Kiss of a Siren


Mira has been drawn to the sea for as long as she can remember; but one day, the ocean gives something unexpected back... Leo, the Siren. What will she do as his arrival begins to complicate her life and attracts a new dangerous presence to her town? A fun and fluffy LeoXOC story!


Hey all!

Yes, I know, it has been ages since I posted... and my more recent stuff hasn't been of the highest quality. I apologize.

However, I have really been enjoying writing this story, so please bear with me and hopefully you will enjoy it too ^^ if you have read Mail Order Leo at all you know I'm a er for fluff; it's basically a life goal at this point. However with this story I am trying to add more of a plot from the beginning. It's simple, it's cliche, it's (hopefully) enjoyable.

As always, your comments and subscriptions are what help to fuel me to write. Your love motivates me to give my characters love, even when I'm busy. Please, even you silent readers (I, too, am guilty,) please drop a comment here or there, means the world to me. (But please be gentle I'm soft xD I am my own Beta reader so if you see a typo, kindly point it out please!!)

And that's it! I hope you enjoy, I have fooled around with 3rd POV this time compared to my usual 2nd POV, hope you don't mind ^^




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Chapter 6: The "It" reminds me of the Clown in the movie "It." Lol, something I'd rather forget about. Man, that movie was horrifying...
Chapter 6: Ooo he's going home with her, nice! Some girls have all the luck! I wanna take Leo home with me! Anxious for the next chapter!
Chapter 6: Now we have this Very cute alliance between woman and merman. Yey! It's cute how she got all procupied over a cut (ok, the whole situation was Very serious, but It was just a cut)
And what the heck "It" is???? A Spirit of the Sea? A Sea Monster?? Ugh.
Just a question tho: it's even safe for Leo to stay out of the water for so long? The good point Tho, It Will be easier for him to search for his Lost Shell.
Chapter 5: At this point I feel like Mira is a half-siren. That snip of her memory gave it all away for me. Of course, it might not be true, I'm just making an assumption. BUT! There were no mentions of her parents as of yet and the woman in her memory could be her mother. There's also a possibility that her "Siren powers" could have not been activitated so she has no clue whatsoever of what she really is. Lol I feel like I'm getting way too far ahead into this. I'll be forever ashamed if it ends up more simpler than this xD
Chapter 5: Ahhh a cliffhanger...nooooo! This is torture! I was just thinking last night before I went to bed, that I was hoping there would be an update soon and here we all are again. So hopefully he'll just appear cause he knows she wants him there, hopefully! Hee hee!
Chapter 5: Jsbhaksbjaksbja The mystery just became 10000 times more serious and omg what's actually happening in those waters?!
And I don't want to believe that Leo don't know anything about the Shell. It was not him that Lost the thing?! XD Or this is some kind legendary shell that he's searching for?
And the first siren that Mira saw is even related to Leo in any way?
Ahh... So many questions :')
Chapter 4: Hey, author-nim.
You've been doing good so far. I enjoyed the story and Leo's voice definitely.
Please keep the good work, I'll be waiting for you. :)
Chapter 4: Leo is not the only one impressed with her self-control. X3
And look for a shell? I do hope this shell is very easy to spot, or that It is caracteristicaly different from the others, or It would be really really hard to find It. :P