Chp 11 Hunter


Jungkook had a table set up in the armory with different objects on each table, separated apart evenly. Hyeri walks into the armory, there were different weapons on stands made specifically for it. She sees Jungkook still setting up and walks towards him.

“You’re here already?” Jungkook asked without looking behind him

“How did you know I was here.”

“I have good hearing. I heard you from the moment you started to head down here.”

“So, you can tell where I am just by listening?” Jungkook nods, “Do all of you guys have that power?”

“Ani everyone is born with a unique power; I have good hearing, Jimin has the power to freeze time, and Jin has the power of premonition.”

“That is so cool.” She smiles from ear to ear

“It is.” Jungkook smiles, “But if we constantly use it we can exhaust our powers.” He motions for her to come forward. She walks towards him, “Sister Minah told me you have the power to levitate things.”

“I guess.” Jungkook pushes her forward

“Stand on this line.” She stood on the black piece of tape on the floor, “I want you to try and levitate any objects on the table.”


“Concentrate and focus on the object and make it do what you want it to do. Don’t be upset if you don’t get it the first time.”

Hyeri looked at the items on the table and sees a vase. She focused her mind on it and tried to levitate the item. She tried but no sign on success

“It isn’t going to be easy.” He told her

“I did it before.” She told him

“That is because your emotions got the best of you. Anyone can do anything when their emotions gets the best of them but they can’t control it. That makes it dangerous for the people around them.” Jungkook taps her on the head, “Now concentrate and focus on the item.”



Yuri sits down with Minah in her office. Minah still exhausted from the night before sit in her chair restless. Yuri was still upset at their decision.

“Why?” she asked Minah, “Why did you let them take her?” The memory of Jungkook taking Hyeri flashes in her mind.

“It is the safest place for her now.”

“The safest place is not with those monsters. She should be with her family.” Minah sits straight up and stare Yuri in the eyes.

“They are her family. She is not just your family Yuri. Hyeri is being attacked because she is the descendent of all three clans. The safest place for her is with the Kims. Their strength combine can keep her safe until she can hold her own.”

“I can keep her safe.” Yuri taps her chest

“No, you cannot!” Minah yells, “You are just a witch with little to no powers of your own. You can’t handle her powers by yourself.” Minah took a deep breath, “Myungsoo is also in no position to keep her safe. She needs someone stronger.”

“So, you rather send her to them.”

“It is better than leaving her out in the opening as bait. I can’t protect her here, I don’t have the strength.” Minah sighs, “The barrier I put up on this place started to fade years ago. Many have come and tried to take her away but failed. I can no longer protect her.”

“What are you?” Yuri was still curious

“Some call me a shaman, other call me a healer, but I’m better known as a priestess.” Yuri literally jumps out of her seat and backs away from Minah

“You’re a hunter.”

“You can call me that too.” Minah stood up, “Don’t worry about me, I stop that practice a long time ago. I only heal and protect now.” Yuri was still distraught, “If I did, I would have taken Hyeri’s life myself, I would have not waited this long to let all this happen.” The picture of roses on the wall caught her eyes, “We have bigger things to worry about.”



Jin walks into the living room where Hyeri was taking a nap from training. He notices her head bobbing up and down, so he laid her down nicely onto the couch and placed a blanket over her. He saw the book that she was reading had fell onto the floor and bend down to pick it up. As soon as he touches the book he was pulled into a vision.

He was in a place that seem familiar. He felt panic and scared. His breathing was heavy and quick. He was on the outskirt of the woods looking in. There was no one else but him. As he looked deeper into the woods he felt something looking back out at him. Something suddenly flew out at him.

When he came out of the premonition he was having a hard time breathing. Jungkook heard his brother and ran towards the living room. Jimin followed closely after.

“Hyung, are you okay?” Jin looks at Jungkook.

“I’m okay.”

“Did you have a premonition?” Jin didn’t answer back, “What was it?” Jin looks down at Hyeri

“I really don’t know what I saw, but Hyeri is going to face some kind of danger.” He sighs, “I felt scared, but I also felt safe.”

“Is she going to be okay?” asks Jimin

“I don’t know if it is going to be her because all I did was touch this book.” Jin stands up, “All I know is that Jungkook you have to train her fast.”


The next morning Jungkook was surprised to see Hyeri already up and practicing her skills. Without alarming her he stood in the back and observed her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and concentrated on the vase that laid in front of her. She took another deep breath.

“LEVO” she mumbles, and her eyes glowed for a quick second. All the items on the table floated. Jungkook was taken back by how fast she was able to learn. Just as soon as she was able to do it, it also ended. She turned around as soon as she heard clapping.

“Wow.” Jungkook walked towards her “I guess you are more Wiccan than I thought. With a single word you can do anything.” He smiles, “How did you know what to do?”

“I don’t know. The word just came into my mind.” She was stunned herself.

“That is interesting. The next lesson now is for you to be able to bring the object to you. This time without uttering a single word.”

“It was so hard the last time. I don’t know if I can.”

“Why don’t you try saying the words in your mind. It is basically the same thing, instead of saying it out loud, kept it in your mind.” Hyeri refocused on the items on the table. She said the words in her mind and got the item to float, it came towards her but instead flew past her and hit the wall behind her. Jungkook move fast enough to dodge it

“Mianhae.” She held her hand together.

“Not too much concentration this time.” She took a deep breath and concentrated and concentrated again, this time on the feather that laid on the floor. The feather slowly floated up, as it was slowly going towards her Jungkook plucked it out of the air.

“Yah!” He looks at her disappointed face

“You need to get better at this.” He waved the feather around, “I was able to pluck this feather so easily.”

“Do you think I can become a pro in such little time?” she was annoyed

“I expect results in short amount of time.” He walks towards her “Follow me.” She follows him out of the basement, with no clue of what was going on. He leads her to the back porch. The backyard was beautifully decorated with statues, rose bushes and a huge fountain in the middle. On the side of the porch were some snacks and a bottle of wine.

“What are we doing here?” she looked around

“A little break.”


“Yes, a break.” He sits at the table “Do you not know what a break is?”

“I do.” She sits across from him. He opens the wine bottle and pours some into his glass. As the wine hits his glass she could smell the sweet scent of the blood wine. She felt the urge to drink the wine but holds herself back.

“What is the matter?” he notices her expression

“N- n- nothing.” She grabs an apple and takes a bite out of it.

“You drank this wine before.” He teases her a little, “I guess it will taste different from last time since your vampire side has finally come out.” He dangles the cup in front of her.

“I don’t need it.”

“Suit yourself.” He sighs, “You technically aren’t even a real vampire yet.”

“Why am I not a vampire?”

“Vampires are different. Unlike the other two clans, our power does not define us. Lykan turns into a wolf when it is time. A wiccan casts spells.”

“What do vampires do?”

“We aren’t really alive, so to say.” He sighs, “So we are born dead, so at birth we are given a drop of our parents’ blood.”

“How am I any different?” she wondered

“You aren’t full vampire so you probably didn’t even need blood to live.” He sighs, “You can truly be a vampire when you have consume the blood of a vampire after death. Or so I have been told.” He smirks

“For a guy who frowns all the time, your smile isn’t so bad.” He looks at her

“Why? Are you falling in love with me now?” he leans over

“Do you want me to fall for you?” she leans in closer to him. He was taken back by her comment.

“I wouldn’t mind.” Jimin was standing by the back-door entrance.

“Hyung, what are you doing here?”

“I wanted to take Hyeri out on a break. But it seems that you have already given her a break.” He walks over to them, “Also, Yuri is planning on coming over.”

“Hyung you know she can’t” Jungkook objected.

“We are the only ones that knows who she is. So, if none says anything then no one else will know.”

“How about we meet her outside?” asked Hyeri, “I wouldn’t mind some fresh air.”




Hyeri POV

I sat at the café with my hand sweating and mind going around and round. I didn’t know why I felt so nervous meeting her. I already knew her, yet I was nervous. Jimin sat across from me while Jungkook sat next to me.

“Why are you so nervous?” Jungkook asked me

“I’m not nervous.” He smiles at me

“You know, I can sense it on you right?” I forgot he had that ability

“It is just…out of the blue I now have an actual living family member. I don’t know what to do about that. I mean I should be happy right.”

“Hello, everyone.” Yuri walked over nervously to the table. She made quick eye contact with me.

“Sit.” Jimin scoot over for her to sit. She sat down and almost immediately her eyes brimmed with tears.

“I’m sorry.” She wipes her eyes, “Its just—”

“No,” the word escaped my mouth, “I understand.” I felt my eyes warm up, “I’m just happy to finally know who my family is.”

“I’m just glad I finally found you.” Yuri grabs my hand and sighs, “I know you probably have a lot of questions.”

“I do.” My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to ask first.” I took a deep breathe and sighed, “What about my mother? What do you know about her?”

“Your mother’s name was Kwon Boa, she took my family’s name to keep her safe. My father told me that she was a beauty. Not just that, she was really powerful too.” Yuri laid a picture in front of me. In the picture was a brown hair woman, she had pale beautiful skin that looked like it glowed, her eyes were big and mesmerizing, and her smile was beautiful. She almost looked familiar. I picked up the picture and observed it, “My father said that she was a very skilled and talented person. She never backed down from a challenge. That was a quality that a lot of people fell for. Once she turned 16, everything changed, it was almost as if she went into hiding and kept herself from everyone.”

“Do know what my mother liked to do?”

“Father said she love mixing potions and picking herbs. She was almost like a physician back at the village.”

“Does everyone know about my mother’s situation?”

“Yes.” She nods sadly, “Not too long before your mother disappeared, it was somewhat leaked out that she was a hybrid. The village almost exiled my family for protecting her. Due to our family influence it didn’t go through, but we did lose some authority. There was a search party that went after her but they couldn’t find her. A year later my father found a life orb that all wiccans have. It was a different color from ours. So, he knew that she had given birth. He quickly hid the orb and hope to one day find you and bring you home.”

“Is uncle…still alive?”

“He is, but he does not know that I found you.”

“That isn’t all we are here for now.” Jungkook interrupted, “We are here to talk to you about her training also.”

“What about it?”

“We can only do so much, so we need you to help her get in touch with her wiccan powers and teach her how to control it. We don’t know when she’ll turn into her form again so I we need you to help her out.”

“I will.” We talked for a little while longer before deciding to leave the café. We all walked Yuri to her car. For some odd reason I felt an odd presence behind me.

“GET OUT OF THE WAY!” I was suddenly pushed away. A huge blast went off and everything went flying.


Hello and sorry readers for the long haitus. I've been busy with my life and have not been writing for a while. I know I should have let yah know, but I didn't sorry again for that. I do promise that no  matter what I will finish this story, so please keep reading, commenting, subscribe if you haven't and upvote.

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CHP 18 is UP!!!! sorry for the delay. Please forgive me and enjoy the next chapter. I'll try my best to update as much as I can


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Chapter 30: Update soon pleaseeeeee i cannot waiittttt what will happen to hyeri? What about jungkook's love????
Chapter 28: update soon pleaseee
july-pupetta #3
Chapter 29: oh no i can't believe it Yuri is involved??? it never crossed my mind!. Thank You for the update :D
Chanbaek641 #4
This is really good!!
tehsweety #5
Chapter 27: Oh hyeri... is what have u done to yourself. Please dont do these. Poor Jungkook
july-pupetta #6
Chapter 27: oh my, i was so scared for Hyeri! She is so nice, even when she is the one in danger she thinks of the others safety. Thank you for the update! love your story :).
tehsweety #7
Chapter 21: Hoping that all of them are safe.
Hope for jungkook & hyeri too
tehsweety #8
Chapter 21: Hoping that all of them are safe.
Hope for jungkook & hyeri too
july-pupetta #9
Chapter 19: i'm worried for Jin what's is going on?? i feel so sad for that his relationship with Luna can't be like any other normal couple, i hope they'll be able to love openly in the future.