earlier.” She took a deep breathe, “I wanted to give you a little something. For all that you’ve done for me since I’ve been here.” Jungkook watched as she hands Jimin the small box. He felt a pain inside of his heart that he didn’t understand. He was angry but at the same time sad.

“What is it?” Jimin opens the box and sees an ointment, “Ointment? You didn’t have to spend money for a simple gift.” he holds it out for her to see.

“It is an ointment that I made myself.” She smiles, “I know that you guys heal fast and don’t really care for your health. But I wanted to give this to you and I hope that you use it.” Jungkook storms back into the building.

“Ahh, you made it.” He puts it back into the box, “that means that I’ll have to take good care of it and use it well. But that doesn’t mean you can escape practice.”

“I know.” She walks towards the ‘X’ and places a blindfold over her eye, “By the way do you know where Jungkook is?”

“He was inside earlier. Why?”

“I was just wondering.” She took a huge sigh, “Let’s start.”


Jungkook storms in and sits on the couch. Jin, who sat across from him with a book, found his younger brother’s attitude quiet amusing.

“What is the matter little brother?”


“Nothing?” Jin puts his book down, “If it is really nothing, then why are you huffing and puffing so much?”

“It is none of your business hyung”

“It will become my business eventually.” Jungkook looked annoyed, “Is it…Hyeri.’

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“She is pretty and nice. Above all she is different so if you do have ‘feelings’ for her than I hope you tell her soon.” Jin gets up and leaves


Yuri Place

Yuri had her hair up while she was cooking up a concoction. Her cottage was pretty small. It was about 750 sq ft. Everything was literally one or two step away. Her house were full of shelves filled with herbs and spices from top to bottom. She had small living room with a love seat and on arm chair and a coffee table.

“Where am I?” Minah spoke softly

“Minah, you are up.” Yuri wipes her hands and walks over to Minah and support her to her arm chair, “How are you feeling? Did you want anything to eat?”

“Water.” was dry.

“Water.” Yuri gets up and grab a cup of water for Minah. Minah took the cup and gulped down the water.

“Where am I?”

“You are at my cottage. No one knows this location except for my family.”

“How long have I been out?”

“Almost two whole days.” Yuri replied, “Hyeri and the others found you passed out at the orphanage. You had heavy internal injuries all over your body, so I took you here.”

“What about the rest of the orphans?”

“They left with Dr. Kim to a different orphanage. We closed down the orphanage and hope that no one is looking for you.” Minah sighs but Yuri was curious, “Why did you have so many injuries on you?”

“I was being chased.”

“By who?”

“People from the Hunter community.”

“Waeyo? Aren’t you a Hunter yourself?”

“Because I refuse to give up Hyeri. They found out after her powers were released. They are after me because I know her location.”

“What is your next move?”

“I’m going to recuperate here and figure things out.”

“What about Hyeri?”

“I’ll leave that up to you. You watch over her it is far too dangerous for me to be walking around.”


Kim Mansion

Hyeri walks into the living room and sees Jungkook sitting where Jin had left him earlier. She tippy toes over to him and tries to scare him. But as soon as she got closer to him he move making her fall over the couch and hitting her tailbone on the edge of the seat.

“Oww!” she exclaims

“Try not to scare a person with good hearing.” He says in an annoyed voice. He gets up and leaves. “You’re asking for death.”

“Jungkook-ssi!” she stands straight up. He stop and looks at her “What is your problem?”

“Nothing. I just don’t feel like being nice today.” She storms over to him, “if you want someone to be nice to you, why don’t you go and look for Jimin. You guys were practicing together earlier.” She sighs and grabs his hand and places a box in it,

“All I wanted to do was give you this as a thanks. I know you guys don’t really need it but the last time you got injured you were still pretty sore. Hope it helps” She walks back out to the patio.

“My, my, my,” Jin smiles as he took a huge sigh, “You are doom to be alone for the rest on your life.” He walks from the other room with a glass of blood wine. Jungkook just slumps back onto the couch.


Sorry everyone for the wait. Hopefully you enjoyed it so far. I'm kind of having a writers block at the moment. But I'm doing my best to overcome it. I know where I want this story to lead to but I just don't know how. Thanks for being patient. Lot of Love

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CHP 18 is UP!!!! sorry for the delay. Please forgive me and enjoy the next chapter. I'll try my best to update as much as I can


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Chapter 30: Update soon pleaseeeeee i cannot waiittttt what will happen to hyeri? What about jungkook's love????
Chapter 28: update soon pleaseee
july-pupetta #3
Chapter 29: oh no i can't believe it Yuri is involved??? it never crossed my mind!. Thank You for the update :D
Chanbaek641 #4
This is really good!!
tehsweety #5
Chapter 27: Oh hyeri... is what have u done to yourself. Please dont do these. Poor Jungkook
july-pupetta #6
Chapter 27: oh my, i was so scared for Hyeri! She is so nice, even when she is the one in danger she thinks of the others safety. Thank you for the update! love your story :).
tehsweety #7
Chapter 21: Hoping that all of them are safe.
Hope for jungkook & hyeri too
tehsweety #8
Chapter 21: Hoping that all of them are safe.
Hope for jungkook & hyeri too
july-pupetta #9
Chapter 19: i'm worried for Jin what's is going on?? i feel so sad for that his relationship with Luna can't be like any other normal couple, i hope they'll be able to love openly in the future.